State of the UNION

Everyone knows that when UNIONS organize peaceful protests, it’s all good.  Nothing bad ever happens, right?

The North Miami Beach Police Officers Association, a/k/a UNION, applied for a permit for a “1st Amendment Right Demonstration,” described by UNION president Mike Pons as a “Peacefully demonstration by union members and
citizens in front of NMB City Hall (17011 NE 19 AV)on public sidewalks.”  This “Peacefully demonstration” is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, August 16, 2011, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

But, I assure you, nothing bad will happen.

Just like nothing bad happened in February of this year in Madison, Wisconsin, when Governor Walker tried to balance the state budget and bring government spending under control.  As you can see in this video, “Violent Union Thugs Gone Wild: Madison, Wisconsin Public Union Budget Protest Edition” (, when UNIONS protest, bad things can happen.  United States Representative Michael Capuano spoke at this protest and said, “Every once in a while you gotta get down in the streets and get a little bloody when necessary.”  Apparently the UNION thugs took this literally.

Just like nothing bad happened back in March of this year in London when unions were protesting government cuts (, where UNION thugs turned violent.  The article stated, “Analysts have likened the protests in London over the weekend to the massive demonstrations that recently wreaked havoc in Madison, Wisconsin. And predictions of more unrest worldwide are everywhere as bankrupt governments seek to rein in unsustainable spending.”

Allegedly UNIONS don’t advocate violence.  Tell that to two instructors at the University of Missouri who are teaching a course on UNION violence under the guise of teaching “Labor in Society in Politics” (  One of the teachers, Judy Ancel, is quoted as saying, “Violence is a tactic, and it’s to be used when it’s the appropriate tactic.”  The article goes even further to describe and show video clips of the duo, one of whom is a UNION leader by the name of Don Giljum:

“In a string of clips from the UM class, Giljum is shown advising students to get creative with union strategies.  Giljum, who represents Ameren workers, talks about putting a “strategically placed screwdriver” near equipment that “coupled with other kinds of insinuations” caused the plant manager to overreact and shut down operations. He also talks about workers stalking a company CEO at shopping centers and church until the executive became so paranoid he began wearing protective gear to work because he was afraid of being shot.”

Even more shocking, the University of Missouri is a PUBLIC institution.  Now, don’t you feel really good about sending your kids off to college?  I’m just saying.

None of these tactics should not come as a surprise to anyone who listened to UNION president Mike Pons speaking at the last council meeting on August 2, 2011.  He actually accused the Council and City Manager of “hiding money” and keeping “two sets of books,” and then he tried to intimidate them by stating that they didn’t have the courtesy to swear in the interim Police Chief Larry Gomer.  These are typical methods by which UNIONS bully employers and attempt to sway negotiations.  Pons first put the Council on the defensive by making completely false and unprovable allegations about the city’s financies, and then he tried to elicit humility and shame by accusing them of disrespecting the interim Chief.  The reality is that the Council and City Manager have no hidden books OR agenda, and the truth is that an interim Chief is not supposed to be sworn in.  But, by first having to defend themselves against false accusations about “hiding money,” they were completely caught off guard and either didn’t know or didn’t remember that only a permanent Chief is supposed to be officially inducted.  Had the City Attorney Darcee Siegel been paying attention, she would have caught this one.  She should have also told the UNION president that he’s treading on thin ice by making false accusations about “hiding money” and “two sets of books.”  Maybe she can just call them “street furniture” and let the UNION get away with these lies.

Bottom line, the UNIONS are the problem.  Now they want to “Peacefully demonstration [sic] by union members and citizens in front of NMB City Hall,” under the guise of their “1st Amendment Right(s).”  Sure, they care about their “1st Amendment Rights,” but not the First Amendment rights of those who would call them on the carpet for their actions.  They certainly don’t care about or respect the rights of the residents of North Miami Beach when they call us “savages” or when they tell us, “GO F$&K YOURSELF.”

