BREAKING NEWS: Another Shooting in da ‘Hood (Updated)

Shooting-SpreeWe just couldn’t close out the month of February without yet another shooting in North Miami Beach.

Details are still sketchy, and I’m told that the PIO, Major Kathy Katerman, is on her way to the scene, but I thought I’d let my peeps know that bullets flew in the vicinity of Northeast 154th Street and 13th Avenue.

All I do know is that no one died.

More details will follow as soon as I get my hands on ’em.

UPDATE:  Channel 10 just posted:

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

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9 thoughts on “BREAKING NEWS: Another Shooting in da ‘Hood (Updated)

  1. We have several shootings a week. Before this mayor and council layed 17 officers off, we had 4 pro-active units (traffic, street crimes unit, gang unit & community policing unit) made up of 18+ officers. Now we have one unit (street crimes unit) made up of 6 officers trying to fill the work of 18+. Obviously, it just doesn’t work. But like Martel pointed out in the meeting she motioned to fire Darcee, a lot of changes have been to move this city forward, like the changes to the pd she pointed out. Like she actually thinks laying off 17 cops and dismantling all but one pro active police unit was at all a positive and productive change for this city. I guess that will be up to the voters to decide if her view of a positive change turned out positive for them.

      1. Don’t stress over the thumbs down. I get them all the time. Not everyone agrees with everyone else. It’s not personal, it’s politics. And even if it is personal, who gives a crap? I don’t. You shouldn’t, either.

  2. Sadly, politicians with little knowledge of crime trends and the positive impact of sound policing make determinations as to how many officers are needed to control the criminal element. Crime is entrenched in North Miami Beach and North Miami and only aggressive police work will regain control and reduce the random acts of violence that continue to rock this community. To think that patrol activities alone can control crime is a fallacy. In order to regain control of this city you need a three pronged police presence and that includes patrol activities, proactive units such as a crime suppression team (to attack narcotic sales, prostitution, etc.) and specialized detective units to address organized crime, robberies and all of the other major crimes. Watching our city council describe their ideas of how to stop crime is an exercise in futility.

  3. Did anyone receive an email about the chief’s 100 day plan that is reorganizing the PD, promoting 2 new Seargents, and supposed to bring back the gang, traffic, and other specialized units? Per the email, it is to be held on March 7th, but Tuesday’s council agenda now shows it to be March 13th.

    1. Funny you should ask. I have that information but I was going to post it next week. Maybe I’ll do it later today now that you already brought it up.

  4. Another shooting Saturday morning, another shooting Sunday morning. That makes 3 shootings in 3 days. Noooooo!!!! Cuts to the pd haven’t effected public safety. Unbelievable!!

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