Shit Just Got Personal

Pathological LiarBeing the honest-to-a-fault person that my mother always complained about, I have a thing about liars.  It’s personal.  When someone lies to my face, I literally see red.  I absolutely, positively, without a freaking doubt hate liars.  This is probably why I have made it my personal mission to go after public figures who have trouble with the truth.  Yep, I hate liars!

Speaking of liars, guess who finally showed up at the North Miami Beach City Council candidate forum at Washington Park last night?  The heretofore unseen Faux Candidate Yvenoline Dargenson, freshly served with a Summons to appear in Court on May 3, 2013, breezed in fashionably late as if making an appearance at a cocktail party.

This is apparently a habit of hers, considering that she has been tardy for three out of three meetings held so far of the city’s Charter Review Committee, to which she was appointed by our current Council Weasel, the Master of Lies and Deception and Yvenoline’s mentor, Frantz Pierre.

I heard that Her Royal Highness was forty five minutes late to the first Committee meeting, and after rudely disrupting the proceedings, she immediately decided that discussing the legal description of the city’s boundaries was a priority.  Here’s the thing.  As crazy as they are, the boundaries of North Miami Beach, or really any parcel of land, are one of the few things that are actually set in stone, so to speak.  If you have ever purchased a piece of property, such as your home, you are familiar with the terms “real property” and “legal description.”  Real property is the actual land that you own, and the legal description describes the exact location and measurement of the boundaries of your real property.  Your real property’s legal description is duly recorded on a plat, among hundreds of thousands of plats, which are the Official Records of all property located in Miami-Dade County, and are filed among the Public Records of the Clerk of the Courts.

You can’t move the location of your real property any more than you can change the color of your eyes.  Furthermore, the boundaries of your real property cannot be changed without a lengthy legal process that involves negotiations, contracts, closings and lawyers.  In other words, a Charter Review Committee has no jurisdiction over the changing of our city’s legal description.  It merely reviews the Charter and then makes recommendations to the Council as to which rules and regulations therein should be reconsidered.  The Council then votes yea or nay on which of those recommendations will then be voted on by a referendum.

The boundaries, or legal description, of our city cannot be changed by a vote of either the Council, the Charter Review Committee or the residents.

They certainly can’t be changed by the whim of Some Dumb Bimbo from MIRAMAR who pretends to understand what a legal description is and thinks she has a clue.

And people think blonds are dumb?

Yvenoline Dargenson was then fifteen minutes late to the second meeting and forty minutes late to the third.  I guess North Miami Beach City Hall is a long way from MIRMAR.

Setting a new standard for chutzpah, Dargenson decided to show up at last night’s forum since she’s no longer trying to avoid being served with a Summons.  She got up there and answered questions like everyone else on the panel, pretending to be a concerned resident of NMB and claiming that she would represent all the residents.  Even the white ones.  Which is quite laughable since her cousin already made it painfully clear that the only reason Dargenson is running is to get “more black people” on the Council.

When asked, however, where her children go to school, she dropped her pretense and gave the only honest response of the entire evening.  She said, “MIRAMAR.”  When someone in the audience asked her why, she ignored the question.

Then again, she’s pretty good at ignoring questions she doesn’t want to answer.  She avoided answering any of them asked by Miami Herald reporter Paradise Afshar in her recent article, North Miami Beach candidate Dargenson’s eligibility in question, claiming “I can choose not to talk about my personal life.  I’m not bringing my family into this election.”

Oh, really?  ROFLMAO!

As I mentioned in Where in the World is Yvenoline Dargenson?, by virtue of running for public office, “public figures” become public property.  Which is not to be confused with real property, as abovementioned.  Even blonds can figure that out.

When confronted by the reporter last night about various matters, Dargenson grabbed her husband, with whom she is NOT estranged despite her mother’s comments to the contrary, and ordered him not to answer any “personal” questions.  I personally witnessed this myself.

I also personally witnessed her husband, Freeloader Frannix, tell the reporter that his wife was not served with a Summons, despite the fact that I personally spoke with the process server who will testify in Court that she was.

I guess lying is second nature to Yvenoline Dargenson, her husband and the rest of her clan, including her parents.  When questioned by North Miami Beach Police Sergeant Richard Silberman during the course of a residency check, her father tried to lie about where his daughter lives and how long she’s lived there.  He tripped all over himself trying to correct his own lies.  Sergeant Silberman caught up to Dargenson’s mother at Dargenson’s MIRAMAR home, and when questioned, couldn’t keep her story straight, either.  The funny thing is that City Clerk Pamela Latimore told me that when she questioned Dargenson about her residence, she was told that Dargenson had to move back into her parents’ home because they were elderly and ill, and they needed her to take care of them.  That was obviously another lie because Dargenson’s mother told Silberman that she comes to the MIRAMAR home “daily to watch her children.”  I guess she’s not that elderly and ill after all.  Is there no end to the lies?