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution specifically states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

One simply wonders exactly which part of the First Amendment the UNION is addressing by this exercise.  I’m quite sure it has nothing to do with religion, freedom of speech or the press.  Maybe it’s about their right to peaceably assemble, which is only proper.  But, if they’re trying to use the part about “petition(ing) the Government for a redress of grievances,” let me remind them that North Miami Beach is the Government of the people who actually live and pay taxes here.  If the UNION president is attempting to petition OUR Government for whatever grievances he has, real or imagined, this would be the same thing as my organizing a protest on the steps of the Pembroke Pines City Hall to tell its City Manager how to spend that city’s money.  I’m just saying.

Mr. Pons must think it’s so wonderful that the resident police groupie and her followers will be on hand to help them demonstrate by bringing signs saying “Hands Off Our Police.”  One hopes that their “peacefully demonstration” won’t turn violent like so many UNION protests usually do.

By the same token, Mr. Pons should keep in mind that there are intelligent residents in North Miami Beach who understand that the government creates neither wealth nor jobs, and that there is no money tree in back of City Hall.  We also have a message for the clueless:  “Hands Off Our Money!”

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

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35 thoughts on “State of the UNION

  1. When I was probably about 10 or 11 years of age, a car full of union thugs attacked my neighbors house at about 5 am one morning and threw coke bottles trying to break his windows during their strike. My neighbor was up and saw them do it. That was right here in NMB, Sunray area in 1965 approximately. But it can’t happen here!

  2. I am a resident of North Miami Beach and would like to keep the police department.

    The only problem I have is that if the NMBPSD Union President continues to show aggression and intimidation tactics, I just might have to change my mind and advocate to get rid of them, just to make sure we get rid of a few “BAD APPLES”.

    The city is still going through the budget process right now, and no final decisions have been made. In fact Chief Gomer hasn’t presented any budget yet.

    Maybe the NMBPSD Union should humble themselves by putting President Ponce in a closet for now and have their Vice President represent them in public.

    As far as the “Peaceful” demonstration goes, a lot of residents are tired of the city being portrayed in a negative light.
    All the police are going to accomplish is to punch themselves in the face. It happened with IMPAC.

    I don’t have the answer, but I do see a hugh problem.

    It’s not the NMBPSD Union…………’s their president.
    He has prematurely pulled the trigger by drawing the line in the sand.

    He has no other option but to fight.

    God help us all, including the NMBPSD.

  3. Stef, you better start practice learning to drive 25 mph in a 30 mph lane.

    I am with you on this one. Swearing in an Interim Police Chief? Oh, plueeeze. What next?

  4. Some unions have helped to EXPORT many of AMERICAN JOBS overseas with their bargaining. They would prefer companies to close doors than to act within reason.

    Very little of NMB dollars come back to infrastructure hence the present look it has.

    Most of our dollars go towards meeting union obligations. Interim Police Chief, Larry Gomer said 89% of the PD budget goes towards salaries, pensions and other perks. That is 89% of $22 million, which is 52% of our current proposed general budget. Number of officers are 110.

    I have counted 30 detectives, and about 16 sergeants.

    They propose to buy 12,000 gallons of fuel per month, or $540,000.00 in fuel per year. At 15 miles per gallon, this works out to 180,000 miles. What does a 5 square mile city do with 180,000 miles of driving per month? The distance to the moon is 238,000 miles. We are paying for fuel to go to the moon 9 TIMES PER YEAR!!!!

    This city will go under and face bankruptcy pretty soon if the same ole continues.

    1. Mr. Kazan,
      In case you were not informed, the FBI uses half of the fuel and they pay half the cost. Again, you keep saying the same thing over and over and over again. WE get it!! Please try to be civil about the issues that face the city. Let’s put our ideas together and come up wih a solution. Try looking at the good in the city and appreciate what we have. People are suffering all over the world. All you are doing is creating ill feelings and adding to the problems we already have. Maybe you can donate some of your time and help our children at the crosswalks or donate your time by becoming a reserve police officer so that we can save a position. Give back to your community! Start a crime watch program in your area. Coach little league sports with the children in your area. Peace be with you…

      1. Thank you for reminding all of us to be civil. I certainly appreciate it and I hope that both the residents and the cops keep this in mind. A civil and adult discussion is welcome. Name calling and finger pointing is childish and pointless. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and anyone is entitled to disagree. But, please disagree with respect.

