How ’bout a glass, Phyllis?

(Originally published 6/21/11)

At tonight’s pre-council meeting, North Miami Beach Mayor George Vallejo said it seems like the council is rearranging chairs on the Titanic.  Boy, was that ever an understatement!  Again, councilwoman Phyllis Smith, a/k/a Mouth of the South, kvetched about where she was going to sit on the dais.  Can’t this woman take a freaking hint?  This time she took a new tactic in the hopes that she might persuade the rest of the council to see things her way.  Tonight her mantra was about “council unity.”  HUH?

Hey, Phyllis!  Here’s a News Flash:  The council IS united.  You’re the only one rocking the boat.  Or, more appropriately, you’re rearranging chairs on the Titanic.

This city is facing major financial issues bequeathed to us by the previous mayor, Myron Rosner, and former city manager Kelvin Baker, the co-host of the infamous Rosner & Baker Show Part 1 ( through its Series Finale (  These issues range from a budget deficit for the current fiscal year and an even bigger one for next year, to what may be major pension reforms.  We’re not talking fun and games here, folks.  As my son (the one who inherited my irreverent sense of humor) texted to me during the meeting, “I don’t have issues.  I have subscriptions.”  Well, I thought it was funny.  Guess you had to be there.

What isn’t funny is the fact that with all the problems the new Mayor has to tackle in the upcoming months, Phyllis’ biggest problem is that she feels disrespected.  Oh, really?  SHE feels disrespected?  Would it ever occur to that woman in a million years that she is the one being blatantly disrespectful?  She’s disrespecting the Mayor, not to mention the rest of the council.  And what about the residents of the City of North Miami Beach?  What are we?  Chopped liver?

Seriously, this is a woman who told the members of the NMB Police Department a couple of years ago that they were acting like little children with their toys being taken away from them.

And SHE feels disrespected?

This is a woman who had the audacity to tell the working class people at the Highland Village Community Center, some of whom couldn’t afford a tank of gas for even one of her two Hummers, that she’s poorer than they are.

And SHE feels disrespected?

This is a woman who exclaimed that she’s not a racist because she accidentally drank soda from the same can as a black woman and it didn’t bother her one bit.

And SHE feels disrespected?

This is a woman who raped the city for $15,000.00 worth of dental work when we still had an unlimited out-of-pocket reimbursement policy.

And SHE feels disrespected?

This is a woman who made damn sure she would get A FULLY PAID LIFETIME HEALTH INSURANCE POLICY ON OUR DIME!

And SHE feels disrespected?

This is a woman who wants to paint the entire city Screaming Yellow.

And, yet, SHE feels disrespected!

This is a woman whose endless complaining held an roomful of people hostage for a full 29 minutes during what should have been a pre-council meeting to make her case that she’s being disrespected.


While she was protesting that this wasn’t about where she sits (WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT IT’S ABOUT), and that it had to do with preserving protocol about council seating (OF WHICH THERE IS NONE), and that this was only about council unity (WTF?), it became blatantly apparent that in Phyllis World you can’t have unity unless you agree with her!

Hey, Phyllis!  Take a hint.  There IS council unity!  They are all united AGAINST YOU!

During her diatribe, Phyllis commented that she doesn’t “read the blogs.”  Well, maybe if she did “read the blogs” she’d know by now she’s fighting a losing battle.  She obviously didn’t hear each and every one of her colleagues tell her, in the nicest way possible, to STFU!  No, they didn’t say it quite so crudely.  But, she should have gotten her first clue when she put the ever tactful Councilman Philippe Derose on the spot by asking him about the non-existent “protocol” and he sheepishly tried to get out of giving her a direct answer.  Councilman Frantz Pierre, who y’all know I’m at odds with most of the time, came right out and told her that it was in bad form to buck the Mayor on this one when there were more pressing matters at hand.  I don’t remember the verbatim answers that Councilwomen Beth Spiegel, Barbara Kramer and Marlen Martel responded with, but none of them seemed to support Phyllis.  And don’t get me started on the way she rudely put the Mayor on the defensive!

The audience was cracking up and making fun of her so loudly to the point that Beth Spiegel had to chastise us.  (Yeah, my fault.  I take all the credit.)  Yet, Phyllis STILL didn’t give up!  She insisted that City Attorney Darcee Siegel draft a Resolution for the next council meeting so that they could all vote on this issue.  I have never seen such pig headed disregard for the will of the people and her colleagues.

