Boys Just Wanna Have Fun

As I wrote this past March in La Maison de Pierre, two alleged non-profit organizations have managed to snag a total of $14,000.00 from the North Miami Beach Police Department’s Law Enforcement Trust Fund (LETF).  The first was called Center for Family Empowerment, Inc. and the second was Social Harmony Club, Inc.  Both organizations are located at 1733 NE 162 Street.  Both of these money grabs took place on August 17, 2010 under the watch of EX-mayor Myron Rosner and FIRED city manager Kelvin Baker.

I followed up my research by requesting public records for the accounting of these funds, which I received a couple days ago.

The organization Social Harmony Foundation, Inc. is registered with the State of Florida as a non-profit corporation, however, it is NOT qualified as a 501c3 (tax exempt charity) by the Internal Revenue Service.  That bit of information didn’t deter the organization from requesting LETF funds to the tune of $4,000.00.

According to the information I received, which were copies of undated documents, one of which is entitled “VI. Proposed Budget Details,” and the other “V. Operating Budget” both documents list items necessary to run a soccer program and both documents show that the organization’s Total Expenses are $7,882.00.  The list of expenses include cost of uniforms, equipment, field rental, insurance and miscellaneous team expenses (water and refreshment).  On the first document, there is a hand written notation next to “water” stating “city can provide water,” and at the bottom another hand written note stating “young adults = 18 yrs. – 40 to 50 yrs.”

The Social Harmony Club describes itself as a “Soccer Mentorship Program.”  I didn’t realize that “40 to 50” year old men needed mentoring.  But I do know they just love to play soccer!

Perhaps the City of North Miami Beach should have done its homework before granting the Social Harmony Club a generous $4,000.00 donation from the Police Department’s LETF.  According to the IRS, this organization is NOT a non-profit organization, nor has it ever been registered as one.  It would seem that the Social Harmony Club defrauded the city and it’s Police Department, and I would suggest that the current administration should seek to get it’s Police Department’s money back a/s/a/p!

The Center for Family Empowerment, Inc.  is registered with the Internal Revenue Service as a 501c3 charity.  Whew!  At least the city got that one right.

My public records request, however, yielded nothing to show for the $10,000.00 that this organization received from the LETF.  What I did receive was a copy of a Direct Payment Form, together with a copy of a letter dated September 23, 2010 to Ms. Florence Thony of the Center for Family Empowerment, Inc., presenting her with the $10,000.00 donation and asking for a “written report detailing how these funds were used.”  The letter was signed by former Chief of Police Rafael P. Hernandez, Jr.  No further documentation or accounting was provided to me.

You can view the public records here:  PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST RE LETF

Seems to me that EX-mayor Myron Rosner and FORMER city manager Kelvin Baker allowed $14,000.00 of the Police Department’s Law Enforcement Trust Fund to be “donated” for questionable purposes at best.  Social Harmony Club, which received $4,000.00, appears to be nothing more than a soccer program for adults, not children.  It is also NOT a non-profit organization according the Internal Revenue Service.  The $10,000.00 given to Center for Family Empowerment, Inc. seems to have disappeared with absolutely no accountability whatsoever.

Even more questionable is the fact that both organizations are connected to North Miami Beach councilman Frantz Pierre.

In a new development, I just found out that two soccer programs are using our city owned parks at no charge.  The first is called Amical Soccer Club, located at 1755 NE 162 Street (right next door to Social Harmony Club and Center for Family Empowerment), and the other is called Diaspo Soccer Club, located at 830 NE 158 Street, which is a private home owned by Marie Josee Jean Michel and Brulan Jean Michel, whose mailing address is in Coconut Creek, Florida.

Amical Soccer Club, Inc. was registered as a non-profit corporation with the State of Florida on April 26, 2005, but was administratively dissolved by the Secretary of State on September 26, 2008 for not filing its annual report.  Amical Soccer Club, Inc. is also NOT registered as a charity with the Internal Revenue Service.  It also never received a taxpayer identification number.

Diaspo Soccer Club does not exist either in the Secretary of State’s public records or anywhere else that I can see.  It also does not exist as a charity in the eyes of the IRS.

Neither the Amical Soccer Club nor the Diaspo Soccer Club are properly registered non-profit organizations and neither have 501c3 tax exempt status as charities.  NEITHER SHOULD BE USING CITY FACILITIES AT NO CHARGE!

Someone also needs to see if there’s a Frantz Pierre connection with one or both these groups.  Personally, I wouldn’t be surprised.  Considering that Frantzie just loves his futbol, (in 2011, he ripped off taxpayers the sum of $1,676.80 to attend a NATIONAL SOCCER COACHES ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA CONVENTION!), chances are L’il Frantzie has his fingerprints all over this one, too!

The elected officials of the City of North Miami Beach are supposed to be ensuring that our tax dollars are wisely spent.  Most of them have already proven they are up to the task.  While they are not responsible for the screw-ups of former administrations, nor are they responsible for the failure of the former city manager to make sure “donations” are doled out to reputable organizations, they need to take a serious look at what’s going on right now under their noses.

Interim Police Chief Larry Gomer has been extremely diligent when it comes to requests for LETF, and has refused all shady requests.  BRAVO!

The council now has to make sure that our parks and other facilities are not being used by organizations which are not legitimate non-profit organizations, and which are not recognized by the Internal Revenue Services as tax exempt.  Like any other for-profit corporation, those soccer clubs can and should pay to use our parks.

Soccer players may want to have fun, but it shouldn’t be on our dime.

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

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4 thoughts on “Boys Just Wanna Have Fun

  1. Since a percentage of the LETF funds MUST be given for qualifying community programs, the council should or police chief should consider QUALIFYING community programs. One idea would be to work with Martin Karp or the Superintendent of Miami Dade Schools to use funds for antibullying programs in the schools in the NMB feeder program. They could also spend the money for suicide prevention programs or drug prevention programs in these schools. They could work with SAVE DADE to conduct a program in NMB schools to prevent bullying/violence against LGBT youth. I can think of a lot of good ways to spend the required amount of funds on programs that would actually benefit our community.

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