The Dog & Pony Show of NMB

Thanks to a three day migraine, and the desire to simply not be aggravated again, I chose to watch the North Miami Beach Council meeting last night on my computer instead of attending in person.  I’m glad I did because I honestly don’t think I could have controlled myself if I were there.

I commend the Mayor, George Vallejo, for letting the crowd know in advance that he expected them to behave.  The Clerk read a statement that included not only the Civility Resolution, but an additional admonishment that cheering, booing and other inappropriate behavior in the audience would not be tolerated.  Surprisingly, it appears that everyone complied.  Well, almost everyone.  In all honesty, I probably would have escorted myself out of the room a couple of times for the occasional outburst of “OMIGOD!  PUH-LEEZE!  GIVE ME A FREAKING BREAK!”  I had a hard enough time containing myself while watching it in the privacy of my own home.

I’m pretty sure the police officers and its UNION have no idea what effect this staged dog and pony show has on the council and the residents who actually understand the financial situation the city is facing.  But, I can tell you they’re not exactly helping their cause by swarming the meeting and trotting their supporters to the podium one after the other to tell their sob stories, while they ridicule the residents who don’t fall for them.  The cops managed to shlep in fifteen people to come up and tell the council what a great job the police department is doing and that they’d better not fire any one of them.  This group included two tearful restaurant workers, two people representing restaurant owners, a former police chief of a neighboring city, two rabbis, three cops, the UNION president, two random residents, the ever present Margie “I ♥ Cops” Love, and a rude, loud mouthed guy by the name of Joe Paglino, who I’m pretty sure is a self-serving insurance salesman or pension actuary, and who has obviously been dying to take over the city’s pension accounts.  In addition to these people, Charles “Make Love Not War” Loeb, who always makes an appearance and has a comment about every decision the council makes despite the fact that he doesn’t even live in the city, showed up in the blue I-support-my-police tee shirt that the UNION so generously provided to whoever wanted one.

Margie Love managed to burst out crying while recounting her “I was a victim of a crime and the policeman was my knight in shining armor” story that we all were subjected to, usually sans tears, every time she opened her mouth on the campaign trail when she ran for office last spring.  This time she left out the part where she was so traumatized she curled up in a ball like a fetus for four days afterward.  Okay, Margie.  We get it.  You support the police department.  You love the police department.  You dream about the police department.  You show up at crime scenes just to be near them.  We get it!  As a funny aside, just a few weeks ago Margie Love’s name came up in a conversation I had with a cop, and he joked, “What does it tell you when someone like her is our biggest supporter?”  Um, okay.

The newly self-appointed mouthpiece for the police department, Nelson Reyes, who somehow managed to dial down his usual level of rolling boil to a simmer, had a few choice words for anyone who doesn’t support the cops’ demands.  He then announced that he has the solution for all of the city’s financial problems because, as we all know, he has a Ph.D. in Economics and Public Administration.  Oh, wait!  NO HE DOESN’T!  Considering that Reyes’ “issues” have cost the salaries of at least six cops in the past year alone, I’m thinking he’s not exactly the best person to be doing any talking whatsoever.  I’m just saying.

Another cop started his speech by making sure the council knew the only times he’s ever come up to the podium before was to accept awards, which was a thinly veiled attempt to tell everyone he’s wonderful and amazing.  Okay, we get it.  He then went on to talk about how hard it is to say goodbye to his one year old daughter every morning thinking it might be the last time.  Okay, we get it.  He then had the audacity to ask the council if any of them ever had the experience of not knowing they’ll ever see their loved ones again.  I bet he has no clue that I know of at least three of the council members and another employee up there who have all lost family members to untimely and tragic deaths.  My husband and I have personally suffered such losses in our families.  I would bet that many others in that room last night have also experienced similar tragedies.  Sorry, but cops don’t corner the market on pain and suffering.

Yeah, you have a dangerous job.  We get it.  But, according to several lists, including one by Business Insider, so do fishermen, which job was rated #1 of the most dangerous in America with 111.8 fatalities per 100,000.  After that, the deadliest jobs include logging workers (#2 with 86.4 per 100K) airplane pilots (#3 with 70.6 per 100K), iron and steel workers (#4 with 45.5 per 100K), farmers and ranchers (#5, 39.5/100K), roofers (#6, 29.4/100K), electrical power line installers (#7, 29.1/100K), traveling salesmen and truck drivers (#8, 28.2/100K), and trash collectors (#9, 22.8/100K).  Finally, number ten on the list of the deadliest jobs in America are cops with 21.8 fatalities per 100,000.  Right behind cops are taxi drivers, (21.3/100K), construction workers (19.5/100K) and firefighters (17.4/100K).

The cops are also fond of telling us that they are constantly being kicked, spit at, thrown up on and punched.  Well, so do nurses and mothers of two year old toddlers, but you don’t see them storming City Hall demanding stuff.

So, yeah, we get that cops have a dangerous job, but lets put things into perspective.  Our sanitation workers have a statistically more dangerous job than our cops do.  But for some reason we don’t see them rounding up residents and passing out tee shirts that say, “We Support Our Garbage Collectors.”  Maybe they should.

Self-proclaimed financial expert, UNION president Mike Pons, pushed the Civility Resolution envelope by angrily telling the Mayor, Council and City Manager that there is no budget deficit, that they were still hiding the money and that absolutely no cuts were necessary.  He accused them of playing a “shell game” (plagiarizing Councilwoman Phyllis Smith’s own words in the process).  I guess he knows his own tricks best!  Playing shell games, twisting words and telling outright lies are just a few of the maneuvers UNIONS use to get their way.  The irony is that for the first time in the history of North Miami Beach, this is the most transparent and open administration we have ever had.  Pons, of course, wouldn’t know that because he only shows up during budget season when there’s a possibility that his UNION will lose membership dues, and because he doesn’t even live in North Miami Beach.  What freaking CHUTZPAH!  If he’s so worried about UNION finances, maybe he should stop flying those damn planes over City Hall and wasting, by my calculations, at least $2,600.00 for last night’s circling alone!  That’s $100.00 worth of dues from each one of the 26 cops that he, Mike Pons, put on “the List” to be fired.  The 26 should ask him for a refund!