      2. Wow! The FBI pays for 4.5 moon trips and the NMB taxpayers pay for the other 4.5 moon trips of fuel?

        NMB is a tiny city. What do they need with 9 moon trips of fuel irrespective who pays for it?

        Mr. Kazan is right on the ball to expose the truth. Kick their asses Mr. Kazan!!!

        1. WHAT?!?!?!! Who are you people???? LOL. I don’t know whether to be angry or simply just laugh!

          First of all, I wouldn’t care HOW many moon trips it takes for the cops to get around in the city, I would rather them patrol the city to protect myself and many others. If you are more worried about how much fuel they are spending (in respect to going to the moon), then just let them know not to protect YOUR neighborhood and then that will cut some costs. I am just appalled by the fact that some residents complain about the officers sitting in a parking lot, and then contradict themselves by saying they don’t want them spending fuel. Well, you can’t have both. Those “moon” trips are simply the officers driving around the city of NMB to protect each and every citizen and visitor in the city. And if you ask me, they are doing a damn GOOD job!!!!

          I grew up in the city of NMB for over 15 years and can assure you that I loved living there. I attended elementary, middle and high school in that neighborhood. My parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and MANY friends still live in the city. So even though I am not a resident anymore, NMB is dear to my heart and I continue to be involved. I drive through the city to get work, so I like to know that I am being protected. I was a member of the Youth Advisory Board for 5 years and was active in community events. What I knew NMB to be, has completely changed over the past few years, but I can assure you, the police department has improved….

          Now, I am a teacher at a school in the area, my husband, brother, and many friends are police officers in the city of NMB. Growing up in NMB and actually living the life of a police officer are completely 2 different comparisons that are truly hard to understand from either standpoint. I get that. But one thing is clear. I know that for the officers, they do see the dangers that reside in NMB, and it can absolutely happen anywhere else. But, we are here, talking about NMB. In my life alone, I have been followed, my grandmother was mugged, my uncle and aunt had their home broken into, my friend had her house burglarized, another friend had her son’s bike stolen in their front yard, and so much more. But on the bright side, one day while an officer was working the night shift, my mother left her car window open in the front of the house. He came to the door to let her know that it was down and it wasn’t safe. That one stop, from a CARING police officer, was one that probably stopped some violent act from occuring.

          Then on a different note. Another night, after leaving my parents house in NMB, I was driving down Miami Gardens drive to get to I-95. I was going with the speed of traffic and apparently was too slow for the car behind me who was riding up on the back of my car. Had I hit my breaks, I would have been hit, so I continued driving, speeding up just a few mph to eventually let him pass. The driver and his passenger began throwing bottles at my car. I called 911 and was dispatched to Miami Dade County, instead of NMB because it was their jurisdiction. The driver and his passenger eventually stopped in front of me, got out of their car, and started walking toward me. I was terrifed. I was still on the phone with 911 who told me I had to wait because the officers were all busy on calls. They asked me to wait at a closed gas station by myself. A little white girl waiting next at a gas station on 163rd street by myself. Not a good idea! Well, they had me waiting for a little over 4 HOURS!!!!!!! I couldnt beleive that they finally showed up a little after midnight. So if the idea of the city being taken over by the county is still an idea, I highly DECLINE!

