Update from NMB Police Chief: Extra Patrols off 10th Avenue

Update from NMB Police Chief: Extra Patrols off 10th Avenue

Posted Saturday, August 9, 2014

***UPDATE from NMB POLICE CHIEF regarding extra police saturation in NMB neighborhoods adjacent to unincorporated Miami-Dade County area***

This morning a heinous crime was committed in the unincorporated area adjacent the City of North Miami Beach. While NMBPD is not the primary agency, rest assured that we have been in contact with MDPD officials and investigators and have offered any and all assistance to their investigative efforts.

We have multiplied our uniform and Community Patrol presence in the entire area increasing our presence by no less than an additional six uniform cars in the area. Additionally adjacent zone officers will assist In the area as the situations allow This will continue through midnight tomorrow at which time we will reevaluate our plans of action.

While this crime did not occur within the jurisdictional boundaries of NMB we are saturating the ENTIRE area in an effort to provide security and at least some peace of mind to the area’s citizenry.

I have requested and received total support of these additional resource deployments from Manager Garcia and I will keep you abreast as things develop and as I am permitted to share while not compromising the investigation.


J Scott Dennis
Chief of Police
North Miami Beach Police

Posted from georgevallejo.com





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5 thoughts on “Update from NMB Police Chief: Extra Patrols off 10th Avenue

  1. It might not be NMB on the map, but it’s our “neighborhood.” Kudos to NMBPD for stepping up to help out.

  2. Why do you think they avoid saying what happened – were relatives not contacted? That would make total sense. Otherwise and after that happens, it is important to know as news outlets have reported that a Rabbi visiting from Brooklyn was shot by ne’er do wells. On the Sabbath, likely not carrying a thing. May his soul rest in peace. And what creates all these monsters in the world.

  3. Reid Eisenberg · The City College of New York
    This is not a “tragedy.” A tragedy would have been if this rabbi collapsed and died on the street a block away from the schul of a heart attack at only 60 years of age. But this wasn’t such a tragedy. Not only that, but it wasn’t a “a robbery that went badly” either. In fact, an eyewitness reported that there was no altercation, and the rabbi was shot immediately. In spite of this, Miami-Dade cops were quick to pipe up how there was “no evidence of anti-Semitism” (this was an obviously orthodox Jew), and “no indication of a hate-crime.” Naturally not. ….Furthermore, with an eyewitness, you’d figure a description a bit more specific than “two young men” might have been reported. Then again, that would probably be unnecessary, as most of us have come to know exactly what that means. Anyway, don’t expect a peep out of Obama about this. There’ll be no candle-light vigils, unity marches, days of healing, t-shirts with the rabbi’s likeness, no “we are all Joseph Raksin” pronouncements. Nope, none of that. So don’t expect to see Sharpton flying down there any time soon to rally up outrage; this doesn’t fit the PC narrative. Actually if you want to know, this vicious murder will soon be forgotten, out of the news. That is the true tragedy. We only have ourselves to blame.

  4. This sure doesn’t sound like a robbery…and hopefully a REAL investigation will take place.
    Very sad…

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