Updated/posted by Susana Escayola 8 mins ago


Dr. Bibevski reported that Little Reggie’s surgery was a big success! They were able to connect six pieces (I think they’re actually called “stents”) to his ribcage from the outside. To understand the complexity and risk – imagine connecting fish hooks to his ribs- from the outside-without the use of a camera and with basically no visuals. The surgeon was afraid that in doing so an organ could be pierced, especially since he’s just a tiny kitten. Also, once the pieces are connected, the next hurdle is making sure that the ribcage can be widened enough to accommodate his lungs (and organs) as he grows, to enable him to breathe properly. On both counts, Dr. Bibevski was successful. Once the surgery was complete, more x-rays were taken to see the results and and the surgeon was very pleased with how far she was able to widen his ribcage and the amount of space she was able to open for him to allow for future growth. The surgery took about an hour and no breathing tubes had to be inserted.

Right now Little Reggie is recuperating in an oxygen environment. He will spend the night at the hospital. He will be given food and water when he awakes and if all is well, he will be going home maybe as early as tomorrow where he will recuperate in kitty luxury in his own private room. I will post more updates and photos as I get them from Liza.

Thanks to everyone for coming together with your financial and spiritual support! We still have the recovery process to deal with now, but, the surgery is done and Little Reggie made it! We couldn’t of done it without each and everyone’s support. Everyone’s contribution was crucial to getting him to this point and now he is alive and on his way to a normal life thanks to your kindness and generosity. God bless!


Surgery a Big Success!!!

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