Speaking of financial experts, Janice Coakley, the president of the general employees union ASFCME, told the council they don’t know what they’re doing.  She advised them that her union is having the city’s budget reviewed by “people in Washington.”  Because those folks in Congress are doing a bang up job managing the country’s finances, aren’t they?  Have at it, Ms. Coakly.  Have at it.

Somehow, four of the residents, who the police sneeringly refer to as STPs (same ten people), and my husband (not sure if he’s considered an STP) managed to each get their three minutes to talk in between the rest.  But, since they didn’t cry, threaten, criticize or browbeat the council, no one in the audience paid any attention to them.  I’m pretty sure if the Clerk hadn’t told the crowd to behave, these people would have been booed out of the room.  Actually, these are but a few of the residents brave enough to ignore the dirty looks and ridiculous propaganda being thrown at anyone who dares to tell the truth.  The rest of us who are intelligent and understand what’s really going on simply don’t want to get in the middle of the fray.  I’d just as soon watch it at home where I can laugh at the dog and pony show in peace.

Finally, a North Miami Beach council meeting isn’t complete without Charles Loeb weighing in.  Unlike Passover, last night was like any other given council meeting Tuesday night, when he uttered his words of wisdom with the plea, “Can’t we all just get along?”

It would be lovely if we all could get along.  Unfortunately, until the cops realize the predicament that the city is in and stop their intimidation tactics, the city will continue to be divided.   If the cops would stop listening to the UNION’s rhetoric and start paying attention to reality, they’d know we do appreciate them and the sacrifices they make and that we don’t want to see any of them get fired.  They’d also know that it is the UNION who has thus far refused to sit down and negotiate with the city.  NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!

This budget process is far from over.  Hopefully, everything will all work out so the least amount, if any, employees will have to be laid off and the city can get back on track.  Hopefully, the real financial experts are able to put Humpty Dumpty back together again and we can all get back to our lives and whatever it is we did before the poop hit the fan.  Frankly, I hope it’s all over soon so I can get back to what I’d much rather be doing – armchair quarterbacking.  Is it football season yet?

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

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51 thoughts on “The Dog & Pony Show of NMB

  1. Stef, thanks for the splaning. You have more splaning to do. “Considering that Reyes’ “issues” have cost the salaries of at least six cops in the past year alone,”. Can you pleeeeeze spalin what this meant? Enquiring minds want to know. A cop with a PhD costing the city tons of money? With his background, he should have been bring in TONS OF MONEY.

  2. Some other “bright cop” said the laws of the state would require us selling our water plant to pay them “what belong to them”.

    1. I didn’t catch that remark, but if we didn’t have the revenue from the water plant all these years, there would have been almost no money to keep any employees on the payroll. From what I’ve been told, the water plant is our “golden goose.” Unfortunately, former city manager Kelvin Baker choked the goose until it stopped laying the golden eggs. Luckily, there’s still life in it, but the reserves need to be built back up before we’ll see any revenue again. In case anyone is paying attention, the Fitch credit rating for our utility was just downgraded BECAUSE the reserves were non-existent. The reserves are non-existent BECAUSE Baker used every last penny to keep his bloated budget from bursting. HELLOOOOO! Why doesn’t anyone get this? How simple of an explanation does anyone need?

    2. Mubarak, “bright cop”? Was he/she painted yellow or orange? Come on brother! I see “ghost stories” on “the moon”.

  3. Mr. Reyes was involved in a shooting incident that the City of NMB is just now settling out of court with the person who was shot for $600,000. As I understand it, there is another $150,000 in attorney fees for both sides that the City (i.e. taxpayers) are paying for. Steph’s math is not quite right on this one because based upon the $182,000 annual cost of each police officer (not counting their take-home cars) that only equlas the compensation of 4.12 police officers. Mr. Reyes was also involved in a vehiclular homicide traffic accident in Broward County while driving his NMb police car. He broadsided a woman who made a left turn in front of him and she was DOA at the hospital. Although he was not charged with the accident, witnesses to the accident stated the “police car came out of nowhere” meaning it was going at a high rate of speed. Only God and Reyes knows what really happened. In both of these incidents, Reyes may just have been the victim of bad luck and not negligent in any respect. The point is that the City Manager and Councilmembers, who he feels are not qualified to hold their positions or make budget decisions, are the same people that authorized spending whatever it took to defend him in the lawsuit, just as most of us citizens would.

    1. Bob White,

      Good thing evidence is the deciding factor in cases.

      For Example: Although he was not charged with the accident, witnesses to the accident stated the “police car came out of nowhere” meaning it was going at a high rate of speed, as you stated.

      I guess that would be your meaning or assumption, “going at a high rate of speed”, probably not the meaning or assumption you’d want an officer to interpret who’s investigating an accident you were involved in where the other driver was at fault.

      We have an Officer who was accused of running a red light by ALL the witnesses and a pedestrian was struck and killed. Good thing evidence showed the light was green from a car dash cam. That officer would have been fired and possibly criminally charged had no video been obtained.

      1. What was Reyes doing in Broward with our car? Reyes lives right on the outskirts of NMB, according to him, “one mile from city hall”. He should have taken his private vehicle.

        1. Go ask Reyes. Unless you take what is posted here as words of wisdom. (with the exception of few, maybe 4?)

      2. This guy Bob White had some issues with Reyes. Mr.White, this is not the blog for these kind of attacks. You are out line. Please stop with your opinion about what you think happened. Please this is not about one person. Think before you speak.

