A Crime of Opportunity

WARNING:  If you really believe that George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin in cold blood because the kid was black, I suggest you stop reading right now if you don’t want to get pissed off.  This column today is for people who believe in the fundamental right that a person is innocent until proven guilty in a Court of Law.

An article Saturday’s Miami Herald made my blood boil.  I wrote this column immediately, but decided not to publish it in anger, which is always a bad idea.  Now that I’m over my initial reaction, I still feel strongly about this issue and I wanted to express my views.

According to Trayvon Martin’s mother got 8 months of donated vacation time, “Sybrina Fulton, who has worked at the Miami-Dade County housing authority for 23 years, collected $40,825 worth of donated vacation time, county records show. The paid time off is in addition to the nearly $100,000 the family raised on wepay.com and at rallies, which will be used to launch a criminal justice advocacy foundation in Trayvon’s name.”

How generous of her fellow government employees, who donated a total of 34 weeks’ worth of time off for Ms. Fulton.  The article states that “County records show Fulton, who earns $68,768 a year, used funeral leave, four weeks of accumulated sick leave and 60 hours of vacation after her son was killed by neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman. She took two days of furlough in compliance with her county contract.  Last week’s pay period was the first that tapped into the bank of donated time.”

Employees also donated almost nine weeks of vacation time to Trayvon’s aunt, Yolanda Knight Evans, who also works for the County as a water and sewer customer service representative.  The Herald doesn’t mention how much she earns.

My first question is:  How essential are the jobs of these County employees if they can take all these months off to do their thing?

My second question is:  Did the County hire more people to do their jobs, or were those positions just filled with replacement bodies?

Apparently the County has plenty of employees on the payroll if they’re able to take endless vacation time and public sees no break in service.  Must be nice.

But, I digress.

The “Justice for Trayvon Foundation” will now employ Trayvon’s mother, aunt, and father, who is a truck driver.  Amazingly, he doesn’t work for the County, but apparently he has plenty of time on his hands, too.  Obviously, he’s got enough time to fly to England with his ex-wife to “speak” at the University of London.

The foundation is supposed to advocate “criminal justice.”  By “criminal justice,” the mother is referring to Florida’s Stand Your Ground law, which she wants repealed because she claims it offers “increased immunity in self defense cases.”

So, let’s talk about Stand Your Ground.

The “Stand Your Ground” Bill, otherwise known as SB 436 (and a substitute for House Bill 249 CS), was presented to the Governor on April 20, 2005, and signed by the Governor on April 26, 2005. It passed in the House by a vote of 94 to 20. It passed in the Senate with a unanimous vote of 39 to 0. The Senate Bill was co-sponsored by two black Senators, Larcenia Bullard and Al Lawson. Frederica Wilson, who is now in the U.S. Congress, was a State Senator when she voted IN FAVOR of this Bill.

Ironically, seven years later, almost to the day, Rep. Wilson and the Congressional Black Caucus (as opposed to the non-existent, hypothetically racist White Congressional Caucus) is now calling for a repeal of all “Stand Your Ground” bills, WHEN SHE VOTED FOR IT!  On April 5th, 2012, “Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-Fla.), who represents Martin’s district, said Congress should pass the resolution because his death “speaks to the reality that racial profiling still exists in America.”  Apparently, she didn’t count on it being used as a defense for a non-black person.

In the tradition of John Kerry, she voted for it before she voted against it.  Yeah, that would make her a hypocrite.

George Zimmerman has also been raising money for his defense and for his living expenses while he awaits trial, and has raised over $200,000.00 so far.  Strangely enough, there are obviously people who believe Mr. Zimmerman’s account that he shot Martin in self-defense.  Maybe, unlike Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, they actually read all the facts of the case instead of jumping to conclusions, playing the race card and rushing to judgment.  A good article to read for the unadulterated truth about this case, and specifically about the Stand Your Ground law, is Defending George Zimmerman with Facts.

So let’s examine some real facts, as opposed to the sensationalized media’s version of the story, starting with the infamous 911 call that NBC edited to make it sound like Zimmerman was a racist and for which “mistake” NBC “apologized.”  After reading all the reports on this so-called mistake, I believe this was done on purpose.  Obviously, so does NBC, which fired the people responsible for this “mistake.”  Jeff Burnside, a former reporter for our local NBC affiliate, Channel 6, got fired for doing the same thing.  Coincidence?  I think not.

The transcript of the actual 911 call tells the actual sequence of events.  Despite the claims of Sharpton & Co. that Zimmerman followed Martin, the actual facts of the conversation shows that Zimmerman said “Ok” when told to stop following him.  In fact, the dispatcher asked Zimmerman if he wanted to meet the police “right near the mailboxes,” to which he replied, “Yeah that’s fine,” and “could you have them call me and I’ll tell them where I’m at?”

Somehow, the media whores and race mongers invented the fable that Zimmerman followed Martin, or in the words of that dumb shit Frederica Wilson, he “hunted Trayvon down like a rabbit,” when the FACTS clearly show this was not the case.  Yet the news ran with it because it made good copy.

Both Reuters and the Business Insider published detailed articles about Mr. Zimmerman and his life, both of which show a very different version than the fantasy spun by the race mongers.  For starters, the only reason he had a gun was because a cop suggested he buy one after George had several run-ins with a pit bull in his neighborhood.