Oh, wait!  Yes I have!

Phyllis is the new Myron!

And here my readers were worried that with Myron gone I’d have nothing to write about.  Luckily for me, Phyllis will be giving me plenty of material to keep this blog going for the next four years.  Did I say four?  At the rate she’s going, there’s a good chance she’ll get herself recalled way before 2015.

So, go ahead, Phyllis.  Keep making a complete ass of yourself.  Like I said, I’m having a blast and a half.

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

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25 thoughts on “How ’bout a glass, Phyllis?

  1. Phyllis was an absolute bufoon at the pre-council.
    Kramer looked up at Vallejo with puppy eyes… hmmmmmmm
    DeRose handed himself up on how he would violate Sunshine laws by meeting over coffee to discuss council matters!!!! Wow!!! Like we didn’t know there are have been violations going on. Baker even alluded to this!

    While the Mayor is new, he can’t be blamed for anything, yet. The Council is still inept. More inept are many of our City’s residents who think they can intimidate others with their ignorance and misguided attempts at lowering our city’s defenses.

    Kazan’s rants and raves are getting more and more like a depraved lunatic. He’s running around crying “the sky is falling” and criticizing the city’s budget and police budget, all the while his household pays less than $800.00 a year in property taxes! Only $116.00 of that towards NMB!!! Holy crap, his property taxes account for less than $10.00 (ten dollars) a month for the services of one of the finest police departments in Florida.

    He is now ranting about his nieces and nephews in the “combat” zone. Really? Well, if they really are there, they volunteered to, and they’ll be out in 4 years or less. The brave heroes of the NMBPD chose their careers too, and are in for 20 plus years. There is no “peace time” in law enforcement. There’s a war on our own streets, Kazan just seems to ignore it.

    Bruce Lamberto wants to chime in with taking away the police take home cars. WTF Bruce? Could it be that you have an axe to grind with the NMBPD? Could it have something to do with getting arrested for Domestic Battery? And he even tried to get free legal help by claiming “Indigent”!! It was denied. I guess living in E. Shores doesn’t make you too special. Oh yeah, another arrest in 1997? I can see why you want to go after law enforcement.

    Folks, before you drink the koolade and believe everything you hear, why don’t you take the time to get to really know your police department? Schedule a visit, attend a citizen’s police academy, go on a ride along (sorry Bruce and Mubarak…don’t be offended if no one wants you to ride with them). To those that are constantly criticizing the Incident Command Vehicle, it was paid with money seized from DRUG DEALERS, , not Taxpayer money!!!!! Get your facts straight. All the state of the art technology and tools purchased to help the NMBPD do their jobs in the safest, most efficient way is purchased through grants or seized drug assets.

    The police department employees, both civilian and sworn, deal with enough stress and pressure. We don’t need the antagonistic and misguided attacks from those who choose to be blind. Yes the economy is tough. We are all taxpayers and have to deal with the economy and cost of living as well. For some of you to think we deserve a salary cut, benefit cut and loss of livelihood, need to remember that while the police department takes up a large share of the City’s budget, it’s because we are a 24/7 operation. We are highly trained and specialized to handle whatever comes to and affects this great city.

    The majority of the residents of this city appreciate their police department, we can only hope they don’t share the koolade with you.

    1. Oh boy! You said a mouthful, Captain. I’m sure there will be folks who wish to respond. Thanks for your comments.

    2. Okay, I just had to respond on this comment “Kramer looked up at Vallejo with puppy eyes… hmmmmmmm”.
      Let’s not try and start rumors. Unfortunatley, I guess, my expressions are not well hidden and unfortunately in this case were misunderstood. As I looked at Mayor Vallejo that evening at the Council Conference Meeting all I could think was that his choice to seat me next to him on the dias landed him in what seemed to be a ridiculous situation at best. This entire issue is truly beyond my comprehension and goes against my grain more than you can know, but it is what it is and I just feel embarrased for him that he needs to defend his decision over something that in the scheme of things is beyond trivial.

      1. I agree, trivial it is. Seating is not important…well, except to one person at least. Each councilmember has an opportunity to speak and to vote. In what order…that’s not what is important. The overall issue is. You all don’t have to like each other, but are required to show proper decorum and civility, as are the rest of the residents of this great city.