  4. I am guessing this is the thanks they are receiving in return.

    Another tax payer told me the hospital bill for the suspect was $350,000.00 obviously being paid from somewhere. So Stephanie’s math may be correct after all.

    So the witnesses say, “the police car came out of nowhere”. G_d knows what happened. May her soul rest in peace. Poor woman.

    If this was a take home car and Reyes is living one mile from city hall as he claimed in his rantings, what is this car doing in Broward?

    These take home cars are costing the city big time.

    1. Keep paying or take them away. It doesn’t really matter to us. It would actually give us all more time to ourselves. Driving 30 minutes to work then 30 minutes home in a police car takes an hour from our day. Driving my personal car will allow me to stop and shop or go to the movies, or the beach, or a friends house. I really like the idea.

      Also what it will allow is less police presence in the city. But thats on you.

      1. yeahright said “Driving 30 minutes to work then 30 minutes home in a police car takes an hour from our day. Driving my personal car will allow me to stop and shop or go to the movies, or the beach, or a friends house. I really like the idea.”

        Who cares what you do with your own personal time? You better get to work on time, otherwise you would be laid off faster. Telling us you are on call 24/7 is hilarious. Bet you do not work for free. And if the job is too scary, then leave, but don’t bitch, whine and complain. Hate men when they cry worst than gurls.

        1. Take the cars! Stop the threats! Do it already. This reminds me of my ex-wife. She always threatened to leave me. She finally did! OMG she did me a favor. Take the cars.

        2. Resident said:

          “Who cares what you do with your own personal time?”

          -Good point! I’ll use the police car to get me around town on my way home until their taken away, after all you don’t care.

          “You better get to work on time, otherwise you would be laid off faster”

          -I’ve been to work late several times in 15 years. But who’s counting. Haven’t been laid off yet and I’m sure I’ll be late again until I retire.

          “Telling us you are on call 24/7 is hilarious.”

          -Well I’m glad we both find it funny. Responding to the city when I’m off with the cities car and the cities gas at $60 an hour sure puts a smile on my face come payday. 🙂 🙂 🙂

          “Bet you do not work for free”

          -Who Does?

          “And if the job is too scary, then leave, but don’t bitch, whine and complain.”

          -Weird statement, but okay. Isn’t that what you seem to be doing?

          “Hate men when they cry worst than gurls”

          -Are you okay? Seems your having trouble with educated and informative replys.

    2. If you keep making all these stupid comments, your mouths are going to cost the city a lot more money. If I were a defense attorney? G-d gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason.

  5. Where is everyone. There’s been so much talk about wanting to sit in on contract negotiations between city and police but no one is here except Charles Lobe. Unbelievable!!!!

    1. Last night was a council meeting, not a contract negotiation. If there’s a negotiation going on right now, I’m not aware of it. Plus, most people who would like to sit in on the negotiations are probably at work during business hours. So, if it’s happening right now, at 11:00 a.m. on a Wednesday morning, I’m guessing that’s why the room is empty.

  6. Lets start easy, how many residents patrol the ‘hood ? I know I do.. I dont want your thanks, just a safe city.. but y’all could get off your butt’s and do something to cut crime.

    #2 no non NMB residents should be allowed to ruin their mouths at the NMB city council, either shut up or dont come.. and dont eat the damn bagels either!

    #3 why is the PD trying to run the city ? If there are too many cops, why cant we just trim the force ? Who said anything about firing people, there are other pd’s in dade or broward hiring ?

    I honestly dont know the history, why, how and who hired the current force ? but i’ll tell you about something called a housing bubble, or something else called foreclosures…

    Now, i’m not the type to go after the PD as the NMB budget cut piggy bank, but if the budget is over bloated, someones gottta give.. the union has gotta grow up and take responsibility as supposedly mature adults..

    1. Get the facts dude. Where have you been? Go get a copy of the proposed budget and see if you can figure out the puzzle? Let us know what you find?

    2. Elchonon writes:

      “Lets start easy, how many residents patrol the ‘hood ? I know I do.. I dont want your thanks, just a safe city.. but y’all could get off your butt’s and do something to cut crime.”

      -What hood are you refering too, NMB is a beautifu;l city. Pleae post the current crime stats, after all you are mentioning them.

      “#2 no non NMB residents should be allowed to ruin their mouths at the NMB city council, either shut up or dont come.. and dont eat the damn bagels either!”

      -You left out employees. After all, we know more about this city than most residents.

      “#3 why is the PD trying to run the city ? If there are too many cops, why cant we just trim the force ? Who said anything about firing people, there are other pd’s in dade or broward hiring ?”

      -Please provide the name of the person who said we run the city. What I can tell you is we don’t run it, we protect it.

      -Officers have already applied elsewhere.

      “I honestly dont know the history, why, how and who hired the current force ? but i’ll tell you about something called a housing bubble, or something else called foreclosures…”

      -Know your facts, knowledge is power.

      “Now, i’m not the type to go after the PD as the NMB budget cut piggy bank, but if the budget is over bloated, someones gottta give.. the union has gotta grow up and take responsibility as supposedly mature adults..”

      -What has the Union done, not done, done imaturely, etc. etc. You stated you don’t know the history. Please provide facts. If not you just come across as an uneducated spectator.

    3. I am sick to death of non-residents telling us how to deal with OUR city where WE pay the taxes! It’s NMB’s residents’ right to fight about whatever the hell we want to fight about. North Miami and unincorporated Dade already have enough of their poop so stay out of ours.

  7. Everyone relax, the city is not going to lay anyone off. It’s all smoke and mirrors. Just wait and you will see. Cuts yes, that’s fine. We will all adjust. Can I get a shot of patron?


