Too Bad Phyllis Didn’t STFU!

I’m so glad I decided to not attend last night’s Pre-Council Meeting of the North Miami Beach City Council, which began at 5:30 and ended at 7:20 p.m., just in time for the Council to have it’s Actual Council Meeting.  If I had been sitting in the audience instead of watching the live stream on the City’s website, by the second hour I would have been pulling my hair out in utter frustration.  By the third hour, Phyllis Smith would have had a sock in her mouth.

Just once I’d like to hear Phyllis saying something that is directly related the issue at hand instead of responding with non sequiturs that go absolutely nowhere.  I can’t even begin to repeat all the stupid things she said at both meetings, but suffice it to say, she didn’t miss a single opportunity to make a fool of herself.  It’s a damn shame that Phyllis can’t watch the meeting from the standpoint of the viewers while she’s bloviating because judging by the looks on the faces of her colleagues, they’re all just as sick of her endless self-promotion as the residents are.  The only person on that council who can still stand her is her fawning puppy dog, Frantz Pierre, and he wasn’t present last night.

The best example was when there was a presentation to the Mayor and Council by the Neighborhood Football League.  The group showed a short video about their program, which included scenes from their 2011 Super Bowl.  Phyllis, of course, had to state a hundred times or so that “she was there.”  Wow, Phyllis!  Really?  You were THERE?  Can I touch you?  Gimme a freaking break!  Of COURSE you were there!  There were cameras!

After the presentation ceremony, the Mayor said, “Let’s get together for a photo op.”  Phyllis shot out of her seat like a bat out of hell, making damn sure she stood right in front, as close to the Mayor as possible.  It’s just so freaking obvious she has to be the center of attention!  As usual.

But, the absolute best was during her closing remarks she continued to toot her own horn by making the election of County Mayor Carlos Gimenez all about her.  She congratulated him, and then went on to say she was behind him “from the get go.”  What did you do, Phyllis?  Did you don a Gimenez tee shirt?  Did you walk the streets giving out lawn signs?  Did you make hundreds of phone calls to get out the vote?  What did you do for Carlos Gimenez “from the get go?”

Judging by this story and video by Channel 10’s Glenna Milberg on Thursday, June 23, 2011 (, just five days before Mayor Gimenez was elected, Phyllis and her loyal sidekick, Frantz Pierre, were attending a breakfast for the Mayor’s RIVAL, Julio Robaina, at Mo’s Bagels & Deli in Aventura.  By the adoring gaze on Phyllis’ face when Robaina was talking, we can sure tell how much she was “behind Gimenez from the get go.”  I dunno, maybe it was the free breakfast that lured her into “enemy camp.”

Free food or not, it’s quite obvious that Phyllis Smith is nothing but an opportunist and a liar.

Phyllis, we are so on to you and your dumbass tactics and your constant, blatant  self-promotion.  Absolutely no one but Frantz can stand you anymore.  Take a freaking hint.

It really is time to STFU already!

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

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2 thoughts on “Too Bad Phyllis Didn’t STFU!

  1. Actually, something that bothered me even more than the “Phyllis Show” is the fact that Bert Kehren keeps complaining about there being too many employees per resident in our city, yet when his power goes out (after office hours), he does not call FPL, he calls the city! So which is it? Too many employees or just a few spoiled residents? When I lose power at my house it doesn’t cross my mind to call my city hall. If (some of) our residents were a little less overly dependent on our government, maybe we would not need all the employees that he seems to think are a “surplus”. In addition to his double standard, he insists on comparing us to cities with completely different demographics and infrastructure age. I can’t help but wonder what is going to happen the day that Bert calls and nobody answers.

    1. Mr. Kehren is not the only one who calls the city with FPL complaints. Former candidate for council Ketley Joachim does the same, repeatedly. Usually reporting streetlights that have been shot out by her neighbors, and blaming the city for the same. She also uses her membership on one of the city’s useless committees to voice the same complaint. Over and over again. Some are spoiled, some are just bored.

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