Business Insider goes on to state that, “The 28-year-old insurance-fraud investigator comes from a deeply Catholic background and was taught in his early years to do right by those less fortunate. He was raised in a racially integrated household and himself has black roots through an Afro-Peruvian great-grandfather – the father of the maternal grandmother who helped raise him.”

A black neighbor, who refused to be identified (gee, I wonder why), stated, “Let’s talk about the elephant in the room. I’m black, OK?  There were black boys robbing houses in this neighborhood.  That’s why George was suspicious of Trayvon Martin.”

But, Trayvon Martin’s parents, aunt and brother, not to mention the usual media whores, are all grabbing their fifteen minutes trying to make this a hate crime.  The FACTS, however, prove otherwise.

I shake my head at those people who can’t understand why George Zimmerman is entitled to not only a fair trial, but to raise money for his own defense.  I imagine his legal fees will be astronomical, which he will have to pay even if the State cannot prove guilt beyond all reasonable doubt.  Esteemed liberal Harvard Law School Professor Alan Dershowitz believes the prosecutor will have a tough time proving second degree murder, and even goes farther to state that the indictment was based on “false evidence.”  Even ABC News eventually came out with video of Mr. Zimmerman’s head injury, which “may support” Zimmerman’s claim of self-defense.  Nevertheless, George Zimmerman was arrested and will now stand trial.

Even though he’s currently out on bond, he’s hardly a free man.  He doesn’t have the “luxury” of flying around the world to speak about “social justice” since he’s confined to a secret location out of fear of retaliation by race baiters.  His life is now in danger, thanks to those pillars of society, the New Black Panther Party, which put a $10,000.00 bounty on his head.  He is also on the receiving end of death threats on social media.  One twitter posting reads:  “This Page Is 4 Da Ppl Who Believe Zimmerman Should Be Shot Dead In The Street The Same Way TRAYVON Was. No Justice No Peace #KillZimmerman.”  Despite the fact that Twitter rules state, “You may not publish or post direct, specific threats of violence against others,” in Michelle Malkin’s column, Twitter lynch mob:  George Zimmerman is out on bail?  Let’s kill him, she reprinted one tweet stating, “George Zimmerman Released From Jail 150,000 Bail! WTF! Nigga You Are About To Die, Start Writing Your Will! Justices Has Not Been Served.”  How sick is that?

Meanwhile, there are now documented crimes against whites where black perpetrators are claiming it was because they wanted “Justice for Trayvon.”  I wonder if the “Justice for Trayvon Foundation” will tackle that problem, too!

The haters and race baiters also can’t understand why people would reach into their wallets and help George Zimmerman with his living expenses while he’s holed up awaiting trial and can’t go to work to support himself.  Apparently, according to them the scale of “justice” tips only in favor of blacks.

The Miami Herald article interviewed Sanford minister H.D. Rucker, who is stunned that people all over the country have donated to help Mr. Zimmerman.  He’s quoted as saying, “What does that say about our society?  There are racists out there.”

Yes, Mr. Rucker.  There certainly are racists out there.  A good place to find them is to start by looking in the mirror.  Then go point fingers at Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, Frederica Wilson and the New Black Panther Party.  Yeah, there’s a whole lotta racism going on right there!

The family of Trayvon Martin has every right to grieve for their loss.  The death of a seventeen year old black teenager is just as tragic as the death of the two black men who attended a funeral in North Miami at the hands of gangsters.  It’s just as tragic as the death of a young black mother at the hands of her own son.  It’s also just as tragic as the death of twelve black men in Chicago so far this month.  Will the “Justice for Trayvon Foundation” seek justice for those senseless deaths?  I bet not.

Not only is the jury still out on whether or not the shooting death of Trayvon Martin was an actual crime, but a jury hasn’t even been picked yet.  But that FACT hasn’t stopped the race mongers from prematurely stating that this was a crime, and then profiting from the tragedy.  Even the Miami Herald can’t stop milking this story for all it’s worth.

I’d call this circus a real crime – a Crime of Opportunity.

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

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4 thoughts on “A Crime of Opportunity

  1. I cannot believe how so many people do not know that you are not guilty until convicted. I understand why the politicians and so called speakers for the blacks did what they did, because they want the publicity. But why any normal person would believe all the crap printed by newspapers is beyond me. This was a great aricile and should be shouted from the housetops. I am white and a former deputy attorney general I want justice done, but until there is a rational decision I cannot take sides.

  2. I for the life om can not see how this guy can get a fair trial after all the negative oublicity by the criminal left wing media piss ants and the usual suspects all hollering from their ant hills, If you can find one person who has not heard anything about this case I wnat to meet him/her and find out how one coluld live in such spendid isolation!

    I think the defence made a tactical error in waving their right to a speedy trial; the quicker they try to find an unbiased jury and fail to do so the better off the defense will be, The defense had better be trying for a change of venue to some very isolated spot on the globe; perhaps Betio Island in the Tawara Atoll might just qualify!

    1. If this goes to trial the odds are good that it will be heard without a jury.

      Also, the longer it takes, the more likely people are to realize the facts of the case.

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