    If you can read this whole story without tears of laughter running down
    your cheeks, then there’s no hope for you! *Note: Please take time to
    read this slowly. If you pay attention to the first two judges, the
    reaction of the third judge is even better!* For those of you who have
    lived in Texas, you know how true this
    is. They actually have a Chilli Cook-off about the time the Rodeo comes
    to town. It takes up a major portion of the parking lot at the
    The notes are from an inexperienced Chilli taster named Frank, who was
    visiting Texas from the East Coast:

    Frank: “Recently, I was honored to be selected as a judge at a chili
    cook-off. The Judge #3 called in sick at the last moment and I happened
    to be standing there at the judge’s table asking for directions to the
    Budweiser truck, when the call came in. I was assured by the other two
    judges (Native Texans) that the chili wouldn’t be all that spicy and,
    besides, they told me I could have free beer during the tasting, so I

    Here are the scorecards from the event:

    Chili # 1 (Mike’s Maniac Mobster Monster Chili)
    Judge # 1 A little too heavy on the tomato. Amusing kick.
    Judge # 2 Nice, smooth tomato flavor. Very mild.
    Judge # 3 (Frank) Holy shit, what the hell is this stuff? You could
    remove dried paint from your driveway. Took me two beers to put the
    flames out. I hope that’s the worst one. These Texans are crazy.

    Chili # 2 (Arthur’s Afterburner Chili)
    Judge # 1 Smoky, with a hint of pork. Slight jalapeno tang.
    Judge # 2 Exciting BBQ flavor, needs more peppers to be taken
    Judge # 3 Keep this out of the reach of children. I’m not sure what I’m
    supposed to taste besides pain. I had to wave off two people who wanted
    to give me the Heimlich maneuver. They had to rush in more beer when
    they saw the look on my face.

    Chili # 3 (Fred’s Famous Burn Down the Barn Chili)
    Judge # 1 Excellent firehouse chili. Great kick. Needs more beans.
    Judge # 2 A beanless chili, a bit salty, good use of peppers.
    Judge # 3 Call the EPA. I’ve located a uranium spill. My nose feels
    like I have been snorting Drano. Everyone knows the routine by now. Get

    me more beer before I ignite. Barmaid pounded me on the back, now my
    backbone is in the front part of my chest. I’m getting shit-faced from
    all of the beer!

    Chili # 4 (Bubba’s Black Magic)
    Judge # 1 Black bean chili with almost no spice. Disappointing.
    Judge # 2 Hint of lime in the black beans. Good side dish for fish or
    other mild foods, not much of a chili.
    Judge # 3 I felt something scraping across my tongue, but was unable to
    taste it. Is it possible to burn out taste buds? Sally, the barmaid, was

    standing behind me with fresh refills. That 300-lb. bitch is starting to

    look HOT… just like this nuclear waste I’m eating! Is chili an

    Chili # 5 (Linda’s Legal Lip Remover)
    Judge # 1 Meaty, strong chili. Cayenne peppers freshly ground, adding
    considerable kick. Very impressive.
    Judge # 2 Chilli using shredded beef, could use more tomato. Must admit
    the cayenne peppers make a strong statement.
    Judge # 3 My ears are ringing, sweat is pouring off my forehead and I
    can no longer focus my eyes. I farted and four people behind me needed
    paramedics. The contestant seemed offended when I told her that her
    chilli had given me brain damage. Sally saved my tongue from bleeding by

    pouring beer directly on it from the pitcher. I wonder if I’m burning my

    lips off. It really pisses me off that the other judges asked me to stop

    screaming. Screw those rednecks.

    Chilli # 6 (Vera’s Very Vegetarian Variety)
    Judge # 1 Thin yet bold vegetarian variety chilli. Good balance of
    spices and peppers.
    Judge # 2 The best yet. Aggressive use of peppers, onions, and garlic.
    Judge # 3 I shit myself when I farted and I’m worried it will eat
    through the chair. No one seems inclined to stand behind me except that
    slut Sally. She must be kinkier than I thought. Can’t feel my lips
    anymore. I need to wipe my ass with a snow cone.

    Chilli # 7 (Susan’s Screaming Sensation Chilli)
    Judge # 1 A mediocre chilli with too much reliance on canned peppers.
    Judge # 2 Ho hum, tastes as if the chef literally threw in a can of
    chilli peppers at the last moment. I should take note that I am worried
    about Judge #3. He appears to be in a bit of distress as he is cursing
    Judge # 3 You could put a grenade in my mouth, pull the pin, and I
    wouldn’t feel a thing. I’ve lost sight in one eye, and the world sounds
    like it is made of rushing water. My shirt is covered with chilli, which

    slid unnoticed out of my mouth. My pants are full of lava-like shit to
    match my shirt. At least during the autopsy, they’ll know what killed
    me. I’ve decided to stop breathing, it’s too painful. Screw it; I’m not
    getting any oxygen anyway. If I need air, I’ll just suck it in through
    the 4-inch hole in my stomach.

    Chilli # 8 (Tommy’s Toe-Nail Curling Chilli)
    Judge # 1 The perfect ending, this is a nice blend chilli. Not too bold
    but spicy enough to declare its existence.
    Judge # 2 This final entry is a good, balanced chilli. Neither mild nor
    hot. Sorry to see that most of it was lost when Judge # 3 passed out,
    fell over and pulled the chilli pot down on top of himself. Not sure if
    he’s going to make it. Poor dude, wonder how he’d have reacted to a
    really hot chilli?
    I love joke!

  9. Honestly, Im hard of hearing, I cant hear the council meetings…so i openly acknowledge I dont know.

    Just in 1 week the neighbor across the street was attacked in drive way, it was unincorporated but I see no difference…

    I again state that i’m not looking at the PD as the “hey we need to cut the budget, lets slash the pd budget”

    Steph says 2 rabbi’s spoke ? which rabbi’s ?