The scariest thing, however, is that this lying bitch works for the Social Security Administration.  If you ever wondered why the federal government is so screwed up, wonder no more.

The fact that people like Yvenoline Dargenson are in charge of YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY should be of grave concern.

The fact that people like Yvenoline Dargenson are running for office in YOUR CITY when she doesn’t even live here should make you even more determined to GET OUT AND VOTE!

Yvenoline Dargenson is the female version of L’il Frantzie P, and WE DON’T NEED ANOTHER FRANTZ PIERRE ON THE DAIS!

Now about her “personal life.”  You know, the one she thinks is nobody’s business but her own?

HAH!  Shit just got personal, bitch.

There is no hiding from the Stepharazzi!

First, a few corrections to my earlier columns.  Dargenson made it clear last night that she has three children, not four as I previously mentioned.  They go to school in MIRAMAR, BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA.  They do NOT go to school in North Miami Beach because they don’t live in North Miami Beach.  Also, I stated that her place of business was in Fort Lauderdale, but I was corrected.  She works in Miami Lakes.

Now for the personal stuff.

Dargenson’s husband, Frannix Jean-Mary, also lives in MIRAMAR, BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA.  He also works in Broward County.

Frannix Jean-Mary and Yvenoline Dargenson have been sued four times by the River Run of Miramar Homeowners Association, Inc. for nonpayment of dues.  Once on January 4, 2007, the second time on May 12, 2010, and the third time on December 30, 2010, and yet again on May 17, 2012.

The City of MIRAMAR also filed a lien against them on August 18, 2008 for non-compliance of the city’s code, despite an order of the court to do so.


Yvenoline Dargenson is also the owner of a piece of property in Fort Lauderdale located at 1045 NW 5th Avenue, which was also cited for code violations in May of 2010.


Her husband, Frannix Jean-Mary of MIRMAR, BROWARD COUNTY, has an even longer paper trail among the public records.

Now, I wasn’t going to bring these items up because they’re really, really personal.  But when Faux Candidate Yvenoline Dargenson claims to be a “public figure” but won’t answer “personal questions,” I figured all bets are off.

Yeah, shit just got personal.

On May 7, 1993, the Circuit Court of Broward County had to stipulate paternity and order child support to be paid to Baby Mama Patricia Augustin for the care of his child, Franky Jean-Mary.


On February 23, 2004, Patricia Augustin obtained an order from the Florida Department of Revenue, which court papers are hidden from the internet in accordance with Chapter 2002-302 of the Laws of Florida, having to do with Florida Rules of Family Law.  I guess Baby Mama needed to force more child support out of the Deadbeat Dad.

On February 24, 2011, one Melucienne Jeanty obtained an order from the Florida Department of Revenue, which court papers are also hidden in accordance with Chapter 2002-302.

Hmmmm.  Baby Mama Number 2?  Can’t Frannix keep it in his pants?  Just saying.

On March 12, 2012, Melucienne Jeanty obtained yet another Family Court Document from the Florida Department of Revenue, hidden from the web.

Deadbeat Dad strikes again?

But, wait!  There’s more!

On May 11, 2010, the Florida Department of Revenue issued a Tax Warrant against Frannix for nonpayment of sales tax in the amount of $3,490.98.

Frannix, Frannix, Frannix.  Shame on you!  Everyone knows that the two things in life people cannot avoid are death and taxes.  In your case, we’ll add Baby Mama Child Support to the list.

In Yvenoline’s case, we’ll also add Service of Process.

The life of a Public Figure is tough.  If you have any skeletons in your closet, prepare them for the light of day.  In other words, kiss your personal life goodbye.

You both can deny reality all you want, but the truth is you cannot hide Public Records.

You also can’t hide from the Stepharazzi.

I got your number, Yvenoline Dargenson.

And you are officially my bitch.

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

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3 thoughts on “Shit Just Got Personal

  1. Strange as all of this sounds to some of us, this sort of behavior is what these types of individuals equate with having power. From having children with multiple wives, to sticking it to “the man”, this deviant behavior apparently produces some sort of high for them and this is what they aspire to. While you refer to skeletons in the closet as liabilities, for these folks, and the many folks who vote for them, these are quantifiable assets and credentials to be proud of and provide a source of validation. But once again, if we just complain to each other and don’t get out the vote, North Miami Beach is doomed just like North Miami already is.

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