        Let’s get to work together to make this city greater!!


  2. We can only take so much abuse from the basket bunch (this is not directed at you though, Steph). I enjoy reading your blog and sticking it to some of the misfits! 🙂

    1. I appreciate your taking the time to read my blog and post your comments. It helps me and the other residents to understand how everyone in the community feels on the issues. I’d also like to invite you to write a guest column on this website if you’re interested. It’s good to have different viewpoints so that others can read and discuss them. If you’re interested please send me an email at


  3. Don’t know if I want to get into writing a “guest column’. However, I don’t mind addressing questions, concerns or matters of interest in order to shed light to factual matters as it relates to the police department.

    Now, some questions which raise eyebrows are: why are people attacking the police department budget, but forgetting about the mismanagement of the City’s finances (ie; manhole covers / pipes) and other purchasing fiascos? How about Hanford Blvd renovation? Who did that really benefit? What happened to the cosmopolitan downtown feel that was supposed to bring? How much was squandered on that and other city projects? But hey, our cops are paid too much and they shouldn’t be able to take their cars home? C’mon… the more cars floating in and out of the city at various times creates a deterrent effect everywhere. Other agencies with take home cars drive in and out of our city as well. Maybe a more fair charge for the fuel usage is in order. Let’s not forget that many of the police employees are on call on a constant basis.

    Just sayin’….

  4. Titanic’s captain,
    Those of us that get around NMB are all baffled at hansen place renovation… its a dead street.. jeez i enjoy biking down it but thats it… the kickboxing place is gone and so are any class clients and not starbucks is hurting and closing…

    The question I have asked is, what will it take to reduce crime ? I bike around town with a loaded ’45 legally and although im not interested in policing the hood, i dont want to have to use it either..

    We have enclave’s in nmb simply stated… go to 6th ave and beyond and get mugged… the canal at night isnt always safe…

    I dont blame the PD because I dont have the facts, btw the pd union did not endorse my father hillel hellinger, not that i mind or it would have changed things, but you guys should at least hedge your bets if your playing cards

    1. I see NMB police patrolling through my neighborhood frequently and I appreciate that. Look at the way they used an undercover team to nab the eleven year old at Toys-R-Us. Look how they set up a crime scene response on 15th avenue recently. They are a sophisticated unit and we need them because crime is only going to get worse. I do not own a gun because I have children in my home so I rely on the NMB officers to carry the weapons. The only way we are going to reduce crime is to keep these units on the streets of NMB.

      I, too, am baffled about Handford Blvd. What an absurd waste of money. You can’t even make a turn on that street – how much did the city pay to plan that one?

      Please, Elchonon, do not police the hood. Leave that to the police. God forbid we get rid of our police and residents start to police the streets themselves. Look out for the Wild Wild West in NMB.

      1. Hanford Blvd. baffles all of us too. I think a better beautification project would have been to redevelop NE 19th Ave as a “Downtown” type atmosphere with cafe’s and shops. Our city needs more character (not characters…lol). Residents in some of our neighborhoods lack interest in keeping their properties looking nice. Maybe if each community had a “Beautification Committee”, voting on properties that take pride in appearance? Positive attitude and pride of ownership can be contagious.

        Be safe!

    2. Elchonon,

      Police patrols throughout the city are at the availability of officers who are not on active calls for service. Unfortunately, many calls have to be handled that end up not being matters for police intervention. Some citizens believe that we have 20 or more officers on the street patrolling at any given time. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Best case is 8 to 12 patrolling, worst case 6 on a shift. Many factors such as training, vacations and sick leave factor into the number of officers working (as in any type of business relying on a human workforce). Recently, the PD has made a drastic change in scheduling to cut down on Overtime, forcing officers back to a 5 day work schedule, and taking members from specialized units (street crimes, Detectives, Community Policing, etc) and having each work 1 day a week on road patrol. This increases the numbers of uniformed officers on the streets each day.

      Remember, crime is based on opportunity. The thugs on the streets are not going to victimize someone, or break into a home if they see a patrol officer in a neighborhood. They will wait until the coast is clear. Police officers cannot be everywhere. This is why it is important for citizens to be vigilant and report suspicious activity immediately.

