Joe Geller’s Epic Fail

Bye FeliciaIn response to Circuit Court Judge Jason Bloch’s lame attempt to kick his opponent off the ballot, it appears that Judge Jerald Bagley laughed him and his lawyer Joe Geller out of the courtroom.

Now poor Jason Bloch will have to actually start campaigning instead of playing dirty tricks.

Oh, darn!

The Miami Herald reported in Lawsuit in Miami-Dade judicial race fails,  “Circuit Judge Jerald Bagley ruled that Bloch should have first complained to Florida’s ethics commission.  And Bagley agreed with [opponent Marcia] del Rey’s lawyer that kicking the candidate off the ballot ‘would disenfranchise the citizens of Miami-Dade County from voting for their candidate of choice.'”

In his frivolous lawsuit filed August 10, 2016, self-anointed Morality Policeman Joseph S. Geller “suggested but offered no evidence to prove, that her family was profiting off ‘highly questionable activities such as prostitution and human trafficking,” because the Del Ray family owns “a chain of hotels in Miami that cater to the sexually adventurous.”

What a stretch!

Then again, probably the most stretching he’s done in a while.

GellerBut I digress.

Even crazier, Joe Geller plans to appeal the ruling!

If that’s not arrogantly stupid enough, Geller also had the chutzpah to ask Judge Bagley “to shield the results of Tuesday’s election from the public while they appeal the ruling.”

I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure that’s when Judge Bagley showed Jason and Joe the door.

please don't let the doorknob“Request denied!”


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