The Daily Double Dargenson: The Barbie Doll of Miramar

Dargenson BarbieWhat do you do when you don’t have a single original thought rattling around in your pretty little empty head?  Why, PLAGIARIZE, OF COURSE!

What do you do when you need a resume real quick and have absolutely nothing to fill it with?  Why, MAKE SHIT UP, OF COURSE!

North Miami Beach Faux Candidate Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson did both.

There seems to be absolutely NOTHING real about this woman.  Just like she fakes being a resident of North Miami Beach, she’s also pretending to be an expert in Social Security.  Why am I not surprised?

The LIAR OF MIRAMAR managed to convince the Aging and Disability Resource Center of Broward County (ADRC) to publish “her” articles several times a month, using her photograph and bio.


Only one problem.

Well, actually, there are several problems.  One, she copied “her” most recent article entitled Best Ways to Do Business with Social Security verbatim from one published in 55+ Magazine, which was written by Michael W. Growchowski, the Social Security Regional Commissioner in Atlanta.

Yveno-Liar also takes credit for several other articles published in 55+ Magazine, written by other people, but submitted to the ADRC for publication under her name.

A good way to tell if something is plagiarized, you can copy any printed article and run it through the Plagiarism Checker online tool.

In the case of the article she stole from Mr. Growchowski, I used the Plagiarism Checker to verify its content:


Guess what?  “Her” article had 0% UNIQUE CONTENT!  What that means is that there was not even one single phrase in the article for which she took credit that she actually wrote!


How do you spell “FRAUD?”

I spell it “Y-V-E-N-O-L-I-N-E.”

Secondly, according to the FAKE BIO she uses on the ADRC, Dargenson also claims to have a weekly column in the Sun-Sentinel.

That’s strange because the Sun-Sentinel has no record of Yvenoline Dargenson whatsoever.


Little wonder that Dargenson has no problem lying about living in North Miami Beach when she LIVES IN MIRAMAR!  She seems to lie about EVERYTHING!  Right down to her made up fantasy life.

I’m beginning to suspect that Faux Candidate Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson is nothing but a Barbie Doll.  I bet her boobs are fake, too!

But, wait!  There’s more!

Stay tuned this evening for today’s special – The Daily Triple Dargenson.  I guarantee you will be speechless!


Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

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10 thoughts on “The Daily Double Dargenson: The Barbie Doll of Miramar

  1. Did you ever notice that her Facebook page comments by her are always someone else’s writings. She’s full of quotes about why we should vote, but it’s never her own words. Does she have an original thought in her head?

  2. Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise. The Duchess, “Alice in Wonderland”

  3. Has anyone contacted the SSA to determine who this fraud is? SSA should be contacted to be informed of what a fraud and plagiarist she really is. They probably do not even know about her lies. Poor representative for the SSA.

  4. She claims degrees in sociology/anthropology and education. What college? She claims to have been an educator. What school? Credential fraud is a felony and City NMB doesn’t need to go through this again. Check the backgrounds of all candidates who claim they want to represent the citizens of our city.

  5. She claims degrees in sociology/anthropology and education. What college? She claims to have been an educator. What school? Credential fraud is a felony and City NMB doesn’t need to go through this again. Check the backgrounds of all candidates who claim they want to represent the citizens of our city.

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