      As for your father, my understanding was that he did not impress the Police Union as a staunch supporter of this agency. This is the first time the Union has gotten involved in endorsing candidates, and had to make some uncomfortable decisions.

      As for riding your bicycle with a firearm, we certainly can’t stop you from doing so if carried legally. We hope you never have to use it. The men and women of the NMBPD are highly trained and capable professionals, and regardless of the political, economic mess we find ourselves in, take great pride in protecting the citizens of this city 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

      Stay safe and most of all, thanks for your support!

  5. Captain, you’ve been taking so much time responding to the residents’ concerns. I really appreciate your input.

    In my opinion, Hanford Boulevard is a total bust. I think I know what the developers intended, but that was definitely not the street for that plan. It messed up the traffic, especially for the Church, and there are no outdoor eateries or storefronts to draw pedestrian traffic in. I’m pretty sure they wanted a street similar to that of downtown Hollywood near the circle, which is quite nice. You’re right – 19th Avenue would have been a much better choice for a “city center.” It already has the wide sidewalks and storefronts that need renovating!

    I also wanted to respond to Elchanon’s comment about the police union not endorsing his father. Mr. Hellinger made it perfectly clear that he wanted to defund or dismantle many of the police programs. While some of them may or may not need to be reviewed, I do agree this is not the way to “make friends and influence people.” I’m pretty sure the police union didn’t endorse Phyllis, either. That was a good call in my opinion, although I have no idea why they didn’t.

    Captain, the offer still stands if you want me to publish a guest column for you. I hope you will reconsider. I think it would be really great for you to inform the residents about what they need to know in terms of crime prevention, etc. I know this is a huge concern for everyone!


    1. I’ll give it a shot Steph. And I promise to avoid personal comments about individuals and will not answer to personal attacks neither. I will be more than happy to help educate and quash rumors and misinformation.

  6. I agree in large part with Titanic’s Captain, and as steph says I have mentioned 19th ave as a “city center” it would be a perfect outdoor promenade…

    One issue is we have too much in shopping stripes… the makeup isnt making sense…

    Hanford blvd would be ideal but one block over you have 163rd street…

    As far as the police budget goes, I cant comment unless I see the numbers and data..

  7. Well, I am so upset because I did not make it to City Hall today to vote today. I got stopped right before I reached City Hall and got a speeding ticket. The officer was nice and polite. I’m crying over the ticket and I feel so bad that I did not get to cast my vote for Gimenez, but I still stand with the police that we need each and every one of them.

    As for 19th avenue, it is too bad nothing was done with it because I think it is the most beautiful stretch in our city. I do not, however, want a super 8 hotel or whatever economy hotel that they planned to be there. Was the hotel Phyllis’s idea?

  8. Sorry to hear you got a speeding ticket. The speed limits in our city are frustratingly slow. Sometimes it feels like one big school zone.

    As for 19th Ave, I would hate to see a low end hotel anywhere in our city. We got rid of all the seedy motels we had on Biscayne Blvd, and should not go backwards. The 163rd street corridor is depressing. There has been some recent facade improvements to a couple of strip centers, but there’s a long way to go. I come to work each day and keep thinking it almost has a SR 441 feel to it. Car dealerships, a strip club all on the largest intersection in the city…very tacky. We have too many strip clubs and should never have allowed Diamonds to open in the industrial area. That’s an issue for the residents to take up with their elected council however.

    Stay safe!

  9. It is too bad that the 163rd street corridor is so awful – just like 441. I do my shopping at Skylake Mall because it is nicer, but then that means I am conducting my business in Unincorporated Dade instead of North Miami Beach.

    As far as the hotel is concerned, I heard it was Phyllis’ idea. I wonder how she would feel if a low end hotel was built in her neighborhood?

  10. Sorry to hear about your speeding ticket, too. Sorrier that you didn’t get to vote! You just made the case for voting early, which I usually do not do myself, but only because I hate going to Aventura if I can help it. I’m not a big fan of traffic or the mall. I would also prefer to do business in NMB if at all possible, but the 163rd corridor really is disgusting. I remember a few years ago I wrote a letter to the Herald about it, I got quite a bit of flack from people over that and I was perplexed. All I could think was, “Don’t people see the tattoo parlors and pawn shops lining 163rd Street?” You’re both so right – it looks just like 441! The few nice buildings and stores along the way look so out of place on that shabby strip. Unfortunately, half of it is in the county and unless there is some sort of cooperative between NMB and the county to fix it up, nothing will improve. I believe that one of the council members has been working on that!

