Love Letter from KFR

Hey I just met you

But here’s my number.

So call me maybe …

I’ll lend you $52,000.00 so you can buy a warehouse!

After I get your felony child abuse case dismissed and refuse to prosecute you for battery.



That about sums up the odd case of Raul Greaves, who was arrested on August 24, 1995 on a felony charge of child abuse.

Which charge was dropped and a month later substituted for a misdemeanor charge of battery on September 22, 1995.

Greaves CasesMr. Greaves was referred to a pretrial diversion program, and the misdemeanor case was disposed as “nolle prosequi,” which loosely translates to “do not prosecute.”

Fast forward to March 11, 2011 when Mr. Greaves decided to purchase a warehouse located at 12903 SW 133 Court, Miami, FL 33186.  Since he needed financing to close the deal, he apparently turned to his former-prosecutor-turned-benefactor, Katherine Fernandez Rundle, who personally loaned him the sum of $52,000.00, as evidenced by a recorded Mortgage Deed on the same date.

It sure must be nice to have friends in high places.

Right Myron?

Unfortunately, the two BFFs did not live happily ever after.

It seems that Raul Greaves had trouble paying Kathy back the money, so she took him to court and filed a Complaint.

And won.

He agreed to pay her back, but defaulted.

Oh, well.  Poor Kathy.  She’s out all that money.

But, don’t feel too bad for Ms. Rundle.  She’s not going broke any time soon.

Form 6Form 6 Part B-AssetsJust saying.

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

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12 thoughts on “Love Letter from KFR

  1. WOW,WOW and more WOW! This does not make any sense. No wonder she walks around with her head STUCK in the clouds! This “job” is just a playground.

  2. This is unbelievable completely believable. Holy moly, Stephanie, this is pretty red hot stuff. Good job.

  3. Sounds like Kathy has a leak in her office wall. While the $2.8 million is a nice number, nobody would say that she doesn’t deserve it if she would just go out and do her job prosecuting scumbags like Rosner, Pee-Air, and Steril. Instead, she’s content to keep collecting the people’s money and letting the bad guys go.

  4. Make sure the interest rate charged was within the legal limits. Kathy was looked into the same time as Julio Robaina for shadow banking also.

  5. Fernández-Rundle has made a mockery of our State Attorney’s Office long enough. Every public corruption prosecutor is controlled by our local lobbyists and politicians at Fernandez-Rundle’s behest. Fernandez-Rundle has been in office for 22 years- long enough to learn how the system is played! If you want to stop the local corruption vote to remove this corrupt official from office.

  6. What am I missing about her DROP account from the Florida Division of Retirement? How long can one be in a DROP account? There has go to be a limit, no?

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