  10. Stephanie, I hope you have nursed your migraine sufficiently and are back to good health. Oddly enough, I felt the onset of a migraine myself after reading this blog and am taking the necessary precautions to avoid using a sick day. Any credibility you may have had in my eyes as an informed and educated citizen seems to have been lost in translation while reading these slanderous statements. This “dog and pony show” was just one of many efforts to voice our concerns about the lack of cooperation and communication between employees and their employer. Furthermore these supporters we supposedly “trotted in” to speak at the podium were complete strangers whom I had never met in my life. Nor do I think our union had the time or the means to rally them up in a last ditch effort to save jobs. Yes, we have been educating the community on the political smog coalescing over city hall but we do not bus them to the second floor to cry for us.

    “I’m pretty sure the police officers and its UNION have no idea what effect this staged dog and pony show has on the council and the residents who actually understand the financial situation the city is facing.” This sentence was intriguing to me in several aspects. For starters, I completely understand the effect our dog and pony show had on the council, it was rather effective. Second, when you speak of the “residents who actually understand the financial situation the city is facing” are you referring to yourself and the STP crew? I really do hate that worn-out acronym but I cant seem to find a better one packing the same associative punch. On many occasions, you and a handful of some of our other more vocal residents have made some compelling statements with healthy scrutinization of our elected officials. The rest of the rodeo clowns have performed the same song and dance for years and make me want to record a mix tape of their greatest hits. I’ll sell you one if you’d like. Either way, this crew was tad bit outnumbered last Tuesday yet most of them were in attendance (you had an excusable absence). We have walked the streets of the entire city and have met some incredibly informed citizens who, for whatever reason, have not involved themselves with this city’s politics. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that they don’t have time to sit through a 3 hour argument on seating arrangements, who knows. The point is the fire was lit by the city manager when HE (not Mike Pons or the Chief) proposed the idea of layoffs and the butchering of a great police department. This is definitely a cause for great concern to any level-headed member of the community. So its no surprise to me they are coming out in full force to be heard. Actually, wait, no… I forgot, we brought them in by the truck-load and held them hostage until they spoke up on our behalf.. Right? So if there are anymore “residents who actually understand the financial situation the city is facing” besides you and the STP, now is the time to start bussing them in as well because the council treats the familiar faces of public comment like a halftime show at a middle school football game.

    As for our officers speaking out, every other tuesday of every month, for as long as I’ve been employed in North Miami Beach you have had the same group of circus freaks foaming at the mouth to speak ill of our entire police force. You’d figure they might back off in this tense political climate as our candle burns from both ends but nope, they continue to spew out their infectious propaganda at the podium and demand justification for our existence. So pardon my colleagues and I as we are forced to play a little defense. The officer who you believed was being so audacious to the council made the biggest decision of his life in a tenth of a second last year at four in the morning on a street corner a few blocks from your house. That decision had a profound impact on several people including his entire family and his unborn baby girl. I wouldn’t expect you or anyone else who compares our jobs to that of a fisherman, logger or traveling salesman to understand what that feels like especially because I can’t quite grasp the concept myself. I am lucky enough to not have had to make a similar decision, but my luck is starting to become the exception rather than the rule as my brothers and sisters are faced with more and more of Khazan’s “boogymen”. But I digress, as we all know how much you hate sob stories.

    Your rant on Sgt Reyes was even more repulsive and benighted. “Considering that Reyes’ “issues” have cost the salaries of at least six cops in the past year alone, I’m thinking he’s not exactly the best person to be doing any talking whatsoever” I am guessing the “issue” your talking about is our legal department’s decision to settle on his case. As if Reyes had any choice in the matter? You’re logic behind this outburst is quite perplexing to me but unfortunately your readers gobble it all up and ask for seconds. Stephanie, your voice is being heard by people who matter. Please choose your words carefully, educate yourself on the facts, and think before you type. It’s very disheartening when a seemingly educated individual with a sound mind turns a solid inquisition of the city’s finances in to a smear campaign against the people with a different view point. No, Reyes does not have Ph.D in economics. Do you? Does Bonner? Anyone on the council? In our last exchange we both acknowledged how little we knew about the budget or how to fix the deficit. That was a few days ago, how long does it take to get a Ph.D?

    Mike Pons presented IUPA’s overview of the budget which stated the shortfall was based primarily on Bonner’s proposal to transfer $10 million dollars from the city’s General Fund Account to outside city accounts. The funds transfer alone accounts for 95% of the claimed reduction in city revenue. So as a result, there should be virtually no decrease in the amount of revenue available for the general operations of the city and there should be no need for any substantial cuts in the budget of the Police Department. Virtually the entire claimed decrease in revenues consist of funds transferred from one set of city books to another by the city manager. You were very quick to dismiss IUPA’s findings as trickery or lies, perhaps because you have an axe to grind with Mike Pons, but these are pretty outrageous numbers we’re talking about for a city this size. Anyone who has access to google can see this city manager has a long standing track record of flip-flopping numbers and outsourcing essential government services. He didn’t have much to say on Tuesday apart from his demand for reimbursement on his personal moving expenses. I’ve been hearing the word “transparency” get thrown all over the place with this new regime. But when it comes to the union’s request for information detailing the city’s finance record, Bonner is about as transparent as an armored bank truck.

    Again I’m no expert on anything other than being a midnight shift cop. I am as guilty as anyone else who hasn’t sifted though the actual numbers. I am also just as guilty of not playing a bigger roll with the union that represents me. But like you I have questions about the budget. Especially if they directly effect the livelihood of my family, my colleagues and their families, and the citizens of North Miami Beach. You too indicated you were not as informed as you should be in regards to the budget. So I propose we start educating ourselves with the real numbers, not the pretty little pie graphs Bonner presents to the council like a kindergarden teacher. Maybe we should even grab a cup of coffee one day and compare our findings so our future rants can be backed by hard evidence. I am very unpleased with your personal attacks on the people who spoke out on Tuesday’s meeting. Yes, this is a difficult time for everyone, but lets focus on the big picture here and leave the mud slinging out of the equation. Feel free to contact me with your concerns at Best wishes and God bless.

