“Yve” Update

Just so NON-RESIDENT Faux North Miami Beach council candidate Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson doesn’t think I forgot her, I decided to bring you the Daily Dargenson Report.  I’ll give you snippets about our NON-RESIDENT Candidate Dumbass each and every day until she’s disqualified from the race and sent packing back to MIRAMAR, BROWARD COUNTY, where she really lives.  Her husband and four children should thank me for sending momma back home where she belongs!

Speaking of The Children, Yvie wants you to know that she cares just so much about ALL the children.  (Except for her own four rugrats, of course.)  Her Facebook Filosophy of the week is:

Yvie cares about the childrenOMIGOD!  That is so deep!  Who knew?

Funny, when I went to school, I actually had to go into a school building to get educated.  Yvie must have gone to one of those new lifestyled environments instead of an actual school building after they stopped teaching spelling and grammar.  Just saying.

That must have been when they also stopped teaching “family values” like honesty, integrity and humility.

Next, Yvenoline wants you to know how important it is to keep children active.  When they’re not in lifestyled environments, they should go to “Sports Summer camp” in North Miami Beach:

Yvie goes to summer campNow my kids attended Camp No-Mi-Be every single summer, and my son has been a camp counselor there for the past seven or eight years.  I wonder if he knows any of Yvenoline’s four children, who I’m guessing have also gone to summer camp there.  Right, Yvie?  All four of your kids go to Camp No-Mi-Be, right?  Maybe I’ll just ask you how much your kids love North Miami Beach Summer Camp when I see you tomorrow night at the Washington Park candidate forum, because I know you wouldn’t miss that for the world, right?


Forty nine minutes ago via her mobile phone, L’il Evil Yve responded to Fortuna Bichachi Smukler’s query on, where else, Facebook!

Yvie disses Washington Park

Since Yvie knows just SO much about North Miami Beach, she believes the candidate forums are NOT the places where people are “publicly making their voices heard.”


Oh, but as of about 10 minutes ago, Yvie’s “public figure” Facebook got a whopping 83 “likes.”

Yvie has 83 Likes

Now she only needs 1,754 to catch up with the Save Greynolds Park Facebook page.  You go, girl!

That Facebook Filosophy is really working!

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

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5 thoughts on ““Yve” Update

  1. I’m mortified, I truly am. Since when does a candidate blow off a forum and think our North Miami Beach Community isn’t going to care? I can tell you this Stephanie, she hasn’t knocked on my door yet. When does Ms. Dargenson think she’s going to reach me? The whole purpose of the forums is so that the public has a chance to meet the candidates and see what they stand for just in case we’re not home when they stop by. Quite frankly has any NMB resident that reads your blog met her yet?

  2. BULLETIN! I just spoke to someone I know in the North Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce and they tell me they have never met or seen this candidate, EVER. She has never been to a luncheon or ribbon cutting. When I told my friend to look at her facebook page, they nearly peed in their pants laughing. Perhaps if she likes the Chamber so much my friend asked how come she isn’t a member. Gimme a break, seriously!

  3. Maybe candidate Dargenson would like to meet me at Prime Grill to discuss her vision of NMB. Oops, wait, what vision? She can’t even see that Miami Prime closed like two years ago. So glad you posted a like for that restaurant on Facebook Ms. Dargenson, It really shows how in touch you are with the businesses in our city.

  4. Question…If she was to be elected would she be investigated by the State/FDLE/other law enforcement agencies and if all is found true could be sentenced to prison? Isn’t it against the law to even be included in the ballot under false pretenses?

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