Meanwhile, back in North Miami Beach

A flashing sign appeared overnight on my street at the corner of Northeast 178th Street and 17th Avenue, announcing:

Crime Watch Meeting 1

To be held tomorrow night:

Crime Watch Meeting 2
Tuesday, February 11, 2014 at 7:00 PM

At the location of:

Crime Watch Meeting 3
NE 178th Street and NE 17th Avenue

I have no idea who put this sign up or who organized the meeting.  I checked the City of North Miami Beach website’s Calendar of Events, but it’s not listed there at all.

We have a mystery, folks, that just begs to be solved.

So, what the heck, I’ll be there.

Will you?

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”


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16 thoughts on “Meanwhile, back in North Miami Beach

  1. It was probably put out there by our crime prevention unit (Tom Carney or John Philome). Their civilians that our department has that puts fires out. For instance if someone is speeding down your block and you’ve called several times to complain, they’ll thrown that sign out asking drivers to slow down. Of course enforcement would be much better but we no longer have a traffic unit to address those problems. Since they are now seeing citizens getting involved because of the wave of violence were seeing, especially because of your blogging, they are trying to nip it in the but so to say and they definetly are trying to tackle the citizen complaints because the Mayor & Council don’t want a demonstration before their council meeting.

      1. You know what they say about people who focus on the form and not the content, attempting to control the conversation and deflect the actual subject matter? To Stephanie and Karin, good on you for what you are doing. All us us in North Dade thank you for your diligence. Crosshairs, what you say sounds right and I did not even notice any spelling errors-because it was not the point. I did, though, notice far too many exclamation points in C-Lo’s post which makes no grammatical sense. I am just joshing, I don’t care about grammEr spelling etc,, !!! I care about safety and positive movement in that direction. Here’s to that.

        1. Barbix, I sometimes do comment on spelling and grammar when someone pisses me off and I’m feeling snarky. But I take public safety way too seriously to give a crap if a police officer can spell or not. There is a time and a place for everything (even sarcasm and snark), but violent crime is no laughing matter.

          Crosshairs, thank you for your service. Both Karin and I appreciate it!

          1. Hahah, I’ve been called just about everything there is, but never illiterate. I’ll add that one to the list. Have a great day sir and please get involved in your community 😉

      2. Thanks for pointing out my grammatical errors. It’s too difficult on my phone to go back and make changes because my keyboard is too small and my thumbs are too fat. But thanks for pointing that out C-Lo. Maybe next time you now can you share an idea that can actually make a difference in this community.

        1. OMIGOD! How much do you hate that??? You would not believe some of the emails and texts I’ve sent from my phone because of that freaking tiny keyboard. The worst is when the phone autocorrects my typos, which is why they have entire websites devoted to hilarious autocorrect fails. My favorite is Check it out and prepare to die laughing.

    1. Whether anyone likes it or not, citizens have a right to peacefully protest. The First Amendment of the US Constitution guarantees us that right. It’s not like we’re gonna go all Code Pink and wear giant vagina costumes or anything. Right, Karin? We’re not gonna do that, are we? That’s just wrong! 😉

        1. I do agree with you on the first count. On the second, I’d add a caveat that some wars are, unfortunately, necessary. But either way, I still wouldn’t wear a vagina costume. That’s just gross. Beyond gross.

  2. I don’t know why this was put out but I do feel that the community meetings that Carney has been doing are a great service to our community. The demonstration sill go on as scheduled.

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