
TNTAs everyone and their dog knows by now, North Miami Beach City Attorney Darcee Siegel was fired at the last City Council meeting on February 18, 2014.  Councilwoman Marlen Martell made the shocking motion from the dais, which was seconded and approved, and then “told the Miami Herald that she had grown weary” of Darcee’s “poor communication” and “overstepping her bounds,” and on that night she “exploded.”  (Her words, not mine.)

While that was an unfortunate choice of words, the thing that lit her fuse was a letter that Darcee received on August 30, 2013 from former City Attorney Lyndon Bonner’s attorney demanding that the City comply with the terms of his contract.  Robert F. McKee demanded that the City “make satisfactory arrangements to resolve this matter no later than 14 days from the date” of the letter, which was August 28, 2013.  Marlen told me that she knew nothing about this letter until February 13, 2014, the Thursday before the meeting, but that she had been upset with Darcee for other things even before this came to light.

Here’s the thing.  It’s no secret that I’ve had my issues with Darcee in the past and I’ve written on at least two occasions that she should be fired.  But, I’m not her boss and, in reality, I have no say in who’s hired or fired in North Miami Beach.  I’m just a blogger.

From the peanut gallery, it appears that Darcee was pretty damn good at her job and as far as I know, there were very few complaints about her performance.  In fact, Darcee just received a generous raise and bonus only last year when her contract came up for renewal.  If the City Council had any major problems with her, I wonder why they even renewed her contract, much less increase her salary and benefits.

It’s my understanding that Darcee is entitled to be paid the entire amount of her annual contract, which doesn’t expire until September 30, 2014.  This means that the city is going to pay her for seven months and ten days’ worth of services that we won’t be receiving.  Let’s break that down.

According to the Budget, Darcee’s annual compensation package is:

  • Salary  $188,000.00
  • F.I.C.A.  $9,796.00
  • Retirement  $42,319.00
  • Health Insurance  $10,635.00
  • Life Insurance  $744.00
  • Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance  $1,098.00
  • Workers Compensation Self Insurance  $376.00


On top of that amount, Darcee also received a one time 5% bonus of $5,640.00 and an annual cell phone allowance of $600.00, all adding up to a total annual salary and benefit package of $259,208.00, or the equivalent of $21,600.00 per month.  (Unknown at this time is the cost of any unused leave time Darcee has accumulated.)

On top of that, Darcee may be entitled to a minimum of twelve weeks’ worth of severance pay, which is approximately $43,300.00.

From March 1, 2014 through September 30, 2014, Darcee will receive a tidy sum of a minimum of $194,500.00 of taxpayer money for not coming to work.

I want that job!

On top of that money, the Assistant City Attorney Dotie Joseph will be expecting a raise while she temporarily steps in as Interim City Attorney.  The estimate I received was approximately $35,000.00 added to her salary of $90,000.00.  She will also want a temporary raise for her colleague, Leigh Minoux, of approximately $15,000.00.  If her wish is granted, those combined raises will increase Social Security, Medicare and pension contributions by the City of approximately $57,000.00 and change.  These expenses total approximately $107,000.00.

The tally so far of the taxpayer cost for the “out of the blue” firing of Darcee Siegel is up to $301,500.00.

This figure does not include, of course, the salary of a brand spanking new City Attorney who is expected to be hired within the next few months.  Assuming one starts the job by June 1, 2014 and makes approximately $20,000.00+ per month (including benefits), that’s an additional approximate $60,000.00 that we’ll be paying for a Replacement Lawyer until Darcee’s contract expires.

This figure also does not include the cost of outside council that will be needed to fill in the blanks until a new City Attorney can be installed, the cost of which can range anywhere from $120,000.00 to $150,000.00 over the next three months.  And, that’s assuming we even have a new CA by June 1, 2014.

Even by underestimating all the above amounts ($301,500.00 + $60,000.00 + $120,000.00), we are looking at an approximate, and UNNECESSARY, cost to the taxpayers of $481,500.00.


All because Marlen “exploded.”

I’m thinking this wasn’t her finest moment.

I’m also thinking how many police officers we could have hired for that half a million bucks.

Just saying.

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”


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12 thoughts on “T.N.T.

  1. The mayor is a jackass and Martell is an idiot. It’s really easy to be careless with money when it’s OTHER PEOPLES MONEY. I think that the squandering of half a million bucks should be enough reason to fire the bumbling fools that called this for a vote and all said “ay”.

