8,000 Rockets

Imagine what your life would be like if you had exactly 15 seconds from the time a siren starts to find and get into a bomb shelter.  Imagine what your life would be like if your kindergarten age children are taught to run for safety the instant they hear the “Code Red” siren.  Now imagine that this is the life they have always known FROM BIRTH!

If you lived in Israel, this would be your life.

Since Israel turned the Gaza Strip over to the Arabs (a/k/a the so-called “palestinians”) in 2005, there have been 8,000 rockets launched from Gaza into Israel.  No other country in the world would have put up with it for even one day, much less seven years.  Despite the inundation of the worldwide biased media that Israel is the “aggressor,” the truth is that Israel has been under attack for decades, starting with the first intifada in late 1987, instigated by the head of the PLO, Yassir Arafat.  Since that time, the radical Arabs have become masters at manipulating the press into believing that they’re not the terrorists.

(Oh, and by the way, they are TERRORISTS!  Not “militants,” which even Fox News has regretfully been calling them.)

The “world opinion” would have you believe that Israel is the bad guy, maiming and killing innocent civilians for no reason whatsoever.  The Arab press and its complicit mainstream media has been in full propaganda mode since Israel started defending herself against the relentless attack from Gaza, which stepped its rocket and missile launches last week to record highs.  Witness the “Miraculous Recovery by Injured Gaza Man?” just last week, the reporting of which CNN’s Anderson Cooper had to retract.  That’s not the first time CNN has been snookered by Arab media manipulation.  They trotted out a dead child for the press, claiming Israelis killed him, when in fact it was later found out that it was the Hamas’ own rocket that was the culprit.  The Hamas also re-used a picture of a dead child who was killed in Syria last month, and re-posted it on Twitter, claiming the child was killed in Gaza by Israelis.

So, yeah, give me a freaking break!

The Hamas has tortured and killed, and continues to torture and kill its own people in greater numbers than the press will ever report.  In a disturbing, must watch video made by an Arab Israeli who gets it, he asks why people are vilifying Israel when the Hamas is the worst enemy of the very people who elected them into power.  He shows scenes of the ruthless killing of innocent people at a wedding and the Hamas shooting guns and brutalizing people in the street in broad daylight.  The man wonders why the Muslims aren’t in the streets yelling, “Death to Hamas” instead of “Death to Israeli.”  He also wonders why it’s okay to kill Israeli children and dance in the street after 9/11.  By far the most disturbing part of the video is the clips of the Hamas “summer camp” where the children as young as four and five are trained to kill Jews.  They are given real guns to “play” with.  It’s a sick culture of death.

According to Walid Shoebat, a former terrorist for the PLO who has since converted to Christianity, Arabs who are Israeli citizens are treated better than almost anywhere else in the world, and especially better than in Muslim countries.  He wrote an article about a woman named Salma who was an Arab Israeli, living and working in the United States.  An excerpt reads:

As a proud Muslim woman, Salma believes that coming to terms with realities is of utmost importance today. She councils her Muslim community to accept the existence of the State of Israel and see the positive values that derive from its being a part of the Middle East. She also encourages Muslims to take responsibility for mistakes made in the past and not to blame others, like Jews, Israelis, Americans and so forth. And finally she advises them to deal with the problems within their communities and to take responsibility for improving their own culture, education and community life.

Salma takes this message of empowerment to mosques, churches and synagogues, as well as to high schools and college campuses, and to many diverse organizations and public forums. She brings her hope for peace and coexistence, and her belief in the future, to TV and radio audiences, and is often interviewed in leading newspaper and publications. She is a person who lives with faith in a better future for all.

What Salma says about Israel and the Conflict:

  • “We are very happy being Israeli Arabs”
  • “Israel has so much freedom of speech even more so than even in America”
  • “Islam the way it is being taught in the Middle East is wrapped in arrogance and is medieval”
  • ” When Islam is all you have and the way it is taught, it becomes easy to hate when you have no pride in your own life”
  • “The [Arab Leaders] made all this money because of the Palestinian issue which they created”
  • “The Arabs asked us to leave Israel/Palestine in 1948 and promised our return in 15 days so they could destroy the Jews”
  • ” Who are we kidding ourselves, we never had a Palestine nation or a country”
  • “Israeli Arabs are the only Arabs that have any rights anywhere in the Middle East”

In spite of the desire for peace between Israelis and Arabs, the Hamas will never accept Israel’s right to exist.  It’s sole purpose for existing, its Covenant if you will, is the extermination of Israel and every Jew in the world.  The Hamas Charter explicitly states, “our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious” and calls for the eventual creation of an Islamic state in Palestine, in place of Israel and the Palestinian Territories, and the obliteration or dissolution of Israel.”

Apparently, they plan to fulfill that Covenant by any means necessary.

First, they continually attack Israel with a barrage of missiles and rockets on a daily basis.  They produce propaganda videos designed to incite anger, and then manipulate the media into believing that Israel is the aggressor.  The Hamas kills its own residents in Gaza, pins the blame on Israel, and the press laps it up like fresh milk.

Iran, no longer content to have its dirty work done through its proxy, the Hamas, has stepped in with fresh arms.  Have you read about that in the New York Times or the Miami Herald?  I doubt it!

