You wanna boycott Israel? Knock yourself out while I LMAO!

If there’s any country worth boycotting, it’s France.  I’ve never forgiven that pathetic armpit of a country for rolling over for Hitler and his Nazis.  France should just change its national flag to an all white rectangle since bringing an army to invade it is just a waste of time, money and resources.  You want to conquer France?  Just show up and ask for the welcome mat.  It’s yours for the taking.

As for boycotting French made products, that’s easy.  Who needs Evian when we have our own Zephyrhills spring right here in Florida?  French wines?  Meh!  I’m told California beats France in that department.  (Which is pretty much all California’s good for anyway.)  I can (and do) live without haute couture and French manicures.  My addiction L’Oreal mascara, however, is a hard one to break since I’ve yet to find a comparable product.  But since I just learned in Wikipedia that “L’Oreal, along with Mary Kay and Avon, is currently resuming animal testing on its products as it prepares for the market in China,” I’m definitely going to find another mascara.  No big loss.

Boycotting Israel, on the other hand, would be nearly impossible.  Especially for those who vehemently and violently hate Israel, which are pretty much the same morons who have benefited the most from Israeli genius and ingenuity.  To them I say, “Go right ahead.  BOYCOTT!”  (Heh heh heh.)

In case you haven’t heard, last night that useless body of cretins known as the United Nations voted to give the Palestinian Authority an upgraded status from “non-member observer entity” to “non-member observer state.”  Approving this measure were 138 countries, (including France, of course), with 9 voting against and 41 abstentions.  The terrorist organization known as Hamas was thrilled since its charter specifically calls for the destruction of Israel.  According to Wikipedia, it states that “our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious” and calls for the eventual creation of an Islamic state in Palestine, in place of Israel and the Palestinian Territories and the obliteration or dissolution of Israel.”

Does anyone doubt that these terrorists mean business?  I sure don’t.

As quoted in the CNN article about the UN vote:

“Izzat Al-Rashq, a member of the Hamas’ political bureau, welcomed the decision but made demands reflecting Hamas’ unwillingness to recognize the state of Israel.

“We need to put this in its normal context as a part of the National Strategic vision based upon the rights and national principles without compromising an ounce of soil from our Palestinian lands extending from the Ocean to the (Jordan) river,” he posted to his Facebook page.

He called for the establishment of a Palestinian state “with Jerusalem being its capital” on land that includes what is Israel.”

Gee, I don’t know, but did hell freeze over yet?

In case anyone isn’t aware, a nation called “Palestine” never existed.  The biblical region of Palestine was located “between the southern Mediterranean coastal plains and the Syrian interior,” and “Palestinians” referred to anyone who lived there, including the Ancient Egyptians, Canaanites, Ancient Israelites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Ancient Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, the Muslims, the Crusaders, Ayyubids, Mameluks, Ottomans, the British, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (1948-1967) and modern Israelis and Palestinians.  Those who call themselves “Palestinians” today are actually “the modern descendants of people who have lived in Palestine over the centuries and today are largely culturally and linguistically Arabs.”

Now that we’re all clear on the concept, I find it laughable that these Arabs, who bomb the crap out of Israel on a daily basis, have somehow garnered sympathy from the leaders of 138 countries who are somehow convinced that Israel is the problem.  They are the same people who want to boycott Israel.  Cool!  I, for one, would love to see how these morons will live if they follow through with this threat.

For starters, they’ll have to do without all those pesky Israeli inventions, such as:

1.  The PillCam – the tiny camera used in endoscopy surgery to see intestinal disorders
2.  EpiLady – the first electric hair remover
3.  Intel Processors
4.  Centrino mobile technology
5.  USB Flash drives
6.  VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) technology
7.  The world’s first micro irrigation system for crops
8.  Babysense monitor designed to prevent crib death
9.  Computer navigation technology
10.  The world’s first solar window
11.  A robot that performs spine surgery
12.  Optical Heartbeat Monitor
13.  Smart Hospital Bed
14.  Pay-TV technology

The list of Israeli inventions goes on and on.  Not all of us have benefited from every single one of them, but I guarantee that most of us have had our lives made easier by at least a handful.  Some of us owe our very lives to Israeli innovation in the medical field.

Ironically, those terrorists who have attempted to annihilate Israel have made use of technology invented by the very same people they are trying to destroy.  Well, I say, “Go for it.”


Now let’s take a look at all the cool “Palestinian” inventions, such as:

1.  Um, yeah.

Still thinking…

In all fairness, they invented their own “state.”

Oh, and, they did perfect the strap on suicide bomb.


The more I think about it, the more I realize it’s really great that the “world community” wants to boycott Israel.  We’ll take all those Israeli inventions for ourselves.

Give us our computers and cell phones.

Hand over that that life saving medical technology.

We’ll especially take that annoying micro-irrigation system.  Arabs can enjoy their “modern” life in the desert if they succeed in destroying Israel.  Let them eat sand!

I’ll be sitting here LMAO!


As for the United Nations, it’s time we kick them out of New York City and take back our prime real estate.  I’m sure France would love to have them.

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

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11 thoughts on “You wanna boycott Israel? Knock yourself out while I LMAO!

  1. You give the UN undue credit when you characterize them as cretins. Cretins do have a modicum of intelligence; I’ve heard it said that some of them up there on Turtle Bay can actually tie their shoes.

    I like to characterize them as a pack of irrelevant little piss ants looking for ant hills to piss off of.

