More Stupid Miami Herald Tricks

GroupieAt the risk of sounding like a Random Pixels groupie (not that there’s anything wrong with that), his coverage of the troubles of our hometown newspaper just keeps getting better and better.

Yesterday in Things are about to get Muy Caliente at the Miami Herald, RP scooped the Herald’s own story by giving them a sneak preview of “a new publication that will pander to the Herald’s most neglected and overlooked demographic: Hispanics.”

As always, Random Pixels has scathingly snarky commentary.  This column is your first Must-Read of the day.

Today, RP topped that story with First the Miami Herald announces the launch of ‘Caliente’…now this…Oy Vey!  Check out the “sneak peek at next week’s innovation.”  Read it and laugh your ass off!

I Love Random Pixels

Okay, so maybe I have become a Random Pixels groupie.  You should be one, too!  Get your daily fix at

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

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3 thoughts on “More Stupid Miami Herald Tricks

  1. Being bi-lingual, both in writing and speech, I offer this comment: The dismantling of the MDPD Public Corruption Investigations Bureau is but a subtle and, if you can believe it, blatant act. As a founding member of the original Professional Integrity Squad of the now defunct Organized Crime Bureau and retired from the MDPD PCIB, I speak with some knowledge. The M-D Commission and the County Mayor were exempted from scrutiny by the PCIB via an edict enacted and sponsored by then M-D Commissioner Carlos Gimenez. This was not enough for our esteemed now Mayor Gimenez. As investigations of corruption seemed to lead to, guess whom, it was decided, supposedly by newly chosen, guess by whom, MDPD Director J.D. Patterson to dismantle the PCIB, under the totally irrational thought process, that less emphasis and investigative know how on public/government corruption will better serve the public zeal to un-earth and bring to light those engaged in dis-honoring their/our public trust. The asserted reasons for this dumb act are simply bogus, and yes drove one of the most able Detectives to chose retirement rather than MDPD exile. What we as a community must do is be more vigilant, remember, that as our elected officials hand out the Thanksgiving turkeys to our less fortunate, those same elected officials committed dastardly acts that ensured less scrutiny of their behind the scene corruption. It is unfortunate that in this community we have Spanish only media engaged in uncovering corruption and that effort is neither known nor shared with our English village. Those of us that are able to decipher that Spanish effort should tune in to a new broadcast network, CNN Latino, specifically Prohibido Callarse at 10:30 PM, one may notice and recognize former detectives and private investigators so engaged in that anti-corruption effort.

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