The Party Crashers of NMB

Some people never learn that it’s not nice to show up uninvited.  North Miami Beach councilman Frantz Pierre obviously was never taught that lesson.  He thinks nothing of bringing his “entourage” to events and crashing the party.  He did it again yesterday.  Let me explain…

On its website, the Miami-Dade County League of Cities states:

The Miami-Dade County League of Cities was formed in 1953 for the purpose of assisting its members in cultivating and maintaining the most proficient ways of administering government for the general welfare of the residents and business in the County.

It further describes the organization, as follows:

“MDCLC was established in 1953 for the purpose of uniting the common interests of the municipalities within Miami-Dade County. The League has evolved throughout the years, but continues to work together with the municipalities’ elected officials on important issues that affect the residents and the business community of the respective cities, towns and villages. Together we will continue to protect the sovereignty of our municipalities to give our residents the best possible services and ensure a good quality of life for them and future generations.”

Yesterday, the MDCLC held its Second Annual Best Practices Conference at the Sofitel Hotel in Blue Lagoon.  It’s flyer states:

“The cost to register is only $55.00 and includes sessions and discussions featuring winning strategies for improving municipal services, entrance to the exhibition halla continental breakfast, luncheon with a guest speaker and a cocktail reception at the end of the conference. It will be a great opportunity to learn from each other and work together!”

According to my sources, there were several classes from which guests could choose to attend, including courses on ethics, pension reform and absentee ballot procedures.  Every course was geared toward good governance for municipalities.

I will not be a name dropper, but I can tell you that the guest list included a virtual (and literal) Who’s Who of the political and legal power brokers in Miami-Dade County.  If you’re a hot shot in this town, that was the place to see and be seen.

Several of our North Miami Beach Council members and staff were in attendance, including good old Frantz Pierre.  Our city picked up the tab for our peeps at a cost of $55.00 per ticket.

Either Frantzie didn’t get the memo that one has to actually pay for the privilege of attending this exclusive seminar, or he did and didn’t give a crap, because he “invited” two “guests” to tag along.  It was glaringly obvious that these two “guests” crashed the party without a ticket because neither one had the required name tag, nor did they have any of the seminar material packets in hand.  In other words, they were freeloading.

The first is none other than our “resident/self-proclaimed community “leader”/4,500 absentee ballot holder/jailbird/bullshit artist, Volney Nerette.”

Photo Courtesy of

The second is someone who is completely off the radar in North Miami Beach, even though the Gadfly managed to dig him up from obscurity.  His name is Frank Jean-Mary, and he hails from Broward County.  According to his Facebook and LinkedIn public profiles, he is the manager of a Hallandale company by the name of, that specializes in “Health IT design and implementation.”  In other words, he is not a political animal, or a power player in Miami-Dade County.

Photo Courtesy of

Seeing how the Miami-Dade County League of Cities is an organization designed to help elected officials and members of the legal profession in the management of local governments, this event was geared for those individuals who are in that field.  Outsiders were neither invited nor welcome.

This is not the first time Frantzie has attempted to get “free stuff” for nothing.  The very first night he was inaugurated as a councilman in May of 2007, his “guests” crashed a Little League banquet at City Hall and helped themselves to the dinner that Little League parents paid for.  When told it was a private party, Frantzie’s guests became quite indignant and said, “We’re here with COUNCILMAN Frantz Pierre.”  They were showed the door.

As much as he tries to be a government “insider,” Volney Nerette is nothing more than a resident who thinks he’s important.  The fact that Frantz Pierre invited a complete unknown in the world of Miami-Dade County government, only proves he’s still trying to scare up bodies to run for office in the next North Miami Beach election in an attempt to fulfill his dream of having an “all Haitian Council.”  Good luck with that.  Hopefully, by May of 2013, L’il Frantzie P will be sharing a cell with some other “upstanding citizen,” who also didn’t understand that his “free stuff” belonged to someone else.

Mr. Jean-Mary, I strongly advise you not to get in bed with the likes of Frantz Pierre and to run like hell in the opposite direction.  If you want to maintain your professional and personal reputation, Frantzie is not the guy to hang with.  I’m just saying.

Mr. Nerette, in case you’re still wondering why your many applications to be considered for the North Miami Beach Code Enforcement Board keep getting rejected, look no further than the mirror.  We don’t want or need a person like yourself bringing your very special brand of “professionalism” to one of our quasi-judicial boards.  Just saying.

I’m told that Mr. Nerette and Mr. Jean-Mary managed to sneak in yesterday morning and attend the seminar on ethics with Frantzie (yeah, using “ethics” and “Frantz” in the same sentence is an oxymoron), but by lunchtime someone noticed that they were not paying guests.  Volney Nerette was asked to leave.  I don’t know for sure, but I’m guessing that Mr. Jean-Mary hit the road as well.

Once again, the pissant councilman of a minor municipality of >40,000 residents attempted to throw his inconsiderable weight around, put on his daddy’s oversized business suit, and tried to act like a Very Important Person.  Once again, he was slapped down and put in his place.  When, oh, when will he ever learn?

Maybe a nice long stay in the hoosegow will finally teach him his place in the world.  Just saying.

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

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5 thoughts on “The Party Crashers of NMB

  1. These poor people will do anything for a free lunch. Clearly they are not familiar with this most important lesson in economics.

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