#DirtyPolitician Mark @Weithorn2015: Jack of all Trades, Master of Nada! #Pathetic

I'm batmanIf someone were to ask Miami Beach commission candidate Mark Weithorn what he does for a living, he’d probably be hard pressed to come up with an answer.

His long list of FAILED ventures include:

Most of these companies only lasted a year before being administratively dissolved for non-filing of an annual report.

His only viable venture was DPI, Digital Printers International, Inc., which was active for twelve whole years!  Mark eventually filed a voluntarly dissolution on January 8, 2010, which was also the year that Banco Popular filed a lawsuit against both Mark and DPI for over $80,000.00 of unpaid debt.  Not so coincidentally, I’m sure, the company was dissolved less than a month before the Plaintiff was awarded a $89,274.67 Default Final Judgment.

There should be no doubt that as an entrepreneur, Mark Weithorn is an EPIC FAILURE.

You may wonder exactly how Mark Weithorn spends his time when he’s not running for office or forming political committees.

Apparently, his only real “job” is to create websites that promote his political committees to help him run for office.

Is that a scam, or what?

Oh, and he gets sued.

A lot.

#DirtyPolitician Mark Weithorn’s latest con job is an Electioneering Communications Organization called A Better Miami Beach, which he formed with money from one of his other political committees, Common Sense.

In its original incarnation, A Better Miami Beach was formed on May 10, 2013, and disbanded on February 27, 2015, at which time it turned over its war chest to Mark Weithorn’s Electioneering Communications Organization, Common Sense.

A Better Miami Beach #1 ExpendituresMark’s New and Improved Electioneering Communications Organization, A Better Miami Beach (Version 2.0), was formed on July 21, 2015, with a donation from Mark’s other ECO Common Sense.

A Better Miami Beach ContributionsAlthough there have been no expenditures reported since its formation, somehow A Better Miami Beach has a website, claiming to be a “non-profit, non-partisan organization.”

Except, there’s one problem.

Although there is a Florida “non-profit” corporation called A Better Miami Beach, Inc., it has never registered with the Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt organization and has never filed a tax return.

On its website, A Better Miami Beach claims it’s mission “is to advocate for the interests of Miami Beach residents. ABMB will aide in creating awareness for Miami Beach residents, while working hand-in hand with local city officials. In so doing, we will attempt to stimulate economic growth and help develop the cultural and economic bases that make Miami Beach such a wonderful place to live.”

Interestingly, although the Florida “non-profit” corporation was formed in 2008, the “ABMB” website has only been up and running since July 9, 2015, the same month that Mark Weithorn formed the Electioneering Communications Organization, A Better Miami Beach.

Miraculously, Mark Weithorn has a company that is still in existence.  Showcase Web Sites, Inc. is a Florida corporation which was formed in 2008.  As its name suggests, this is the company that Mark uses to create websites for his various political committees.

In April of this year, Weithorn created a now-defunct website called Save Our Streets NMB, which, similarly to his A Better Miami Beach website, also claimed to be formed for the benefit of North Miami Beach residents.  The individual behind this website claimed to be a woman named Laura Smith, a “Mother of 2, Business Owner and Concerned Resident of North Miami Beach (NMB).”

After a little bit of digging, I eventually discovered that the person behind this scam was none other than Mark Weithorn.

Not only was Mark’s ECO Common Sense, which registered with the City of North Miami Beach to steer the city council election, funded solely by Mark Weithorn’s Showcase Web Sites, Inc. in the amount of $5,000.00, but Common Sense also reported this contribution with the Florida Department of State’s Division of Elections.

Common Sense Campaign Contributions 3That was almost too easy!

Mark Weithorn also has a website entitled Welcome to my website, in which introduces himself as a real estate agent for Kotler Realty.

This would be the same M. Kotler Realty, Inc. that was summoned as a Garnishee on August 20, 2013 for Mark’s “tangible and intangible personal property” in order to pay an Amended Final Judgment in the amount of $13,500.00 in favor of Glenn S. and Laura Schmidt.

Mark’s “Welcome to my website” claims to be “Powered By DPI Showcase Real Estate Web Sites,” a website claiming to be “The World’s Most Effective Website for Real Estate Agents.”

Alrighty then.

When #DirtyPolitician Mark Weithorn isn’t being sued, running for office and creating websites, he and his wife, Commissioner Deede Weithorn, love to party.

Like taking junkets to Switzerland on taxpayer dime!

Switzerland Trip1Or attending a SuperYacht Lifestyle Miami event last year, as featured by Ocean Drive Magazine

Deede and Mark Weithorn Ocean Drive MagSuperYacht Lifestyle Miami EventAlso on taxpayer dime, I’m sure.

#DirtyPolitician Mark Weithorn has no idea what he wants to do when he grows up.  He has spent his entire life forming one failed business after another, racking up debt, getting sued for being a deadbeat, and creating websites that any middle-schooler who took a computer class could design.

Oh, and he runs for office.

And even then, he can’t get his own wife’s endorsement.

It doesn’t get more pathetic than that!

Always be a bat catThe last thing Miami Beach (or any city) needs is a total loser like Mark Weithorn taking up space at City Hall.

On November 3, 2015, please vote responsibly!

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

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9 thoughts on “#DirtyPolitician Mark @Weithorn2015: Jack of all Trades, Master of Nada! #Pathetic

  1. What does he live on and where does the money for all the companies come from? Where is the MSN in reporting all this info? Have you sent the blog to the news and see if they will report it?

    1. Two other local bloggers are going all out to attack Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine. In turn, they’re attacking any candidate who they believe is aligned with the mayor. Weithorn’s opponent, Ricky Arriola, has become collateral damage because of that perception.

      I’ve had a very personal beef with Weithorn ever since he came after me during the NMB election last spring. He had no business involving himself, or especially ME, in that campaign, but he used me and Mayor George Vallejo to smear a candidate running against Phyllis Smith, even though neither of us had endorsed anyone in that race at the time.

      In any event, I made it my personal mission to bring down Mark Weithorn and to do everything humanly possible to keep him from getting elected. All I wanted to do was make his life miserable, but WOW! I had no idea how dirty he was until I started digging. I hit the jackpot with this one!

  2. It seems unlikely that this guy has any reason at all to be involved in a local election across the county or that he has anything to gain from attacking a random blogger. Have you considered looking into other Pac donors?

    Alternatively, have you considered that you may be experiencing paranoid delusions?

    1. Oh, yes. That must be it. I imagined all those emails, tweets, public records, campaign treasurer reports, paper trails, money trails, and all the other stuff I dug up during my research. None of it was real. It was all just a figment of my delusional imagination.

      Seriously, are you insane? Just a thought.

    2. Hey Mark, not only are you a cheeezy neighbor, your house is full of code violations. Only reason you don’t have a code enforcement lien on your house is because your wife is a Commissioner. However, that is about to change and code enforcement will be at your house like honey bees on a bee hive.

      1. OMG! I knew it! Mark Weithorn is the Myron Rosner of Miami Beach. Myron is the EX-Mayor of North Miami Beach, who also had a slew of code violations. He bullied the code enforcement department until they made his violations “disappear.” Weithorn is just as dirty as Myron was, and I have a feeling the law will eventually catch up with him as it did to Myron, who ended up getting arrested for felony grand theft, abuse of position, campaign finance fraud, among other charges. The day he did the perp walk was a thing of beauty. The only thing that will be more rewarding will be the day he gets convicted.

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