The Daily Dargenson: More On Dargenson Family Values

Yvenoline Dargenson has been officially registered!
Yvenoline Dargenson has been officially registered!

North Miami Beach Faux Candidate Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson is running on a “Family Values” platform.  In her literature, she claimed, “I am married with children. As a mother, I understand the meaning of family values.”  I’m not sure what her definition of “Family Values” is, but a woman who is “married with children” usually lives with her husband and children.  If you believe Yvono-Liar’s testimony in court on Friday, she not only DOES NOT live with her husband and children, but that she’s only “stayed” in HER MIRAMAR HOME that she purchased in 2000 for a grand total of “two weeks.”  In the last 13 years.  Seriously?

She also claimed that her children “visit her” at her mother’s house in North Miami Beach, where she adamantly insists that she lives.

Like her cousin, Jean D. Berrouet, who is also running for City Council, I guess that’s the kind of “Family Values” that runs in their family.

The people she surrounds herself with also espouse her special brand of “Family Values.”

For example, to defend her in court against Beth E. Spiegel, L’il Evil Yve hired former North Miami mayor, councilman and city clerk, Frank Wolland, who told two lies right out of the box with his opening statement.

First he claimed that early voting in North Miami Beach began “on Monday,” when in fact, it started the previous day, i.e., Thursday.

Then he stated that the North Miami Beach Police Department ONLY investigated his client’s residency, when the truth is that the PD investigated ALL the candidates.

Like most career politicians, seems like Wolland has trouble with the truth.  It also seems he has a bit of trouble with ethics, too.

As an aside, Frank Wolland also has a history helping people run in cities where they don’t live.  He’s pals with current NON-RESIDENT mayoral candidate Lucie Tondreau, and when he was the city clerk, he somehow finagled the qualification of Jean Marcellus, who was running for city council in North Miami while LIVING IN MIRAMAR!

Jeez!  What’s in the water in MIRAMAR?

I was only able to witness about the first fifteen minutes of Dargenson’s testimony in court because at that time the witnesses who were scheduled to testify were hustled out of the courtroom.  I did see enough, however, to realize she’s not as good a liar as I had previously suspected.  She is quite skilled, however, in being evasive.

When asked where her husband, Frannix Jean-Mary lives, Spiegel’s attorney had to practically pull the truth out of her that he LIVES IN MIRAMAR.

With her children, who LIVE IN MIRAMAR.

Great “Family Values!”

But, hey!  They do visit her every once in a while!

Yvenoline also claimed that many out of town relatives and friends come to stay in her home in MIRAMAR, but when pressed to name these house guests, she remembered the first name of one person.  She couldn’t recall his last name or the names of the “many others” who traipse through her house on a regular basis IN MIRAMAR WHERE HER CHILDREN LIVE.

Great “Family Values!”

When I was called to the stand, I had to testify that I heard Yve tell a live audience at the Washington Park candidate forum that her kids go to school in MIRAMAR, and that when asked how many meetings she had attended in the last six months, that she replied, “I’ve watched four.  Being a WORKING MOTHER, I have to multitask.”

NOTE TO EVE:  North Miami Beach Council members are actually expected to ATTEND council meetings, not watch them.  Attendance doesn’t count by watching them on television from YOUR HOME IN MIRAMAR!

So, let’s see.  She “lives” in North Miami Beach, works in Miami Lakes, HER KIDS LIVE IN MIRAMAR, but she’s a “working mother” who has to “multitask” when HER KIDS VISIT HER once in a while.

Yep.  There are those “Family Values” again!

Lawyer Frank Wolland then cross examined me and wanted to know all about my blog, and whether or not I was upset that his client called me a “bitch” on Haitian radio.

Yeah, I lost sleep over it.  ROFLMAO!

He then asked me if my husband ran for office in 2009, and when plaintiff’s attorney objected and asked where Wolland was going with this question, he said was trying to prove that I was “biased.”

Since I wasn’t allowed to answer any more of Wolland’s questions, and since he’s apparently a Fan of the Blog, I’ll answer him here:

Despite the fact that 2009 was so four years ago and has nothing to do with the 2013 election, DAMN RIGHT I’M BIASED!  Unlike his client, I LIVE IN NORTH MIAMI BEACH, and I am BIASED AGAINST LIARS, POSERS, FRAUDS AND CORRUPTOCRATS!

Yve then ran up to him and handed Wolland her iPhone 3 (Seriously?  She STILL has an iPhone 3?  Seriously?) and showed him this website.  Wolland peered at the phone and then asked me if I had written a blog on March something or other, and I responded with, “Probably.”  He then asked if I had written anything flattering about Yve, and I answered, “Probably not.”

Like, DUH!  Hey, Frank, get up to speed.  READ THE BLOGS!

NOTE TO WOLLAND:  If you have any more questions to ask me, please click the “Contact Us” button over there on the right, and I’ll be more than happy to tell you anything you wanna know.  Unlike your client, I have nothing to hide, whether I’m under oath or not.

I wasn’t in the courtroom when several other witnesses were called in to testify, but I do plan to get a copy of the transcript as soon as it’s available.  What I do know, however, is that a woman representing the River Run Miramar Homeowners Association, Inc., which sued Dargenson and her husband FOUR times for non-payment of dues, testified that homeowner association notices are mailed to Frannix Jean-Mary and Yvenoline Dargenson at THEIR HOME IN MIRAMAR.

Kavin Ware, the process server who ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY DID SERVE DARGENSON, came in to testify that he, in fact, did serve her.  Despite her and her husband’s protestations to the contrary last week, she did not deny being served in court.  Guess she figured there was no use keeping up that pretense any longer since she was actually sitting in the very courtroom to which she was summoned that day.  At least a couple of her synapses were connecting while on the stand.

Yvenoline’s mother, Olympia was also called to the stand and insisted she needed a translator.  She conveniently brought her own translator, who was not a court certified translator, but the judged allowed her to interpret anyway.  (And Wolland was trying to prove that I was biased?  Just saying.)  From what sources inside the courtroom told me, Olympia claimed she couldn’t speak English, yet responded in perfect English to every questions.  Somehow she didn’t know her own address.  I guess she keeps getting it confused with her daughter’s MIRAMAR address.

Under questioning, Yve claimed she couldn’t confirm her own signature (WTF?) nor her husband’s signature, even though he signs her Campaign Treasurer’s Reports, which is one of the many reasons I was inspired to register her in the “Official” Moron Registry.

In his closing remarks, the judge was very skeptical of both Yvenoline’s and her mother’s testimonies.  Neither witness could string together a believable response to any question.  Yve’s special brand of “Family Values” apparently is a Dargenson family trait.

For someone who is claiming that she “understands family values,” Yvenoline Dargenson has dug a little bit of a hole for herself.  She either:

  • Proved that she’s a pathological liar by claiming to live in North Miami Beach, when she obviously lives in MIRAMAR; or
  • She actually does live in North Miami Beach, WITHOUT HER HUSBAND AND CHILDREN.

Whichever story you believe, by anyone’s definition, actual “Family Values” do not include either LYING or LIVING APART FROM YOUR CHILDREN.  If those are the “Family Values” that Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson espouses, I think I’ll pass.


Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

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