  2. Interesting opinion but you may want to reevaluate what you mean by “bombing the hell out of”

    what would the counter read if the statistic was “bombs launched into palestine”?

    1. I tried finding out how many rockets were fired into Gaza from Israel and every time I googled that, I got results that mentioned the ones fired from Gaza into Israel. From all accounts that I can see, Israel’s rockets strategically destroyed jihadi bomb smuggling tunnels, underground rocket launchers and the Hamas headquarters. Israel strikes precise targets with as few civilian casualties as possible. The Arabs, on the other hand, use children as human shields, and build rocket launchers in or near schools, hospitals and residences. The people in Gaza are powerless against the Hamas, which is responsible for more Arab civilian deaths than Israel has EVER been. If I had a rocket counter from Israel into Gaza, the count would be no more than a handful. That’s a far cry from over 8,000, which are launched for the sole purpose of killing as many Israelis as possible!

      1. just note stephanie that you drew a conclusion without evidence.
        We can agree to the stupidity and unreason of hamas attacks against israel, but you may be surprised to compare the forces used.

        1. Israel has a problem of appeasing its enemies, thinking that if they give up land they rightfully own, the Arabs will be happy. They will never be happy. In 2005, then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ordered that the Gaza strip be turned over to them. As Jeffrey Goldberg wrote in The Atlantic on September 13, 2011 (, “How did Gazans respond? First, looters destroyed the vast settlement greenhouses that could have formed the basis of a new Gaza economy. Then, voters elected into power Hamas, a terrorist organization devoted to the annihilation of Israel. Gaza quickly became a launching pad for rocket attacks against Israeli towns.”

          No other country in the world would tolerate being attacked day after day by its neighbor without turning around and fighting back. Israel did not. The minute Israel had enough of the bullshit and started defending itself, all of a sudden they are being branded as a bully and the aggressor.

          Screw that and screw “world opinion.” The Hamas are nothing but savage terrorists, and I wish that Israel would get serious about eradicating them completely and permanently. That’s the ONLY way to real peace!

          Honestly, it blows my mind that anyone sees this situation any other way. If any sane person actually believes that Israel is the villain here, Al Jazeera has done its job.

  3. “give up land they rightfully own”

    as long as people hold opinions like that there will be little progress in the region even if Israel can “eradicat[e] [Hamas] completely and permanently”
    This is an issue of human rights much more than it’s an issue of borders. As you’ve pointed out, Palestinians are victims of circumstance. Innocent civilians are faced with radical barbarism from Hamas, and heartless “precision” of Israeli rockets, cluster munitions, and ground actions.

    We are dehumanizing ourselves when we give responsibility for the safety of civilians to the other guy. The goal of Israel is always first and foremost the protection of people living in the Jewish State of Israel, and as such any comparison of civilian casualties will always make Israel out to be the bad guy.
    But I’m not picking sides, i don’t see sides, i only see dead civilians.

    1. I do not believe there will ever be peace between Israel and the Arabs. There has not been peace for over 5,000 years. As long as the Arabs refuse to accept Israel’s right to exist, and their only intention is to eradicate all Jews from the face of the earth (as per the charter of the Hamas), what makes you think they are even interested in being peaceful neighbors? They have made it very clear from the beginning that they do not want a “two-state solution,” but a “one Arab state” with Jerusalem as its capital. They already have Mecca, but that’s obviously not enough for them. They want to take over the city of the Jews and the Christians, too.

      Yes, war is ugly. War is deadly. War means that civilians will become collateral damage no matter how “precise” the aims are. But, Israel has not declared war on any one or any nation. The Islamists will not be content to allow Israel to be at peace. They have declared war on Israel and the Jews, who have an obligation to defend themselves.

      As for the Arabs of Gaza, I’m sorry but I have no sympathy for them. They voted terrorists into power and elections have consequences. If they ever have a free election again, maybe they will have learned their lesson. I seriously doubt it.

      1. you broach very interesting territory.
        While elections have consequences, what responsibility do citizens have for the actions of elected officials, or more specifically unelected bureaucratic members of a ruling group?

        1. Ah, I have a nagging suspicion that you’re trying to draw me into discussing partisan politics. While I would love nothing more than to venture there, experience has shown me that most of my readers prefer me to stay away from that topic. There is, however, bipartisan support for Israel (even the loathsome Debbie Wasserman Schultz proclaims to be ardently pro-Israel), so I suppose it’s safe territory.

          The responsibility of the electorate is such that it is incumbent upon them to thoroughly research the candidates, including their connections to persons, organizations and companies with whom they have been and, especially continue to be associated. When the voting public entrusts someone enough to elect him or her to office, they are indeed responsible for each and every act committed by that person and for the action of every person appointed by the elected official. (Yes, you are judged by the company you keep!) In the case of the Hamas, this “organization” was designated as a terrorist group in 1995 by the FBI. The European Union and Israel also recognize them as a terrorist organization. The Hamas was a creation of the Muslim Brotherhood, also a known terrorist organization. In 2006, the residents of Gaza elected the Hamas to lead, and they are, therefore, responsible for the terrorism they have allowed into their own region.

          You may believe that the rockets are being launched from Gaza by “unelected bureaucratic members of a ruling group,” but make no mistake that everyone associated with the Hamas, be they elected or appointed, are terrorists who wish to annihilate Israel. The Arabs of Gaza chose this path and they must live with the consequences.

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