The Grand Bloviator of NMB

At the end of every North Miami Beach Council meeting, there is a section entitled “City Council Committee Reports,” which is familiarly referred to as the “Good ‘n’ Plenty.”  In case you’re interested, the entire July 5, 2011 Council meeting can be viewed on the city’s website here:

I decided to watch it again to see how long each of the Council members spoke when wrapping up the meeting.

First up, Vice Mayor Philippe Derose spoke for just under three minutes.

Councilwoman Marlen Martell spoke for a grand total of 30 seconds.

Councilwoman Beth Spiegel spoke for just under two minutes.

Councilwoman Barbara Kramer spoke for slightly over 3 minutes.

Then came the Grand Bloviater, Phyllis Smith, who blathered on for SIX AND A HALF FREAKING MINUTES!  She started her speech by commenting on and adding to Barbara Kramer’s announcement about Commissioner Sally Heyman’s “Golden Passport” program because Phyllis just HAS to upstage everyone and anyone.

One of Phyllis’ head scratching lines was, “You don’t know where you are until you know where you come from?”  WTF is that supposed to mean?  If anyone can explain that indecipherable sentence, please let me know.

The best part of her entire grating discourse was at hour 3:02:36 (two minutes into her speech), you can see Councilman Derose, who was sitting to her right, start to get annoyed.  He becomes restless and appears to try to get the Mayor’s attention with his eyes.  When that doesn’t work, he starts making a furtive motion with his hand, pointing at Phyllis, who is of course oblivious to the fact that absolutely no one is paying attention to what she’s saying.  Even more obvious to everyone but her is that no one gives a crap what she has to say.  I honestly don’t think there’s another person in the universe more clueless and out to lunch than Phyllis Smith.



Luckily, we were spared another unintelligible speech by the blessedly absent Councilman Frantz Pierre, whose buffoonery is only outdone by his colleague in Screaming Yellow.

When Phyllis FINALLY shut her pie hole, the Mayor began his closing speech at hour 3:04:34 and ended it at 3:05:52.  The MAYOR spoke for a grand total of ONE AND A HALF MINUTES.  That’s “ONE AND A HALF,” not “SIX AND A HALF,” Phyllis!

Can someone please give this woman a clue?

Well, we finally got rid of that imbecilic excuse for a mayor, Myron Rosner.  We finally have a Mayor who is dignity personified.  We can also be proud of four of the remaining council members, who are also worthy of representing the city, the aforementioned Derose, Kramer, Spiegel and Martel.

We’re now down to only two council members who need firing:  Phyllis Smith and Frantz Pierre.  Between the two of them, it’s hard to decide which one is more embarrassing to the city.  Hopefully, Smith gets her ass recalled, and Frantz’ alleged crimes and misdemeanors get prosecuted.

In the meantime, if nothing else, at least I’ll have no shortage of material for this blog.  Go ahead.  Bloviate on, Phyllis!

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

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