Bah! Humbug!

While most of the families in North Miami Beach are waking up to a Christmas morning in anticipation of spending the day with loved ones and good cheer, you can bet that our own former mayor Myron “Ebenezer” Rosner, is wringing his hands with delight.  His glee has nothing to do with watching joyful children happily tearing the wrap off gifts that Santa left under the tree.  No, like the Scrooge that he is, Myron’s only joy comes from making other people miserable.  Bah! Humbug!

In the past month or so, Myron has been rummaging through the bowels of the Building Department of the City of North Miami Beach in the hopes of finding code violations on the homes of residents.  While visions of sugar-plums danced through our heads, day after day Myron has been making a list and checking it twice:

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring except Myron the Louse.
The dossiers were spread on the table just right,
In the hopes that he’d be able to ruin someone’s night.

Now, Dasher!  Now, Dancer!  Now, Prancer!  And, Vixen!
Crooked Fences!  Broken Windows!  Soon you’ll be Fixin’!
Your Unlicensed Porch!  Your Unlawful Wall!
I’ll Get You My Pretties!  I’ll Get You All!


Okay, so I’m not a poet.  But, you get the picture.

We all know that Myron has code violations up the wazoo, and one of these days he’ll be forced to come before the Code Board to face the music.  But as long as he can con some attorney into representing him, he’ll keep managing to postpone the inevitable.

That doesn’t necessarily mean that Myron intends to pay his legal bills.  No, he plans to bill the residents of North Miami Beach instead!

According to letters between Myron’s attorney, Kendall Coffey, and City Attorney Darcee Siegel, Myron thinks he’s entitled to be reimbursed by the City for legal fees he’s incurred to the tune of $25,764.68.  (It also appears that he’s asking for reimbursement of costs totaling $15,909.21, but according to the copy I have, the bill for costs do not seem to add up.)  As early as August 6, 2009, Myron set the stage for the Big Ripoff by having Kendall send a letter to Darcee to warn her that he intends to finagle his legal fees from the taxpayers for his representation of Myron in his trial before the Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust.  According to Kendall, “Myron Rosner is a public servant of great integrity who previously served the City with distinction as a Councilman.”

The only distinction Myron can claim is that he’s the Worst Mayor in the History of North Miami Beach.  Bar none!

Kendall goes on to describe in great detail how Myron claims the City screwed him over plans, permits and variances.  The three page letter penned by the Honorable Kendall Coffey is a fabulous piece of fiction, worthy of the New York Times Bestseller list!  Needless to say, Myron’s cry of “poor me” is just bogus.

Kendall followed up this letter with another one dated November 3, 2011, after the Ethics Commission was DEADLOCKED on a vote (see, where he claims that Myron “has successfully overcome the administrative charges raised by virtue of his official position,” and that he respectfully DEMANDS “that the City pay
for those expenses.”

NEWS FLASH, KENDALL:  MYRON DID NOT OVERCOME ANYTHING!  Especially his stupidity!  The Commission issued a split decision, which means neither a conviction nor an acquittal.  According to Rhonda Sibilia of the Ethics Commission, the law states that a deadlock means bupkes.  The charges against your dude, Myron, are basically in limbo.  Myron CHOSE to hire you and pay your bloated fees.  The taxpayers of North Miami Beach don’t owe you a damn penny!

Back to the letter.  Kendall then warned Darcee that if he doesn’t hear back from her by November 14, 2011 about “whether the City intends to fulfill its payment obligations without the necessity of litigation,” that the “City’s total financial exposure could well exceed $100,000.”

Now them’s fightin’ words!

Not only does Kendall imply that the City is OBLIGATED to pay for Myron’s legal fees, but he then threatens the City with expensive litigation.  All for what Myron claimed was a “simple $500.00 violation!”

Yeah, Myron is a real piece of work, huh?

On November 10, 2011, Darcee wrote back to Kendall stating, “Kindly provide the statutory and/or case law authority upon which your client’s claim for reimbursement of attorneys’ fees is permitted so that we may evaluate the claim properly.”

Of course, Kendall shot back on December 9, 2011, “As I understand your recent correspondence there is no significant interest in addressing the right of former [m]ayor Myron Rosner to be reimbursed for the fees and expense he incurred.”  He then tells her he’s gonna sue the City before the end of the year.

The RIGHT to be reimbursed?  Really?  The RIGHT?  What CHUTZPAH!

Darcee then wrote back to Kendall on December 12, 2011 telling him that his letter “did not address any statute or case law authority supporting any entitlement for attorney’s fees…I must assume that no authority exists entitling your client to reimbursement of attorney’s fees under these circumstances.”  YOU GO, GIRL!

She also invited Kendall to file his lawsuit and that “as a professional courtesy, [she] will accept service of process on behalf of the City.

In other words, Kendall…BRING IT ON!

WOO HOO!  I love a good court battle.  Especially when we’re on the winning side.

Okay, yeah, I haven’t been one of Darcee’s biggest fans since the “street furniture” fiasco.  And, yeah, I’ve been pretty critical of her legal opinion regarding Myron’s fake Happy Holidays Turned Campaign Sign Bus Benches.  But, that’s in the past and I’ve been trying to let it go.  Considering that she’s got the balls to stand up to Kendall Coffey, one of the baddest litigators in Miami-Dade County, with the reputation of being one of the highest paid liars, er, I mean, lawyers around, I’m gonna swallow my pride and root for her.  Here’s Darcee’s chance to redeem herself in the eyes of the residents by smacking Kendall Coffey down to size.  And his little dog, too!

While all of you are opening your Christmas presents and spending time with your loved ones, Myron “Ebenezer” Rosner is busy plotting against his enemies, real and imagined.  Like the Scrooge that he is, he’d love nothing more than to drag all of us down with him as he continues to sink even lower in the mud and ruin everyone’s holiday season.  What a disillusioned, evil little man.  May he get exactly what he deserves in his stocking – a big, filthy lump of coal.

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

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1 thought on “Bah! Humbug!

  1. Deadlocked for the Ethics Comm? They launched a four “man” team to hear Mryon’s case to begin with knowing Rosenthall taking up the fifth seat, could not take part in voting because of whatever the two had in common in the past. To have Rosenthall stay through the entire hearings and not excuse himself from the beginning of the case, raises questions on that office. Murawski did a fabulous job, but could not overcome the odds placed against him on this case. He was right on que, delivering his best shots on behalf of the public.

    This would be one of Darcee’s easiest cases, fighting not to give one penny to the louse.

    Also, all the attorneys representing Myron, voted in favor of Myron, gave donations to Myron for his political campaign, should be black listed from appearing before his wife, Judge Zabel.

    Thanks for keeping the louse in focus Stef. Your holiday time was well spent.


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