MOCA outgoing board of trustees stoop to an even newer low!

Just when you thought that Irma Braman and Ray Ellen Yarkin were capable of being adult about their “divorce” from the City North Miami, the FORMER board of trustees of the Museum of Contemporary Art had to further prove how absolutely juvenile they’ve been since they started this war.

As soon as the court ordered mediation began, they shut down the museum and used the website to advertise that the galleries were “closed for re-installation:”

Moca Galleries ClosedNow that they didn’t get their way, the baby-bitches-in-training-pants stomped out, took their toys and went home, and then thumbed their noses at the residents of North Miami by hijacking the museum’s website to advertise their new venture:



I just have one message to IRMA BRAMAN and RAY ELLEN YARKIN:


Just remember, girls:  Screen shots are FOREVER!

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

Queen Bitch








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9 thoughts on “MOCA outgoing board of trustees stoop to an even newer low!

  1. I don’t know too much about the subject but I’m assuming that Irma Braman is Mrs. Norman Braman. If I’m right, I don’t think North Miami is sophisticated enough for her. The design district is much more up her alley and she’s probably used to getting what she wants. Correct me if I’m wrong.

    1. She is Mrs. Norman Braman. It appears that she’s too important to be mingling with the “working class” folks of North Miami.

      Once again…GOOD RIDDANCE!

    1. So true. As long as those people behave like children, that’s how they’ll be treated. At least by me.

      What they did with the MOCA website is about as childish as it gets!

  2. Just look at the past several years and who has been running the city! i dont blame anyone for wanting to get out and indeed, the design district is about to become the new Bal Harbor. The city of North Miami has a long road ahead of it and the least of its issues is MOCA, as we knew it, leaving.

    1. You are, of course, entitled to your opinion. I’m one of those people who think the arts are extremely important. It’s my opinion that MOCA is one of the reasons that North Miami has a future. Museums, galleries and the theater are exactly the things that bring a community together culturally. Without MOCA, North Miami’s road will be even longer. I’m not sure NM residents realize how fortunate they are to have this museum in their city. That’s pretty sad to me.

  3. Will: The basic intent of MOCA is, and always has been, community revitalization, not to be a social club for the elite. The actions of the Bramans have really disturb many because theyve mostly presented themselves as advocates for community, and many believed in them.

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