But, wait! There’s more!

but waitWhen I wrote my column No Mercy! and filed a complaint with the Florida Elections Commission against North Miami council candidate Philippe Bien-Aime for living outside the city, I had no idea that there were two other candidates with questionable residency.  When Nadege Green published her Miami Herald article today, Three North Miami candidates’ residency questioned, I learned there were two more.

I had heard rumors that mayoral candidate Lucie Tondreau was an outsider, and I did try to dig some dirt on her.  Nothing turned up as she does not appear to own any real estate in either Miami-Dade or Broward County.  The only public record regarding this candidate is an old civil case she had against former Miami-Dade County Commissioner Dorrin Rolle and a David Leahy, who I’m guessing is the former Miami-Dade County Supervisor of Elections. A Motion, Notice and Judgment of Dismissal dated June 13, 2004 has no specifics other than that the case was dismissed for lack of prosecution for a period of one year.  No other documents regarding that case are of record on the County Clerk’s website.

The Herald article states that Lucie Tondreau “updated her voter’s registration address to North Miami in July.”  Since July was only eight (8) months before the qualifying deadline of April 10, 2013, this appears to be a direct violation of Sec. 6-78 (B) of North Miami’s Code of Ordinances, which specifically states, “Any person seeking the office of mayor or councilperson must be a resident of the city and/or the respective district of North Miami for at least one (1) year prior to qualifying for office.”

Last time I checked, one (1) year consisted of twelve (12) months, and eight (8) months is less than (12) months.  Since each candidate has to sign an Affidavit of Residency, if Lucie signed one to qualify, SHE LIED!

Ms. Tondreau stated to the Miami Herald, “One of the things people don’t pay attention to is changing the address on their voter card.  It was not one of my priorities, I have so much things to do.”

WTF?  EXCUSE ME, but someone who is running for public office, ESPECIALLY THE MAYOR OF THE FOURTH LARGEST CITY IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY  had better make sure her voting record is up to date.  HOW FREAKING IRRESPONSIBLE!

Oops!  My bullshit meter just went off!

bullshit meter

The other candidate with even more questionable residency is The Voodoo Queen of Sugar Cookie, Anna L. Pierre.  She had the freaking chutzpah to claim homestead on her Broward home for 2012 even though she allegedly moved into a North Miami efficiency in January, 2012.  She then stated to the Herald that, “I lived in Broward before 2012, but once I knew I wanted to run for mayor I moved into the city.”

On top of that bullshit, she claims she only changed the address on her voter’s registration card in September of 2012 because she forgot to do it when she moved!


As for the address change crap, ditto with my comment about Lucie’s excuse.

Even if any of Anna L. Pierre’s statements are true, which I doubt, the fact that she admitted leaving “her three children, ages 18, 13 and 10” to be raised by a nanny so she could run for office in another city – IN ANOTHER COUNTY – is even MORE IRRESPONSIBLE THAN NOT UPDATING HER VOTER RECORD!

As far as I’m concerned, neither of these candidates are either qualified or deserve to be mayor.  Of any city.

Lastly, Philippe Bien-Aime bemoaned the fact that I filed a Complaint against him with the Florida Elections Commission because I don’t live in North Miami.

That makes both of us, huh?

As a matter of fact, that makes four of us!

Like Lucie Tondreau, “I have so much things to do.”

So many Complaints to file, so little time.

Stephanie Kienzle

“Spreading the Wealth”

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13 thoughts on “But, wait! There’s more!

  1. HAHsterical Ms. Kienzle HAHsterical. You are so on the ball with your comments as I ditto them too. What is so special about being an elected official that these people go out of their way to run? Is it the pay? Is it the kick backs? Is it the title? Why would any voter in North Miami think that a person living in another city let alone another county give a rats ass about a city they don’t live in or even live in part time. I would be miffed beyond belief if this were to happen in our city of North Miami Beach. You teach them a lesson in North Miami just like you said in the comment section of The Miami Herald
    “At the very least I want to contain that toxic waste from oozing out of North Miami and crossing into my city” You got that right! Thank you for your great work and your witty blog I look so forward to reading.

  2. Apparently the NM/NMB area is the same for Haitians as California was for gold seekers back in the 1848 gold rush, a place to get rich quick. While the gold rush was responsible for amazing growth and development, this particular rush will bring nothing but devastation.

    1. Haven’t you heard? This is indeed happening in NMB too, so start miffing beyond belief. Yvenoline Dargenson does not live in our city.

      1. What do you mean she doesn’t live in our city? Are you serious? Stephanie? Do you know about this? If not please check it out!

  3. These carpetbaggers are targeted and recruited because they are connected to members of a specific coalition. I don’t think they have any other connection to the city. I doubt they know anything at all about North Miami and yet they aspire to “serve”. A “grilling” session would be fun and make for an interesting interview.

  4. Great work irl. Thank-you on behalf of the citizens of NM and NMB for staying on top of these rascals. It doesn’t matter where the border is between NM and NMb because these candidates from Mirimar can’t tell the difference anyway.
    I saw the campaign flyer of Yvelette Dargenson whoi is running for Council in NMB and she states she will do good things for NORTH MIAMI . I guess that was a Freudian slip.

    As she would say if you asked her “What’s the difference?”

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