          I also have a hard time hearing over and over again that the officers think the citizens are “savages”. WHAT!?!? Yea there are some of those kinds of people in NMB, as there are all over the place. But to say they all are is quite inaccurate. I know the majority of the officers and can tell you that they do NOT think that. They do care for the citizens and want feedback. Just like when they told my mom to roll up her window, or when the officer helped the old lady carry her bags to her car, or when the officer stopped to see if a women, who was sitting in her car was ok. These officers are people and I am tired of people placing these officers in a category they don’t belong. I am a civil servent just as they are and know that tasks at hand. For everyone who thinks they get paid too much, you are being ridiculous. DO you even know what their job tasks are? Do you know what they live with day in and day out? I am a teacher and know that I do not get paid enough. But I am sure that people who think the officers are getting paid too much, must think my salary is a treat as well. I can assure you that we, police officers and teachers, are not in our PROFESSIONS for the money. And yes, there are professions. A police officer is not just a JOB, it is a career, a profession. These officers do this job because it is their passion and what they love to do. THey have to deal with threats and violence all day long, but they do this because they want to help people. They want to help all the people who have been victimized. They want to teach people how to be safe. A group of officers came to my school this past year to teach them about the tasks of a police officer, K-9 officer, SWAT team member, and much more. THe students were not only fascinated by the tasks and equipment, but the one thing they all had in common at the end of the day was, ” These police officers have a lot to do. I want to be a police officer. They protect people.” It made me stop and think about what my husband deals with every day.

          Another comment is about the union. Stephanie, I understand your points on the unions. ANd just like you said, we dont have to agree. I am neither agreeing nor disagreeing with you. But I do want to say that I am a teacher and not a member of my union. I am not a member because it is way toooooo expensive, and unfortunately, I cannot affort $1000 a year to support my union. But the fact remains, that the union is STILL there fighting for my rights as a teacher whether I pay them or not. So to constantly degrade the police union of NMB is not fair. The officers can’t fight for their invididual rights. THey have to do so through the union. And if the union is standing behind them, good for them. SOmeone needs to protect them and their jobs and when they are still going about their day and prtecting the city because it is their job. I support the NMB police union. My husband is one of the 24 officers who may potentially lose his job. It is hard for my family, after all, I am only paid on a teachers salary, we own a home and have to send our baby girl to day care. So my husbands salary is the supporting income in our household. If he loses his job, not only does it affect him, but it affects all of us. So you are damn right that I will be out there on Tuesday with the NMB Police Union and all of the police officers, with many friends and family who live in the city supporting the officers. This is our life and we are entitled to free speech. You can consider this protest whatever you want, but I can guarantee that everyone out there will prove you wrong. And when they do, I HOPE that Mike Pons and all of the police officers receive an apology from you and everyone else who doubted them. THey are entitled to speaking up for themselves, and if they want to wear t-shirts and pass out fliers, or if they want ot have a party, WHO CARES!! It is their jobs, it is their lives, it is what they think will come across the best.

          As a former resident and continued visitor, for my own safety and the safety of the community, I pray that these officers do not get laid off. I know that cutting the 24 officers is NOT the only solution. And if everyone thinks so, maybe you should reconsider your priorities.

          And if they cut 24 officers, thats aboout 6-10 officers on each shift, so about 2-4 less officers on each shift…hmmm……You are looking at about 4-8 officers patroling the city on a daily basis. So the guard gate in Eastern Shores would be no more, and since Eastern Shores is so secure, the officer who patrols that zone, shouldnt be there anymore. And we can definitely expect more news stations in the city because Washington Park and other areas are going to feel the lack of police patroling and take charge once again. I hope none of this happens, but I think security is more important than anything else. And if the city cant figure out a way to make security their first priority, I think everyone will be happy and working together! 🙂

          Good luck NMBPD!!! Many residents and others are rooting for you!! You deserve the best because you give the best! Love you all and dont listen to all these people who hate on you. Of course there are always a few bad apples every now and then, but that happens everywhere. Continue to be professional and LOVE YOUR PROFESSION!!!!

          1. Eastern Shores is a Special Taxing District. The residents pay additional taxes to fund the guard gate, whether they want to or not.

      3. So if the FBI use half the fuel and the pay half the cost, then this is not reflected in the budget.

        Are you telling us the FBI contributes another 9 trips to the moon in fuel?

  5. There is NOTHING to expose. Can I take your respone as a commitment to give to your community? We need more reserve officers. Again, you are attacking the wrong people. If you want change then offer a solution. The fuel and cars belong to the tax payers. If the tax payers want the employees to park them then so be it. We are here to protect and serve. How I get to work is not my concern. The victims and people I protect are my concern. Arguments only confirm people in thier opinions. Lets offer solutions. It is what it is. Let go of the past.