    1. Officer Anderson, thank you for writing. I don’t have time to respond to it in detail right now as I must get to work and I’ll most likely be very busy all day, but I didn’t want you to think I didn’t read it or appreciate your constructive criticism. I certainly don’t expect everyone to agree with me, and I will definitely take your comments and suggestions under consideration.

      I won’t respond to the person who commented, anonymously of course, by the moniker “Deez Nuts” and who wrote, “I can’t wait till Kienzle over turns her vehicle one day. While her car is on fire and she is trapt inside she can wait for an officer for 15 minutes while her skin burns off. Im sure that will fix her sarcastic tone.”

      That’s lovely, isn’t it? For every honest and respectful comment like yours, I get one of those. How’s that for warm and fuzzy? I’m just saying.

        1. I’m pretty sure it’s NOT a cop or a resident. The IP address is from North Carolina, so I doubt it’s even personal. It’s just scary to think someone is so evil they’d wish a fiery death on someone. As much as any of us (present company included) can be angry or snide toward one another, I seriously doubt we want bodily harm to come to any of us.

      1. Stef, if this is a person in hiding, whom I gather is a coward, I do apologize a human-being can think such for another.

        I choose not to respond to those who bring to the table insults. They know themselves. Encouraging them to speak madness only lessens the participation. Hopefully we can make this blog, with a few prods, allow people to feel comfortable and place their true names, making them more accountable and responsible for what they say.

        Much of the things the ofc. Anderson said, I may not agree with, but he shoot straight like the rest of us, and he is held accountable for what he says. He is real. It would be good for the rest to man-up, shoot straight and let us have an intelligent discussion going.

        1. Kazan, like I said, I doubt the person who wrote that even lives or works in NMB. He could just be your typical internet stalker, the likes of which I’ve run into on Miami Herald comments. In fact, I’m thinking he might be that person. Either way, he’s not worth discussing. I will address Officer Anderson’s comments later today (I’m taking a short lunch break), although from what I can tell there is no need to defend myself, since his comments were his opinion, and I can definitely see his point on some of it. I do not feel like I was being attacked by him so I’m not on the defensive. You’re right, that he is just being honest and I do appreciate that. There is a big difference between disagreeing with someone and being disagreeable. More later. I have much work to catch up on.

        2. Classic response. Why does this have to be a “man thing”. Learn to laugh and love. No need to comment. “stop speading the poision”.

          1. True. Could be a crazy ass stalker chick. But this comment reminded me of an encounter I had a few months back with this whack job who called himself Fritz Katz and stalked everyone who commented on the Miami Herald. If someone posted something he didn’t agree with, he would furiously google everything he could find about that person and then post it on the Herald. He would be able to dig up just enough personal stuff to make it look like he knew the other person, just enough to freak them out. He did it to me and I started wondering if this guy was going to attack me when I walked out my front door. In fact, I even sent his comments to Chief Hernandez at the time to see if he thought the guy was a threat. Turns out, the guy was one of those unfortunate souls who came back from Viet Nam badly damaged, both physically and emotionally, and he didn’t even live in NMB. Eventually Fritz Katz must have been reported by enough Herald readers to get himself banned. He did resurface under a different name, but his writing style was so distinctive it was obvious who it was. He probably got booted again because I haven’t noticed him trolling the Herald since then. But this comment to my blog reminded me of him, and I wonder if it is.

            But, yeah, could be a stalker chick.

    2. Officer Anderson, I was reminded by another person, RickyTicky, that I still owe you a response. To begin with, I’m sorry I don’t have credibility with you because of the things I wrote. Let me first tell you that I didn’t start out my writing “career” to be credible. I am first and foremost an entertainer of sorts, and I had absolutely no intention to become an “investigative reporter.” I only started this particular blog last year when the previous mayor and council got out of control and we literally became the laughing stock of the county. What started out as a snarky commentary on the absolute foolishness and stupidity of their behavior somehow evolved into my having to do research, read budgets and uncover corruption. It was never my intention to be taken as a serious political pundit! And, as I mentioned in response to another person’s comment, this is not fun for me. Crunching numbers and talking about salaries is not pleasant. I’d much rather be observing and writing about what I call Stupid Human Tricks. I’m pretty sure my migraine is because I’ve somehow become an “Important Person” to some people, which actually bewilders me because the most I ever hoped for was to make people laugh.

      My commentary about the council meeting was my sarcastic version of what I observed. I do understand you found nothing entertaining about it, and truthfully, I wish it could have been more funny. But, it was just my way of “reporting” the events. My comment about “residents who actually understand the financial situation the city is facing” was not necessarily referring to those who are called the STP, but about anyone who has been paying attention to the fact that municipalities all over the country are facing serious money problems. I find that there are just as many people who are involved and informed of the dire straits of the government’s finances as those who pay no attention to current affairs at all. I wish I could be one of those people who have no clue and who’s only goal in life is to text their vote into American Idol. Unfortunately, I happen to be acutely aware of the very serious economic problems facing not only the city, but the county, state and nation. I read as much as I can get my hands on about the economy and politics, and I do consider myself to be a highly informed voter. Throughout the years, I have attended council meetings – sometimes regularly, sometimes not. Either way, I made it my business to keep up with what’s going on at city hall. I would venture to say that some of the residents who came to that council meeting never set foot in that chamber before, and maybe don’t even vote in local elections. This is not to say that they’re not welcome. Every resident is welcome and should be encouraged to attend and be a part of their government. But, the fact that something like 10% or 15% of registered voters even bothered to come out and elect their city council only proves to me that most people are either completely ignorant about city government or totally apathetic, or both. I have always been of the opinion that it is the responsibility of every citizen to cast their vote for who they want representing them, and that they shouldn’t complain about their elected officials if they didn’t bother to vote. To paraphrase Plato, those who do not involve themselves in politics end up being governed by their inferiors. I choose to involve myself, yet it’s very disheartening to be negatively referred to as one of the STP simply because I am an involved and informed citizen. My comments about those particular people who all of a sudden graced city hall to “save our police department” were simply an observation that they were reacting emotionally to an important topic without being apprised of all the facts. And, of course, I was being snarky, which is simply the way I write.