    1. 3 of the 4 that voted on this firing will have to be recertified by the voters in May 2015. If anyone believes that the kind of judgment that was used here is acceptable, then rehire them. If not, you will have choices.

      1. We would all be so lucky if voters cast their votes based on that kind of understanding, merit, thoughtfulness. One can stay hopeful. Far too often, people support candidates for other reasons, such as nationality or shared values that have little to do with the best financial decisions for a city. It’s amazing how people can even vote against their own self-interest (see this case financially). Alas, this is our democracy and that could be a dissertation!

  2. Stephanie, the smack in the face is when we sit down for contract negotiations and we here the CM talking about how the city is broke and there needs to be more financial sacrafices to avoid pay cuts and etc…. Mind you, she just got a raise after 6 MONTHS and the expense to taxpayers this Darcee fiasco has caused. Btw, i watched the “emergency meeting” the other day, how embarrassing!!! I’m not a big fan of Spiegel because of the pension issues nor Phyllis but when they were throwing it down with the mayor and his puppets, I was like “you go girls”. Lol

  3. As I always say in North Miami: Where are the authorities? This is nothing more than stealing money from the taxpayers of North Miami Beach.

  4. My vote in the next election will be for safety. If the police department and the officers are not a priority, my vote will not be cast for you.

  5. Great…. Now in order to pay for this explosion either my insurance is going to go up even more than double or they’re going to lay off more cops.

  6. Probably no more layoffs but what they will do is ask their employees to give up more of their compensation or benefits because their broke. They might even roll this loss into pension figures to gather pension hater supporters and preach how pension costs have risen and it’s unsustainable. I don’t know how you can accept his financial advice or vision with your money when, according to news reports, he can’t handle his own finances or pay his taxes on time. Including all the firings which have caused this city millions of YOUR money in lawsuit settlements and severance packages. Hell, he even thinks it’s okay to steal 10+ years of pension contributions from its police officers. That lawsuit is gonna cost you taxpayers millions. Attorneys must love this city.

  7. Most of the time I believe that our NMB City Council is doing what they think is right for the community and that most of the people who make nasty comments on this blog are just “haters”. Personally, I don’t have to like something to understand why a council person might argue it is in the best interest of the city, but the recent firing of the City Attorney doesn’t fall into anyone’s “best interest category and here’s why:

    1. It wasn’t well thought out.
    2. It wasn’t any kind of an “emergency”.
    3. It wasn’t fiscally responsible.

    Instead of the infamous “Off with her head!” moment, council members could have gone on record with their grievance(s), redefined her responsibilities and let her know her contract would not be renewed in September. It’s not that far away, especially if you discount June, July, and August (as all true Floridians do). If any employee is over-stepping their bounds than it is the responsibility of the council to “man-up” and pull in the reins. The first step should not be an “et tu?” moment. Honestly, the way it was done looked shady and opportunistic, so if it wasn’t, then it was just stupid and impulsive. You all are players in a much larger theater than you know and my guess is that 90% of your audience was as stunned as I was when the knife was plunged. SMH-Image, image, image. It is your job to represent the folks of North Miami Beach because we all don’t fit into that little room. You are me (so to speak) and I’m not mean, but the way Darcee was terminated looked mean spirited and therefore felt personally embarrassing to me, a citizen of this city. Does that make sense? I understand you have a right to a City Attorney who has your back and works well with the entire council, so go, look around and get yourselves a new one but spare us the drama and expense. Oh, about that, don’t you think every council member should be able to appoint one person to the search committee? It would play better, trust me.

    1. NMB Lady,

      I think if you took a closer look at some of the council’s decisions and treatment of the police you would see what David Templer sees; they act with prejudice far too often to be deemed happenstance.

      I agree 100% with your comment re: the firing of Darcee Seigel and I hope this might cause you to see some of their other decisions through “different eyes”.

      Starting with the layoffs. They were largely if not entirely avoidable and compromised the safety of those they’re elected to serve, while saving you no extra money.

      Just think about it. Have a nice weekend.

  8. Great reporting Stephanie. Do you think this change had anything to do with wanting a development friendly atty since the Intracoastal property was sold? As an outsider looking in, made me curious. And I am not adept at what is going on in your city… just a question going forward as well as the above poster who mentioned about who is appointing the search committee (I would be curious what their backgrounds/interests are too). That possible development there seems like a big deal for your city.

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