Chief Lenny: “Spreading the Wealth!”

Oh boyWherever Chief Lenny goes, trouble follows.

Barely two months into his new gig as Assistant Chief of the Miramar Police Department, the new home of the former North Miami Police Chief Leonard Burgess has been rocked with a brand new scandal.

On July 16, 2016, Local 10 News reported that a prisoner in police custody jumped to his death from the third floor of the department’s parking garage.  Patrick Louissant, age 27, had just been arrested for allegedly breaking into a Walgreens to steal drugs, and “ran away when he was being questioned about it.”  According to the article, he ran right over the edge of the parking garage to his death.

Okay, so, let me get this straight.

  • A perp is arrested and is brought to the police department.
  • While being questioned in police custody, he “runs away.”
  • The suspect somehow gets out of the building and into the parking garage and jumps from the third floor.

Alrighty then.

According to posts on the Leoaffairs page of the Miramar PD, someone forgot to close the “Sally port door.”  Whatever that is.

One of the cops on that thread also mentioned that this is the first time something like this has ever happened.

(WARNING:  The posts get really vicious once the cops start calling each other names and accusing each other of racism. 🙄 )

Chief Lenny left the North Miami Police Department in shambles, and was finally run out of town when it failed its accreditation assessment under his watch.

As soon as he gets to Miramar, shit happens.

Is anyone surprised?

Wherever Chief Lenny goes, trouble follows!


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7 thoughts on “Chief Lenny: “Spreading the Wealth!”

  1. Do not think it was his fault at all , Miramar Pd was in shambles before he arrived . The only Lenny is at Miramar Pd is due to him being a part of NOBLE , Miramar PDs new chief is the president of NOBLE now and they all take care of eachother . If you look at the new regime in thr city of Miramar it is all nepotism ( cousins , godson and daugthers ) . If you want to do some real investigative reporting look into lawsuits filed against the new chief , the corruption the mayor does , how when anyone employee gets hurt in the city they are all referred to one Dr in Pembroke Pines who is related to the Mayor … So sorry to say Chief Lenny brings up hope , we were going to crap before he came !!!

    1. I know nothing about the history of Miramar PD. I only started following it when Chief Lenny was hired there. I will say, though, that if he brings you hope, you’re in bigger trouble than you realize. My condolences.

      Just saying.

    2. Oh, and in case you weren’t aware, Lenny is the former president of the local NOBLE chapter. Do you really think that had nothing to do with his being hired? It has everything to do with it! That’s why it took so long for North Miami to get rid of him. Don’t be fooled!

      1. I knew he was the president and I was trying to show you and your readers the desperation we feel at the Miramar Pd . . We have no leaders , there is no leadership . It is a game of who has more dirt on the other , who kisses whos butt better etc . Promotions of inadequate supervisors etc ..
        So at the end we can not get any worse by giving Lenny a chance . NOBLE runs our city …

        1. I hear that NOBLE is a fairly powerful association, and its only agenda is to get its members in powerful law enforcement positions, regardless of their qualifications. Once you get a NOBLE-installed chief, it’s extremely difficult to get rid of him even if he is the most incompetent cop on the planet. But, as was the case with Chief Lenny, it’s not impossible. Given enough time, the bad ones self-destruct. Unfortunately, the damage they cause while in power can take years to reverse.

          Chief Lenny burned his bridges with MDPD, the Department of Corrections, and of course, North Miami. I suspect that sooner or later, his inherent stupidity and incompetence will be his undoing. The problem is that he will be protected by your chief and other NOBLE members as long as possible.

          My condolences.

  2. The problem is the rampant racism in certain offices of City Hall . Like why were 3 folks in Miramar PD downgraded from Major to Sgt. The Chief claims from the Mayor to the Chief,” We need to create diversity? Really Mayor thats why when a certain person was elected to the city commission you demanded and got the Black National Anthem played at the inauguration? Miramar is a mess because of these Al Sharpton types in City Government. Lots more to come…

  3. Want more Miramar? Listen to this 1 the city will not do a garbage or bulk pick up or bulk pickup in a HOA unless your leadership signs a

    · Broward EOC regarding the letter from the Health Department to support the removal of debris on Private Property. “Hold Harmless Agreements”.

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