Tweet me, Baby, one more time! (Live Courtroom Update)

TWEET MENext to Facebook, Twitter is one of my favorite forms of social media.  I can post anything to Facebook from anywhere at all, whether I’m at a computer or on a phone.  This is great if I want my Facebook peeps to know exactly what I’m doing and where I am.  Luckily for them, I refrain.  Unless I’m doing something really exciting, of course.

If I want to report or follow a report live, Twitter is the way to go.  Miami Herald reporter Paradise Afshar is in the courtroom as we speak, following and Tweeting the juicy details being revealed in the case of Beth Spiegel vs. Yvenoline Dargenson.

For starters, as I teased in yesterday’s column, the evidence that Dargie is attempting to rebut are a number of items she was subpoenaed to produce, such as: car, health and life insurance policies, automobile registrations, bank account statements, and tax returns.

According to a RENEWED MOTION FOR TEMPORARY INJUNCTION AND OTHER RELIEF filed on Friday, May 17, 2013 by Plaintiff’s attorney Joseph S. Geller, every single one of the documents she did submit (and she didn’t turn over everything requested) all show her address as 9620 Boulder Street, MIRAMAR, Florida.


Now that there is a hearing in process, Ms. Afshar is Tweeting several interesting things.

First of all, when asked why she listed the MIRAMAR address as a PRIMARY address on several documents, Yvie tried to make the court believe that the MIRAMAR address is merely her mailing address.

Yeah, right.

She then said because her husband lives in MIRAMAR, that this is the reason all the documents list the MIRAMAR address.

Yeah, right.

When asked about all the credit card charges and ATM uses at mostly locations in and around MIRAMAR, Dargie tried to claim that her husband uses her accounts and that both have access to them.

Yeah, right.

Then poor, poor, put upon Yvenoline admitted that her husband was sued last year by a baby mama for paternity, and that the lawsuit “didn’t bring us closer together.”

Gee, Yvie.  Maybe it was NOT LIVING WITH YOUR HUSBAND that didn’t bring you closer together!  Ever think of that?

Just saying.

Of course, that’s just her excuse since we already know she lives in MIRAMAR, but lies in North Miami Beach.

During the court’s recess for lunch, I spoke with Paradise who told me some more details she didn’t Tweet.

For one, Yvenoline and her husband file separate tax returns.  Nothing unusual here, since many married couples file separately for a slew of reasons, financial and otherwise.  However, Yvie’s tax returns reflect her address as 9620 Boulder Street, MIRAMAR, Florida.  Since she claims she doesn’t live there, she has no reason to use the MIRAMAR address on her individual tax return.

Just saying.

The defense then trotted out neighbors of her parents who live in North Miami Beach, both of whom claim she lives there.  Neither of them spoke English and there was no interpreter, so we all have to guess that’s what they said.  Considering they were called as witness for the defense, it stands to reason that’s what they said.  Like absolutely none of them would lie under oath, right?

Um. Yeah.  Sure.

Moving right along.

According to Paradise Afshar’s Tweets, North Miami Beach City Attorney Darcee Siegel was called to the stand, who attested that she saw one of Dargie’s “neighbor” witnesses and Dargie’s husband, Sly Dog Frannix, in the elevator together.  UPDATE:  Darcee called me after the hearing to clarify why she was called to the stand.  Apparently, during the afternoon session one of Dargie’s “neighbors” testified that he didn’t know Frannix and had never met him.  Darcee Siegel rebutted him by stating that she saw Frannix and the “neighbor” get into the elevator together before lunch and arrive in the elevator together after lunch.  Either the “neighbor” committed perjury on the stand under oath, or he has a case of terminal amnesia.  I’m guessing the former.

Isn’t that special?

The Plaintiff’s attorney gave his closing remarks, reiterating how all of Yvenoline’s insurance policies, titles, bank statements, credit card charges and ATM uses point to the FACT that she lives in MIRAMAR.  In summary, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, well by gosh, it must be a duck!

Yvie’s lawyer, Frank “Rocket Scientist” Wolland got up to say that his client’s testimony, drivers license and voters registration are all proof that she lives in North Miami Beach.

Well, I have a problem with that.  You see, under oath, Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson swore that her husband, Frannix Jean-Mary, LIVES IN MIRAMAR.


Gee, I dunno.  If Frannix lies about where he lives to vote in North Miami Beach, what’s stopping his WIFE from lying about where she lives to run for office in North Miami Beach?


Look, no one is disputing that both of them once lived in NMB at one time.  However, they purchased a homesteaded home in MIRAMAR in 2000, and even though neither of them changed their voters registration, and at least one of them (Dargie) didn’t change her drivers license, this does not mean they don’t live as husband and wife in the home they purchased together in MIRAMAR.

Anyone can tell that liars lie.  In their case, liars lie smoothly and seamlessly.

The question is, will the judge see right through her as the rest of us do?

Stay tuned…

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

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