Meanwhile, Israel still sends humanitarian aid to the Arabs in Gaza.  Israeli hospitals have treated over 100,000 Arabs from Gaza, and that number keeps increasing.  The Israeli army dropped thousands of leaflets in Arabic warning the Gaza Arabs to “avoid being present in the vicinity of Hamas operatives and facilities and those of other terror organizations that pose a risk to your safety.”

Not so strangely, you don’t see the mainstream media climbing all over each other to report these things.  They prefer to report the myth that Israel is the problem.

As always, bloggers have stepped in to report the real news that the media won’t.  Citizen journalist Doug Ross has summed up the conflict in his column, “A MILLION ISRAELIS HAVE 15 SECONDS TO FIND SHELTER: Any other country would have turned Gaza into the Bonneville Salt Flats,” by writing:

Some simple facts about the ongoing Blitzkrieg from Gaza:

  • +120 rockets have been fired at Israel this week.
  • +760 rockets have been fired at Israel in 2012.
  • +2500 rockets have been fired at Israel since 2009.
  • Terrorists hold more than 10,000 rockets in Gaza.
  • One million Israelis, 14% of the population, are under the threat of rocket fire.
    • That is equivalent to 44 million U.S. citizens under the threat of rocket fire.
  • Gaza terrorists targeted an IDF jeep this week, injuring four soldiers. (Video)
  • Hamas rules the Gaza strip and is responsible for all that occurs in Gaza and all that is launched form there.
  • Hamas, supported by Iran, has wielded authority over the Gaza Strip since 2007.
  • No other state would accept a similar reality.
  • The targets of the Israeli operation are all military.
  • Hamas and the other terrorist organizations hide among the civilian population of Gaza. They also deliberately direct their fire at the civilian population of Israel. These acts constitute a double war crime.
  • Israel will make every effort to prevent harm to the civilian population of Gaza, and regrets any injury to civilians.
  • The border crossings from Israel to the Gaza Strip remain open, allowing for the routine passage of goods and humanitarian aid.
  • The international community must act to stop the attacks on Israel from the Gaza Strip. The message to Hamas should be clear: stop the attacks on Israel.
  • Time and again, Israel has warned that it would not tolerate these attacks.

I could not agree with him more.  Am Yisrael Chai!

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

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5 thoughts on “8,000 Rockets

  1. Obama states in public that he supports Israel, then privately tells israel that if they do not broker a peace agreement, then the US will cut off aid for their missle defense system. Wake Up America! Obama is not Israel’s friend, and he is not ours. What do you think will happen to America if Israel falls. Do you want bombs falling on your head? Time to oust the insanity.

    1. The Hamas is a creation of the Muslim Brotherhood, and since Obama has close ties to members of that terrorist organization (http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials/080312-620964-muslim-brotherhood-penetrates-obama-administration.htm?p=full), it’s doubtful he’ll get involved. He did, however, send Hillary to broker a cease fire. Since she did such a remarkable job on Behghazi (http://twitchy.com/2012/11/20/after-bang-up-job-on-benghazi-hillary-clinton-heads-to-middle-east-for-ceasefire-talks/) we can all breathe a sigh of relief! Then again, Obama will probably take the time out of his very busy day to call Netanyahu like he did last time there was a problem. He even has an Official White House Photograph to prove it! (http://twitchy.com/2012/09/28/white-house-you-guys-heres-a-pic-proving-obama-talked-to-netanyahu-on-obamaphone/) Wonder if he used his #Obamaphone. Hmmm…

  2. you seem to point it out very clearly that the biggest victims in this situation are the civilian ‘palestinians’ who live under Hamas terror, and Israeli finger pointing.
    While some individuals may support Hamas actions, I imagine most concerned with the humanity of the situation is that civilians on either side are no complicit in the terror, yet it is only civilians on one side of the ‘conflict’ which are acceptable as collateral damage.
    Israel uses pure might against a guerrilla army. That didn’t work for the US in Vietnam, Iraq, or Afghanistan, but it provides great nationalist headlines to placate masses.
    While Hamas rockets affect civilians, your numbers game is totally misguided because any comparison, either by number of rockets, or number of civilian casualties will never put Israel in a good light.

    Rather, let’s focus on the fact that civilians on both sides suffer tremendously, and that’s what we should alleviate, not some perceived political problem between temporary, and arbitrary states.

    1. Prem, you are correct in that the biggest victims in the current conflict are the Arabs living in Gaza. HOWEVER, they voted the Hamas into power, so my sympathies are not all that great. Even more disturbing are those unborn children to muslim women like the one speaking in this video:

      She pointed to her belly and said, “We grow our martyrs in our wombs.”

      What does that tell you about the sick culture of death when the women are proud to incubate future suicide bombers? Those children are taught nothing but hatred from the moment they are born.

      Or read this article about the Hamas: http://yidwithlid.blogspot.com/2012/11/hamas-killing-jews-is-worship-of-allah.html

      Their goal in life is to kill Jews! The article quotes Golda Meir’s famous words, “There won’t be peace until the Arabs realize they love their children more than they hate our children.”


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