    1. So all the other taxpayers concerns about getting to work on their own, but our police officers, if they do not get a take home car OR THEIR WAY, according to your words, “How I get to work is not my concern”. Not your concern? We don’t owe you crap.

      The first morning you come to work late using your own car, you should be sent home and later have someone else replace you in your job.

      If this is the attitude of the 100 officers, then 100 needs to be replaced with those who are willing to work.

      1. Once again, you only took out what you want to believe. I do not have to rely on my city issued car to get to work. I have other means to get to work. I am NEVER late and I am “entitled” to nothing except fair pay and equal treatment. It seems to me that you are angry. Let it go. Attacking my work ethic shows that you have NO respect for anyone. What about the rest of my last reply? Why dont you give something back to the community that’s positive and sets an example. I take my job very serious and I am dedicated to the people I serve. I will continue to give 110 percent. You can strip me of ALL the “perks” but you cant take my ethics nor my dignity away!

        1. People do give back, except they do not get an award for their deeds like some who seize every opportunity to have a friend gave them an award before council hence the world knows about it.

          1. The true reward comes to me at night when I know that I did the best I could. Look within for your rewards! My health and the health of my family is a reward in it self. My satisfaction comes from my commitment to advancing a better world. How about you?

          2. Stopthemadness says:
            August 10, 2011 at 12:48 pm
            The true reward comes to me at night when I know that I did the best I could. Look within for your rewards! My health and the health of my family is a reward in it self. My satisfaction comes from my commitment to advancing a better world. How about you?

            …..add to that $200,000.00 if you are a sergeant.
            $99,500.00 for a salary
            $77,000.00 for pensions per year and growing, plus 8%
            health insurance
            Life insurance
            cell phone $600.00
            Free take home tax payer car, etc etc

            If you are an officer, add $150,000.00
            $77,000.00 salary
            $56,000.00 pension and a repeat of the above.

            I am sure you are satisfied. Anyone over paid, is satisfied.

  6. In all fairness here, I don’t believe Stopthemadness was complaining about the possibility of losing a take home car. When he said, “How I get to work is not my concern,” I took it that he meant he’d provide his own transportation if necessary. I know that BlueInTheFace and other residents are upset over this entire debacle, so I understand the frustration. I’m also aware that the cops are also upset. The truth is that most of them are very professional and are doing an excellent job. I have spoken to and corresponded with several members of the police department who do not approve of the antics of the few who are being very contentious and rude. Please let’s not take our anger or frustration out on all the cops because of the actions of the handful of “bad apples.” The really threatening and stupid comments and emails I have received are from the same two or three cops who obviously never learned how to control themselves as adults. But, most of the people I’ve heard from are intelligent and rational, and even if they disagree with me, they do so with courtesy. Please also note that the vast majority of NMB officers either don’t read this blog at all or, if they do, they’re too busy doing their jobs to get involved in what is essentially a war of words on a website that very few people outside NMB even know about. We need to put this into perspective. I appreciate everyone who has taken the time to read my words and post their thoughts. But out of forty or so thousand residents and seven hundred and something city employees, in the scheme of things we are but a tiny handful of people posting comments here. Maybe if I ever have the readership of the Miami Herald, then I’ll feel important LOL! Seriously, though, let’s please try to be courteous to each other and try not to fan the flames any more than we have to. I’m just saying.

  7. Thank you Steph. I will always be true to the citizens of this city. It’s a tough time for everyone. We need to move ahead and not let the few hold us back. Again, my concern if for the residents and employees of NMB.

  8. As much as I dislike talking about salaries, I feel that I need to weigh in here. According to my research, I have found that the salaries of our police officers are pretty much in line with other cities of our size. The pension costs are quite high, but this is the fault of previous administrations who entered into these contracts. There needs to be some serious pension reform in NMB.

