9 thoughts on “Miami-Dade Police Department: Seeking Homicide Information

    1. Um, yeah, about that. It’s been a long day on only three hours of sleep. Time to give it up, right? Thanks!!

  1. Such a tragedy and so close to home. If one killer was on foot, he must live in the neighborhood. Walking around with a gun on a Saturday morning. How can we protect ourselves against them?

    1. You make the police to enforce the law, no breaks, otherwise fire them if they dont arrests criminals !if nobody approaches criminals and make their life hell ,they take over !

  2. In one report I heard one of the males was on bicycle.

    I hope they catch whomever did this, and though it’s besides the point when in the wake of a loss of life, I also hope he wasn’t killed as a result of prejudice against Jews.
    If so, I again claim readiness to stand with fellow humans against the hate bred of ignorance.

  3. This tragic incident could have been avoided where it not for the cutbacks of essential street crime fighting units of the MDPD such as RID, TNT, CST, the Auto Theft Task Force, etc. Those units existed solely for removing violent offenders from the streets to make our community safer. For the sake of saving $20 from our yearly taxes those units were eliminated from the police budget and as announced yesterday, the MDPD will lay off an additional 270 police officers and demote 70 sergeants in a departmental “realignment”. How many more victims will have to shed their blood before common sense prevails and the policies of this deranged county mayor are put to rest?

    1. Jose you making great sense ! Tnt eas the greatest unit out there. It kept criminals in tip toes, hiding and thinking twice before they committed crimes !political correct leaders had to dismantle it ! Very sad for great citizens ! But good citizens dong complain! What can I say ?

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