    As for a motel on 19th Avenue, NOTHING COULD BE MORE WRONG! That is absolutely NOT the place for an economy motel whatsoever! We need pedestrian friendly stores and cafes, not a Days Inn. Of course, I’ve been screaming for a hotel in NMB for years, but I’m thinking more along the lines of a classy four or five star hotel on either Biscayne Boulevard or an appropriate place on 163rd Street. “Classy” being the key word here, like a Hilton or a Hyatt or even a Marriott. But a nice one, with a fancy restaurant and valet parking – the whole nine yards.

    Then again, we might run the risk of inadvertently inviting the rich and famous to stay in our city, and then what? Bring them to Wal-Mart for some world class shopping? Okay, don’t get me started on my snarky self.

    Okay, so we’re not in danger of becoming the Coral Gables of the North. Still, we could at least try to make SOME improvements. Of course, in this economy nothing’s gonna happen any time soon.

    End of rant.

  11. A high class hotel on Biscayne Blvd. would be perfect. They could hold business conventions and also attract business from Aventura.

  12. Well, if memory serves me right, there were plans of building a Hilton (I believe) on either Biscayne Blvd. just North of 163 where the new restaurants are, or just East of Dean’s Gold in the vacant area. Not sure which. Not sure if that was under Gary Brown’s or Keven Klopp’s time in the City Manager’s seat. There was also talk of a tall, multi-use building where Friendly Ford was. This would have had the car dealership at the lower level, retail space above, office space above that and condo apartments above that! Very futuristic if you ask me. It could have been the start of a change for 163 St.

    New apartments and much needed population growth would have come in with the planned condo apartments on Biscayne by the old marina. But apparently, one very wealthy homeowner on the far residential side of E. Shores, couldn’t bear to have the backdrop of his view changed and put alot of money to finance an election cycle to rid the old guard for one more favorable to his position.

    Ahhh yes, politics at it’s worst. Put progress to rest. We need to move forward. We need to beautify and progress into the future. NMB has the potential to flourish. We need the revenue new projects would bring. Otherwise, SR 826 (aka NE 167 / NMB Blvd / NE 163 St, will just be nicknamed NE 441.

    As for shopping at Skylake….please be aware there was a report of “lottery scammer” working that area yesterday. This is where individuals claiming to be in possession of a “winning lottery ticket” prey on some unsuspecting soul, promising to share the winnings if they help them. The ruse is that they may claim to be in the country illegally, or don’t have anyone they can trust or some other sob story. Unfortunately, some individuals suddenly shut off their thinking caps and only see the $$$ in their eyes.

    Beware and most importantly, BE SAFE!!!

  13. Lottery scammers? Oy vey! If some of these criminals would use their obvious intelligence to earn an honest living, they’d be very successful. How the heck do they come up with this stuff? For some reason, I’m never approached by scammers. I must have “cynic” written all over me because I never fall for sob stories. Go figure.

    1. If I had a nickel for each email I receive from a “Nigerian” scammer…which is daily, I could retire early. As a matter of fact, here’s one that just came in:

      Reply-To: Adams Kojo


      Hello Dear

      My name is Dr.Adams Kojo, I am the branch manager of the International Commercial Bank Kumasi branch Ghana. I am contacting you because I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of ($6.750.000.00) million United States Dollars to your bank account within ten (10) banking days.

      Upon the receipt of your reply,I will give you the full details on how the business will be executed and also note that you will have 45% of the above mentioned sum as your own share while 50% will be for me, and the other 5% will be for the expenses occur in this transaction. I am expecting your urgent response.

      This is very simple and there is no single risk that will be involved.

      My Regards to your family.
      Dr.Adams Kojo.

      Now mind you, these scammers sit in “Internet Cafes” all over Nigeria, usually young adults or teens and pump out millions of these types of emails daily. And sadly enough, there are fools that fall for this and end up providing personal banking information, or sending money via wire transfers to these money sharing friends. Caveat Emptor….let the buyer beware!!!!


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