    In my opinion, it isn’t a question of whether or not our cops are overpaid (which I believe is not the case), the bigger question is whether or not the city can afford them. With regard to the pensions, we obviously cannot break any contracts that have already been signed. We do need to change all future pension contracts to bring them in line with real economics, i.e., make sure they are fully funded and stop paying the obscene 8% interest on pension contributions. Absolutely no one is getting anywhere near an 8% return on investments now. Banks aren’t even earning close to that – mortgage rates are still under 5%! Individual investors are lucky to get a quarter of 8%.

    As for the base salaries, I believe these are for the most part on par with comparable cities. Whatever step increases they receive are due to the contracts that the union negotiated with the prior administration. Regardless of how I feel about unions, I have to admit the police union made a very good deal for their employees, while the city should have had better counsel and a better manager. But this is something we can’t go back and change, and this is also NOT the fault of the individual cops. I really think it’s extremely unfair to use their salaries as a weapon in a war of words. We need to focus on what the city can afford to pay from now on, and how we can keep as many police officers on patrol as possible. This is the real problem that needs to be resolved, and everyone needs to have clear heads.

    Just my humble opinion, of course. And, I am done talking about salaries because it’s just so distasteful to me. This is never done in the private sector, and I’m old school.

    1. Ha! Noticed how mad “stopthemadness” is getting when you give him the facts Ms. Kienzle?

      $77,000.00 in salary is for a department head with a PhD, an MA or a degree, not a high school grad as many of these cops are. For a sergeant to get $77,000.00 as a pension is utmost ludicrous.

      In the past they had elected officials campaigning on their behalf for these high burdensome salaries and pensions. Not anymore. The taxpayers have had enough.

      Let them go elsewhere for those gluttonous salaries and pensions.

    2. The pensions are not part of union contracts. They were established by ordinances, passed by previous councils (who knows how long ago? Back when the tree was blooming!). And governed by committees, including at least two members appointed by council (and including at least one council member). In fact, Beth “I’m an attorney” Spiegel sits on the city’s police and firefighters retirement committee. It seems with all her legal wisdom she’s yet to come up with a solution to the problem (and it is obviously a huge problem).

      Both union contracts expire at the end of this fiscal year. So indeed, we can go back and change them.

      Base salaries are not out of line, as you’ve observed.

      I share your revulsion with the public discussion of salaries. It’s just not polite. Yet, in this political climate, it does come up. Unfortunately, most of those on the dais still have very little working knowledge of the city’s daily operations. Because it’s popular now to do so, they question every individual’s worth; and in the next breath, say, “but, I’m not an expert, I rely on staff to provide this information.” Sorry, but you can’t have it both ways. I understand the public mandate for transparency. But most of our elected officials have not made much effort to educate themselves to be able to provide it. There’s really only one man up there who can claim inexperience, and he never does so…he’s clearly brought himself up to speed quickly. And he is ALWAYS polite.

      Last night’s budget workshop was absolutely repugnant. Certain council members grilling the staff (individuals whose bosses have left the city, and who have inherited their responsibilities), and more or less accusing them of intentional obfuscation. Again, I understand that the residents want their elected officials to represent their best interests. All the more reason to disband most of the useless citizen boards and assign the elected officials to city departments.

  9. Jack,
    That is pure comedy. You must be talking about MPD. Moon Police Department. Keep the jokes coming. Dont be mad at me. Say what you want. You proved my point. Let go of the anger! Just the facts sir! Amazing!!!

    1. half million dollars in fuel is not funny. You people need to start paying amply for these take home vehicles or leave it at work. Get your own. There are not much “emergencies” to warrant any of you take home vehicles.

      Actually, the party is almost over….. the days of throwing money away is coming to an end. 9 trips to the moon in fuel by the NMBPD? Amazing!!!

  10. Mad? I don’t get mad. I think Jack needs a hug? Again, you are asuming we are uneducated. Again, Mr. Pallance you are the one setting the tone. This is not about you, this is about all of us. I am not an elected official, i work for the residents of NMB. I am only one person just as you are. i am all for reform and coming to a fair resolution. Take a deep breath and you will see that WE are in this together.