      I would take issue with your comment about the “same group of circus freaks foaming at the mouth” who “continue to spew out their infectious propaganda.” As I mentioned above, citizens have a right to be involved in politics. It’s true that hose who do go to meetings and speak on a regular basis are usually the the same rotating bunch of people, but this doesn’t make them any less important than those who don’t speak publicly or attend meetings. I actually prefer not to speak, and I don’t attend many meetings anymore now that I can watch them live on my computer. My comments about the individual people who spoke at the last meeting were based on my observations about their behavior. I’m not one to cry in public, nor are my heartstrings tugged by people who try to play on my emotion. In my opinion, when one petitions the government, one should try to use logic, reason and intellect when stating his or her case. I personally believe this is how people are supposed to behave in public. Maybe it’s just me but all the outbursts, angry remarks, tears and pathos just beg to be critiqued and satirized. But, remember, this is the type of stuff that I naturally find entertaining. It’s almost like watching a Saturday Night Live skit, and everyone – STPs, residents, cops, council people…Darcee – are just players in one big spoof. Like the movie, Airplane! Only I’d call it City Hall! Honestly, that’s how I end up feeling. My columns about the whole musical chairs fiasco, for example, turned into a series of what I’m told were really funny blogs. So, maybe I see this whole “sea of blue” thing as just another “act” in the long running Broadway play that is our city’s government. I’m not belittling any of this. It’s just that from my perspective, and with the tragic life experiences I’ve had in my personal world, most of the time I see life as one big cosmic joke, and we’re all just playing our parts. Yeah, I’m jaded and cynical, which is all the more reason why I try to find dark humor in even the direst of situations.

      I never intended to be a serious player in any of this. I really only want to make people laugh. I honestly don’t like pissing people off if I can help it. And, I certainly don’t like being embroiled in all this serious budget stuff. I wish this entire episode would just be over with so I can get back to uncovering corruption or making fun of someone.

      What I honestly do believe, however, is that this mayor and several council people are doing everything they can to make sure that this budget process is done with absolute transparency and openness. I know they have no hidden agenda, unlike the previous administration. I’m not just saying this, I really believe it. I think that if everyone can just tone down the theatrics and just pay attention to the details and the process, in the end we will have a workable budget. There will be time to question things and make suggestions in upcoming budget workshops where we can participate. But to raise hell before anything is even written in stone is ludicrous and a waste of time. If I find something humorous in the hell raising, I’ll probably write about it.


  11. Great post Karl. Your brother was an excellent officer here at NMB before he left to BSO and congrats on his new promotion to Sgt. Like your brother, you value this profession and you came to NMB with hopes of a prosperous career. I’m not sure where you are on the “list”, but I hope were able to save all the positions and the professionalism those officers bring to this city. If the CM has his way, you might be one of those officers that get laid off and I hope BSO grabs you quick as you’ll be an asset to any department. Like your brother, you’ll probably have more chances for growth and advancement if BSO is in your future. Like NMB, I’m sure BSO has STP’s that never have anything nice to say and if officers share their thoughts or views off duty at a council meeting, it’s seen as disrespectful, threatening and abusive (ain’t that right khazan?). Peace!

  12. I am organizing a stress management seminar. Time and date will be posted soon. I am thinking about three places: Hooters, Take one lounge or any place they have a great happy hour. Please let me know.

  13. Steph, I wonder what she looks like? This could get even better…invite her to the stress seminar. It is said we all get better looimg with alcohol.

    1. It is me, I confess. I’m a seven-foot-tall transvestite with huge implants and a pesky five-o’clock shadow. However, after a while at the stress seminar, you’ll both start to see me as a Nicole Kidman clone. Madness, I only hope we can convince Stephanie to imbibe. Then maybe she’ll loose her hair. That’s the real reason I’m stalking her. I’m obsessed with her hair.

      What exactly is looimg, by the way? Is that related to liming? 🙂

  14. Looimg, liming, 9 trips to the moon, eating the children next door. What’s the difference? After this is over, I will have expanded my vocab by 1000 new words. Don’t forget, since I’m a cop, I only graduated from middle school with my PHD in rocket science. Gotta laugh or cry- you choose!

    1. Madness, I am bestowing an Honorary Ph.D. in Rocket Science to you. Heck! If Williams College can give James Taylor an Honorary Degree in Something at my son’s graduation in 2009, I can certainly give you a Degree in Anything I Want, right? You are very clever and funny and I am enjoying your show immensely. Anyone who makes me laugh deserves accolades!

      1. I want one too! I want one too!

        Madness, after the stress-relief happy hour I think you and I should lime to the moon and eat some looimg at least nine times.

        1. Okay, okay. You get an Honorary Ph.D. in Stalking. I might even nominate you for a VotersOpinion Steffi when award season comes. Stay tuned…

          1. OMG! Have to go write my speech right now. Then go shopping for jewels and a gown for the awards ceremony. Who’s hot these days? Tarzhet? Jacques Penne?

          2. I wouldn’t know. I shop at Chez Old Navy. I just hope Joan Rivers doesn’t ask me who I’m wearing.

  15. Steph, thank you. I am trying to add some humor to these tough times. I have come to a point where this is in G-D hands and we have to have faith. Life is too short and I am getting to old to worry! G-D bless all of us.

