“Haitian Like Me”

Trust meJust imagine if I were to send out a letter and urge voters to make sure we have a “White Majority.”

Just imagine if I were to post on Facebook “vote for the only whites running.”

Just imagine if I were to try to get every Haitian city employee fired for the sole purpose of hiring whites (or Hispanics, or blacks).

DUH!  I’d be called a racist, and with good reason.

Well, this is exactly the agenda Frantz Pierre is pushing.  With every racist move he makes, he has made it perfectly clear:

“Screw the residents and employees of North Miami Beach who aren’t Haitian.  And, if you’re a Haitian who won’t stick with my game plan, SCREW YOU, TOO!

It’s no secret that North Miami Beach councilman Frantz Pierre plays identity politics.  It’s also no secret that his first, and probably his only, allegiance is to the Haitian community.  In every election since 2009, L’il Frantzie P has installed a Haitian candidate in each seat, in the hopes of achieving his only goal:  A “Haitian Majority.”

If you have any doubt about that, check out the racist writings of The P Man’s long time friend, Joseph Gourgue.


Gourgue, the self described Community Activist/Organizer, wrote on July 31, 2008:

Gourgue Email 07-31-08
Mr. Gourgue followed that racist rant with a letter on March 29, 2009 on a Yahoo Haitianpolitics Group, about the North Miami Beach 2009 election:

All of the other Haitian-Americans candidates are being challenged simply because they feared a HAITIAN MAJORITY in the City Council….If God willing and Mr Derose, Mr Pierre and Mr Mardy wins in May 05 the North Miami Beach City Council for the first time in her history will have a HAITIAN MAJORITY!

I understand their fear and concern of a Haitian majority in the city but it is a great concern for them to have because they should have seen it coming and I made sure that it will happen because it was a goal that I have chosen and It was a vision that I had for the Creole community and other minorities that resides in a city that was becoming more diverse.

Like rabble rouser Joseph Gourgue, L’il Frantzie P has made no secret of the fact that his only agenda is to get more Haitians elected and more Haitians hired in the City of North Miami Beach.

The hell with anyone else!

And woe to anyone, Haitian, Hispanic, black or otherwise, who stands in his way of accomplishing his goal.

Just ask Ketley Joachim and Jean Pompee how far Frantzie is willing to go to get what he wants.

Just ask water meter reader Antonio Ortega how far Frantzie is willing to go to get rid of Hispanics.

Just ask Leisure Services Director Paulette Murphy how far Frantzie is willing to go to get rid of blacks.

Frantzie surrounds himself with his fellow racists.


One of his closest friends, the Wannabe King of Absentee Ballots Volney Nerette, accused the City Council of racism against the City Clerk, claiming that “if she were a white woman” she’d get a bigger raise.  Never mind whether or not her job performance called for a salary increase, Volney believes she should get a raise simply because she’s black.  And, yet, he has the balls to accuse the Council of racism!

Now Frantzie has planted two more of his fellow racists into the North Miami Beach 2013 election for City Council.  He pitted Yvenoline Dargenson against current Councilwoman Beth Spiegel and installed Jean D. Berrouet in the race for the open seat.  Both Haitians.  Both racists.  Berrouet’s daughter and Dargenson’s cousin, Sarabi Nieves posted a disgusting racist rant on Facebook on April 17, 2013, urging people to “vote for the only blacks running.”

Vote for only black people

Never mind whether or not they’re qualified to be in office.  Never mind that one of them DOESN’T EVEN LIVE IN NORTH MIAMI BEACH!  Just vote for them BECAUSE they’re black!

The fact that both of them also happen to be Haitian is a bonus round for Frantzie since it would further his agenda of having a “HAITIAN MAJORITY.”

Folks, you can’t get any more racist than that.


Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

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11 thoughts on ““Haitian Like Me”

  1. Everyone knows Frantzey P is “TWO FACED” and he thinks he’s going to run for mayor in two years.

    Good Luck with that when residents find out that they will be the ones paying for Frantzey and family’s LIFE TIME MEDICAL if he is elected one more time.

    It doesn’t matter when Frantzey P tells residents that he does not use the City of N.M.B. medical insurance because he has the Miami-Dade Teacher’s insurance plan.

    Frantzey P still gets the money for the medical insurance payments know matter if he uses it or not.

    He also was the councilman that SPONSORED the ordinance to insure that he and Councilwoman Phylis Smith will get LIFETIME MEDICAL when and if they get voted back in for the third time.

    They do not even have to finish their last term to get this benefit……just ask Commissioner Sally Haymen, she is still sucking off NMB residents tits.

    It’s a shame that some residents will vote for the way these “RACISTS” want them to vote without questioning the candidate’s qualifications or residency.

    Haitian residents should wake up and realize that politicians like Frantzey P are the real reason the Haitian people get a “BAD RAP” and labeled as “LIARS and THIEVES”.

  2. Sick !!!!
    Haitians wants to convert Miami to be like Cité Soliel, in Port O’Prince ,the worst place in the world.

  3. Gourgue is either deliberately lying, dumber than a pickled herring or both. Most likely the latter is the most accurate description. As for his claims that the majority of taxpayers in NMB are of Haitian decent, HOGWASH. Here’s a breakdown of the demographics of the city according to the 2010 US census.

    Total Population 41,523

    Population by Ethnicity

    Hispanic or Latino 15,213
    Non Hispanic or Latino 26,310

    Population by Race

    White 19,569
    African American 17,177 (includes the Haitian American population)
    Asian 1,416
    American Indian and Alaska Native 102
    Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 23
    Other 1,675
    Identified by two or more 1,561

    There are 24,346 White, Asian, Native American/Pacific Islander and those identified by two or more races.

    The Haitian American and African American population combined is 17,177.

    The mans got RACIST lying balls to claim the Haitian community has the majority of taxpaying citizens in NMB!

    1. You should know that, like Yvenoline Dargenson, Joseph Gourgue LIVES IN BROWARD COUNTY. I wonder if his ploy to get a “Haitian Majority” on the City Council would fly in Plantation. I’m guessing not so much. He probably views NMB as an easy target for his grand plan.

    2. And one more thing. According to the 2010 census, residents of Haitian descent make up only 22% of NMB’s population. Hispanics represent 37%. There is a much larger Latino population in our city than there are Haitians.

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