  11. Once again, stop with your idle threats. Take the car. Charge me for gas it doesn’t matter. I will still do my job and give my 110 percent. Reform my pension, cut my salary, i will still come to work tomorrow. We will survive no matter what we face. Stop the threats!

    1. three years now and you have been stalling in negotiations. Why are you now willing to give up what did not belong to you in the first place?

      Can be severance in packages or LAYOFFS! Choose.

  12. Mr. Pallace,

    We never took what did not belong to us. What are you talking about? If you are hired to do a job and the employer sets your salary and benefits do you say no thank you, I don’t want that much money? Don’t blame the few of us that care. If you think this is such a great job then apply! The city gave me what I have and the city can take it away. So now you have called us uneducated and thieves. This forum is not to bash each other. Your words speak volume. For the tenth time, we are not the bad guys. We have a job to do no matter what you say or do. If the city decides layoffs then so be it. Paycuts, pension reform, pay for fuel are all coming. We all know that. The past is the past. Let’s move on!!

  13. I must admit, some of the comments at the last city meeting were CLASSIC! Neighbors eating children? Look at the video. One day A book has got to be written. I have been laughing for days. You have your leader and I have mine.

  14. I don’t want to mention names. Look at the video. It is a Classic. I have shown it to all my freinds.

    1. I’m not going to watch the whole meeting. Give me a clue..was it during public comments or was it one of the council?

  15. View enhanced version | View full site

    Governor Receives Low Cost Health Insurance

    Story posted 2011.08.10 at 04:20 PM EDT

    Gov. Rick Scott, a critic of the federal health care overhaul, is paying less than $400 a year for health insurance for himself and his wife.

    While Scott is accepting no salary for his job as governor, the multimillionaire and former hospital chain executive chose to enroll in the taxpayer-subsidized health insurance plan offered by the state of Florida.

    Scott is among nearly 32,000 people in state government who pay relatively low health insurance premiums. It’s a perk that is available to high-ranking state officials, including those in top management at all state agencies.

    Nearly all 160 state legislators are also enrolled in the program that costs just $8.34 a month for individual coverage and $30 a month for family coverage.

    Brian Burgess, a spokesman for Scott, confirmed the governor and his wife are enrolled in the state health insurance plan, but refused to discuss why Scott signed up. He called the governor’s health care coverage “private matters.”

    The health insurance coverage provided to Scott used to be free for top state officials until 2010. Rank-and-file state workers pay $50 a month for individual coverage and $180 a month for family coverage.

    Married couples working in state government also pay the same amount as Scott and legislators.

    Florida has one of the highest uninsured rates in the nation, according to data released last year by the U.S. Census.

    Scott and other Republicans have been very critical of the health care overhaul signed by President Barack Obama that is intended to increase the number of Americans with access to health insurance.

    Before he ran for governor, Scott ran a group called Conservatives for Patients’ Rights that ran television ads criticizing the health care overhaul.

    Florida is one of more than 20 states suing to have the health care overhaul declared unconstitutional. In the last few months Republicans in Florida have rejected millions in federal aid that is tied to the health care overhaul.

    Sen. Nan Rich, D-Weston, says that Scott is “entitled” to enroll in the state health insurance plan. But she said he shouldn’t be fighting to keep other Floridians from getting access to health insurance coverage.

    “I wish every Floridian had the same opportunity,” Rich said.

    Rich is one of 40 state senators who are enrolled in the state health insurance plan. A spokeswoman for the Florida House confirmed that 112 out of 120 House members are also covered by the state. Many state legislators have acknowledged that they enrolled in the state plan because it is cheaper than obtaining coverage elsewhere.

    The state is projected to spend $2 billion during its current budget year to provide health insurance coverage.

    Most of the money spent on state worker health insurance coverage comes from taxpayers and not employee premiums.

    The governor earlier this year asked lawmakers to approve an overhaul of the state’s health insurance program that would force all employees to pay the same premium amount and to cap the amount of health insurance coverage provided to state workers. But the plan was not adopted by the Republican-controlled Legislature.

    Story posted 2011.08.10 at 04:20 PM EDT

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