  16. Stephanie thank you for your response. Although you made no retractions or apologies, your explanation was quite sufficient in dampening my concerns as you have titled your self as an “entertainer” who may not wish to be taken seriously. Now that this has been established I am relieved yet dissatisfied with your brand of entertainment. I think I’ll stick to Stephen Colbert, sorry. I too tried my hand at entertainment when I used the term “circus freaks” in a purposefully distasteful manner to describe our city’s favorite stand-up comedians (oops there I go again). Believe me when I say this was only my attempt to continue our dialogue in the spirit of your “dark humor” style of comedy. I am sorry if you did not find it as humorous as I did, I guess neither one of us are any good at comic relief. Because I wear a badge and have identified myself as a servant of your community, please know I would never publicly make such derogatory remarks while on the job. However, luckily for me, despite my status as a public official we still share the same inalienable right to free speech while I type away in the privacy of my own home, off duty. Obviously none of these people are freaks, nor do I think any of them would do well as circus performers.

    I wholeheartedly agree with you in that theatrics should play no role in government or negotiations. Sure, some of the speakers may have come off as theatrical but we don’t control who speaks on our behalf or stop somebody based on their personality traits. Furthermore, the majority of those who spoke used sound logic and professional objectivity to express their views which caught the attention of your favorite “transparent” Mayor and Council. I am also well aware of many municipalities having a financial meltdown but one should not conclude the sky is falling in their community by assuming “if they’re broke, we must be broke”. Yes these are BAD times and this is a BAD economy, but it started at the very top with a seemingly manufactured housing bubble destined to collapse. The conspiracy theorist in me can’t help but think the fall of local governments and their foot soldiers was a plot designed to override the tenth amendment for some grand scheme… But I’d have to anonymize my screen name and put on my tin-foil hat for that conversation.

    Stephanie, I believe you and I have a very different perspective on the world because you have not seen it through my eyes, nor have I through yours. Although I am a union employee, I share many of your views concerning past and current practices by many union juggernauts as the country funnels into a potential economic collapse. This battle however, is not being fought by the union big wigs. It is I, along with my brothers and sisters who will ultimately pay the price by the squabbling between your electorate and city employees. I will not use war stories or tell you about my great feats of heroism to justify the existence of a full service Police Department. I will however, remind you to educate yourself on historical trends pertaining to public safety in similar economic hardships. I don’t have the time to list them all.

    Again Stephanie, I am looking for answers just like you. Although our search for the truth is being conducted from opposite ends of the political spectrum, I hope we can remain objective and open to new ideas for the sake of our city’s future. And, since we are paraphrasing Greek philosophers, I’ll end by saying “I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing” -Socrates. As always, best wishes and God Bless.

    1. Officer Anderson, thank you for writing back. I was not aware that you were expecting a retraction or an apology. While I retract nothing, I do apologize for offending you. That was not my intention. I was, however, hoping that my response would be sufficient for you. Apparently, it was not, and apparently you still have a lot of animosity toward me. That’s your choice.

      I’m pretty sure you meant it as an insult when you said, “you have titled your self as an “entertainer” who may not wish to be taken seriously.” I’m happy you think I’m nothing but a joke. I assure you I can be quite the serious person when the need arises. If you have any doubt about that, feel free to ask the former mayor how much of a joke I am. I’m pretty sure he’s not laughing.

      In any event, I will give you the credit for being the most intelligent person who has ever attempted to insult me. It’s quite refreshing actually. Most people end up regretting it, but with you at least I can say I have finally met my match. Touché.

      I’ve obviously given you enough reason to dislike me. I must say, though, I’m a bit stymied as to why you would insult the new Mayor by claiming he’s less than “transparent.” I’m pretty sure you don’t know anything about him, much less enough to make such a snap judgment. Perhaps you’re an even bigger cynic than I am since you deal with the dregs of society on a daily basis. But, I do believe that if you ever sat down and had a conversation with him, I’m quite sure you’d be surprised that he is of the highest moral character. I implore you not to misjudge him simply because I support him. That isn’t fair to him.

      As for the full service Police Department, I was treated to a tour of the building and premises this past week, and I am quite convinced that it is an excellently run, extremely impressive operation. In fact, I was planning on writing a column about it this weekend. Don’t worry, I intend for it to be an entirely humorless essay. And I mean that in a good way. I would have written it sooner but I’m still dealing with this nagging headache that I’m beginning to think is a pinched nerve in my neck. While it’s not the same thing as a retraction or an abject apology, you should get some sort of satisfaction knowing I’m in pain.

      Since I’m fresh out of Greek philosophers at the moment, I’ll quote my second favorite philosopher, Jake Blues of the Blues Brothers: “We’re on a mission from God.”


      1. Stephanie, I think you misread my response. I definitely was not looking for an apology or retraction as everything you said made perfect sense to me. Please accept my apology for attempting to paraphrase your last response with the “entertainer” comment as it was truly not my intention to insult you. In retrospect, I could have elaborated a little more on what I had gathered from you’re response because I do not view you as a “joke” at all. I have absolutely no animosity toward you and am very sorry my commentary was misconstrued as a personal attack. As far as you offending me, I have yet to be offended by anything you’ve said. Stephanie, look where I work and what I do, it’s rather tough to offend me. I am honored for being crowned “the most intelligent person who has ever tried to offend you”, but I’ll have to relinquish the throne as offending you was never my intention. Please forgive me.

        I was not suggesting our Mayor was anything other than “transparent”. From what I can gather he is a fair and impartial player in this whole fiasco. The quotation marks were merely a comical reference to the word of the day. I do believe we may have gotten off on the wrong foot in our agreement to disagree and I’ll be sure to watch my P’s and Q’s in my future responses. Furthermore, it is an honor you’ve proclaimed to have “met your match” with me and I thank you for allowing me to continue to post on your site. I’ll end with a quote from my favorite Austrian philosopher- “I’ll be back”.

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