Lucie in the Sky


coconut treeOn May 20, 2013, Miami-Dade County Circuit Court Judge Darrin Gayles effectively told former faux North Miami Beach City Council candidate Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson, “YOU LIE!” and shamed her out of his courtroom.  According to the transcript, he also insinuated that she had no business raising kids, assuming there was any truth to her claim that she popped out three of them and dumped them on the doorstep of the home she claims her husband occupies without their baby mama.  He went even one step further by pretty much telling Dargenson and the rest of the world that he was not going to allow a poser to steal an election in North Miami Beach.  On May 22, 2013, Judge Gayles showed Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson that he meant business.

Now if only someone would ask His Honor to deal with the poser of North Miami, our sister city might actually get a free and fair election, too.  If Judge Gayles thought Dargenson a poor excuse of a mother, imagine what he’d think of Lucie “Coco Douce” Tondreau, who makes Yvenoline look like a saint in comparison.

Dargie might not actually live in North Miami Beach, but at least she does have a house that she can call her own (even if she denies it).  And, while not exactly Mother of the Year material, Dargie at least has a husband who can claim that all three of his kids are, well, his.  And then some.

Lucie, on the other hand, according to a People Smart Contact Report and a Been Verified Report, has lived in ten different locations and one post office box.  Most of her addresses are not even in the City of North Miami.  Lucie also recently bragged about having four kids with four baby daddies, earning her the title of “Mayor Coco Douce” on Haitian radio.  (Apparently, EVERYONE gets to Love Lucie!)

As an aside, the French translation of “Coco Douce” may be “fresh coconut,” but I was just informed that when translated from Creole, “douce” means “sweet” and “coco” means, um, “lady parts.”  I would tell you to get your mind out of the gutter, but… Yeah, that’s about where this election is headed.

Look, I’m not about to preach “family values” to anyone.  I am not a “family values” voter because when it comes to local government, my only concerns are ethical and fiscal responsibility.  Personally, how many kids you spawn and how many baby mamas and daddies are involved in the process are none of my business.  As long as I’m not supporting your brood, knock yourselves out.

But if you are going to run on a “family values” platform, you had better not be a hypocrite.  Don’t tell me that you’re “married with children” and that you “know all about family values,” when you claim you don’t even live with your husband and children.  That’s just wrong!  And in Dargie’s case, a blatant lie.

If Lucie Tondreau, who also claims to promote “family values,” wants to spread around her Coco Douce and collect sperm samples in order to widen her personal gene pool, that’s her business.  The fact that she claims she and her progeny share a single bedroom in North Miami just to run for office in that city is just total bullshit.  That she will lie about it is merely proof of what kind of a politician she is and how dishonest an elected official she will be.  One can only imagine what Judge Darrin Gayles would have to say to her!

The scary thing is that there are people out there who vote for scoundrels like Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson and Lucie “Coco Douce” Tondreau because they really don’t give a damn if their politicians are honest or not.  They also don’t care if the candidates live in their respective cities.  All they seem to be concerned with is what nationality they are.  Such voters are also obviously are not “family values” advocates, or women like Dargenson and Tondreau would never receive a single vote.

The really scary thing is that there are enough of these types of voters in North Miami to put a Coco Douce in the mayoral seat.

Oy, vey!


Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

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1 thought on “Lucie in the Sky

  1. A husband who can claim that all three of his kids are his? From what I’ve heard through the grape vine, her third kid belongs to a certain NMB politician who has done everything within his power to get her elected. Maybe a way to get around having to pay health insurance for the kid?

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