Second Ever Official “VotersOpinion Recommends” in the History of the World

I'm a celebrityOn the surface, logic would dictate that I’d support the re-election of a candidate such as Florida state representative Daphne Campbell.

As a Republican in an overwhelmingly Democrat area, my ballot options are quite limited.  Most of the time my only choice is to pick from a slate of Democrats in state elections.  As a rule, this doesn’t matter since I always vote for the individual whom I believe is the best candidate for the job regardless of political party.

Campbell’s voting record in the legislature, however, is often further to the right than even my own (mostly centrist) beliefs.  In fact, the Miami Herald editor today lamented that Campbell “has been a far from reliable member of her caucus.”

Even given those facts, I could never endorse this particular candidate.

In its recommendation of Anyone But Daphne, the Herald snidely pointed out that Campbell is “often in the news for all the wrong reasons.”

The editor also complained that she “was the only Democrat to vote with the GOP in favor of a bill that involved increasing penalties on harming a fetus while committing a crime. She was one of the few Democrats voting to expand the dangerous Stand Your Ground law and voted against her party on school vouchers.”

On May 10, 2012, Eye On Miami called Daphne Campbell the Worst Democrat in the Florida State Legislature.  I’d go a step further and say that she’s the Worst Representative Regardless of Party in the Florida State Legislature.

Later that year on August 6, 2012, the Miami New Times chose her as Number One on its list of The Five Worst Primary Candidates: Our Haters Guide To Next Tuesday’s Election.  Ultimately, voters didn’t care what the New Times had to say because they let her keep her job.

Of her two challengers in this 2014 election, the Herald editor wrote, “Both believe in Democratic issues like increasing the minimum wage, expanding Medicaid coverage with federal funding and tightening restrictions on Stand Your Ground. Both are pro-choice.”

I totally agree with the Herald’s assessment that anyone running against Daphne Campbell would do a better job as a State Representative.  Her pattern of introducing self-serving legislation and her refusal to be accountable for her own actions as a public figure should easily increase her chances of losing her seat in the upcoming election.

Even so, history shows that it’s nearly impossible to vote out an incumbent.  Even one as seemingly unethical as Daphne Campbell.

Have voters forgotten that Campbell was investigated for Medicare fraud in 2011 after she vowed to crack down on … Medicare fraud?

Or that she was hilariously caught on camera dodging reporters who were trying to interview her, while gleefully exclaiming, “Oooh, I’m a celebrity?”

News Flash, Daphne:  When reporters try to interview you, it does not make you a celebrity.  Reporters interview elected officials.  It’s their job.  You’re not that important.

The state representative also appears to believe that Florida Statute 112.313(6), regarding the Misuse of Public Position, doesn’t apply to her.

On July 9, 2014, Daphne Campbell distributed an email, using her official email address and emblazoned with the official Florida House of Representatives seal, to advertise that the Miami Dade Police Benevolent Association Endorses … Daphne Campbell!

In case you’re wondering, yes, I filed a Complaint with the Florida Commission on Ethics.

I’ll let you know when I receive the expected “no probable cause” rejection letter, which I assume is in the works as we speak.

While I might not agree with all the reasons the Miami Herald gave for voting Daphne Campbell out of office, I enthusiastically agree that either one of her two challengers “would be a better representative for District 108 voters.”

Therefore, as the second ever official “VotersOpinion Recommends” in the history of this website, in the race for state representative, District 108, we recommend What’s-His-Name.

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”


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11 thoughts on “Second Ever Official “VotersOpinion Recommends” in the History of the World

  1. His name is Michael Hepburn.
    A self motivated gentleman who truly cares about the community and his past WILL predict his future. He unselfishly places the needs of his constituents over his own time and time again.

        1. Wow! Amazing credentials! And a Silver Knight recipient, as well! I’m impressed. Now I wish I could vote in District 108.

          Note to the ladies: He’s adorable, too!

  2. I am registered Democrat but vote for the person that I feel will do the best job for the people. Now I have a problem, I will not vote for Scott nor will I vote for Christ. What do you do?

  3. Walter,
    You simply participate in the democratic process and vote for the lesser of the two evils.
    There are other candidates though.

  4. I checked his Facebook page but am not in his district as well. He is saying all the right things now to get elected. I believe in giving everyone the benefit of the doubt and see how they actually represent us once elected. But when they no longer represent us but only themselves, I believe in voting them out. There is no reason is keeping self serving politicians in their office.

    1. The only thing keeping the bad ones in office are the lack of term limits for many seats. I’m a firm believer in giving politicians a limited number of years in office in order to limit the amount of damage they can do in the shortest amount of time. It’s not a perfect solution but I think that would solve a lot of problems.

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