Election results: Good news, bad news, awesome news!

Election is overMy extremely unscientific and mostly arbitrary recommendations for yesterday’s election resulted in my successfully “predicting” eight out of thirteen races.

I would have done my gloating last night except that I lost power at 8:00 for nearly six hours and couldn’t blog.  I couldn’t do much of anything else, either, except connect with the world at large from my cell phone until the battery was nearly dead.  As further proof that life really is one big cosmic joke, the power went back on literally two minutes after I took the coldest shower in my entire life.

But, I digress.

And now, about the election…

I’ll give you the Good News first:  MARIE STERIL LOST!


I mean, seriously, people.

WTH is wrong with you anyway?  This is a woman who single-handedly stole the Democratic presidential candidacy from Bernie Sanders, among other things, which led to her resignation of the DNC chairmanship in the wake of the WikiLeaks email scandal.  And yet, the voters of Congressional District 23 collectively said, “Nothing to see here.  Move along!”  Folks all over the country are in disbelief.  And, yeah, I’m SMDH, too.

The only light at the end of that tunnel, however dim, is that Wasserman Schultz still has to face a Republican challenger in the general election in November.  Joseph “Joe” Kaufman easily beat his opponent, Martin “Marty” Feigenbaum, 58.91% to 41.09%.  Then again, this race was decided by only 1,526 Republican voters as opposed to the 3,603 Democrat voters who chose DWS.  Kaufman will have an uphill battle in this largely Democrat district.  But, you never know.  Stranger things have happened.

As everyone knows by now, the Miami-Dade County Mayoral race is going to a runoff between incumbent Carlos Gimenez and Raquel Regalado.  Trust me.  Things are about to get ugly.  I can’t wait!

Both Patrick Murphy and Marco Rubio handily swept their respective primaries for United States Senator.  Almost eleven thousand more Democrats than Republicans voted in those races.  This should be interesting.

Since state elections are won solely by a majority of votes, and not by a margin 50% plus 1, there will be no runoffs in the following races.  The winners of these primaries are final:

In the contest for Democrat State Senator District 40, Dwight Bullard won with 48.61% of the vote, Ana Rivas Logan came in second with 24.51%, and trust fund baby Andrew Korge came in third 21.76%.  Lladra is is thrilled!  ¡Yo también, Lladra!  She wrote, “Could it be they saw him for the entitled, spoiled little snot who has never done anything on his own except ride his papi‘s coattails?”  [SMIRK!]  Bullard still has to face Republican Frank Artiles in November.

Neither Mary Estime-Irvin (SD 107) nor Francesca “Fran” Menes (SD 108) won their respective races.  Barbara Watson crushed poor Mary 65.23% to 34.77%.  Fran Menes came in third in a tight three-way battle.  Roy Hardemon squeezed out the win with only 21.95% of the vote.  He received 234 votes more than Marie Steril, who got 20.45% of the vote.  With even less of a margin, Marie Steril grabbed only 45 votes more than Menes, who received 20.16% of the ballots cast.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s win might have been disastrous, but nothing quite tops the fact that Daphne Campbell won for State Senate District 38.  She scared up 31.01% of the vote.  Newcomer Jason Pizzo gave her a run for the money, but in the end he only captured 23.69%.  Michael Góngora, who only jumped into the race when Gwen Margolis dropped out, came in third with 21.46% of the vote.  Kevin Burns, who was also a latecomer to the race, came in fourth with 15.27%.  The other two candidates, Anis Blemur and Don Festge grabbed 2,491 combined votes out of the 29,066 ballots cast in this race.  (I will have more to say about this race in a future blog, so stay tuned.)

Rosa Maria “Rosy” Palomino won the Republican primary for State Representative District 112 with 61.33% of the vote.  She will face her Democrat challenger, Nicholas X. Duran, who won his race with 71.99%, in November.

Congratulations to Fred Serafin and Ed Newman, both of whom were retained as Miami-Dade County Judges.

The Awesome News, however, is that Miami-Dade County voters FIRED JUDGE JASON BLOCH!


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.

As I mentioned above, I’ll have a lot more to say about the Daphne Campbell race in a future blog, hopefully before the end of the day.  But, first, I have a day job to attend to.

Stay tuned…


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9 thoughts on “Election results: Good news, bad news, awesome news!

  1. I am with you. What the hell is wrong with the people in Florida voting for Debbie “Washed up” Schultz? Do they not care that she is unethical and immoral and had to resign from the DNC yet Killary Rotten to the Core Clinton picked her up for her campaign. Criminals always stick together. When people do not give a flip about criminals running their government, there is a very serious problem in this country.

    1. I hear you. We have a lot of criminals in office down here in South Florida. I think it’s the heat.

  2. why is FPL trying to silence an important blogger on election night? have they no fear of your wrath! on the flip side, payment due dates are to be followed.

    1. As much as I’d love to be that important, I know that FPL didn’t give a hoot that I needed to blog. Or at least not be kept in the dark. But thanks for the giggle.

  3. Debbie “Blabbermouth” Schultz can’t say a single sentanse without using the word “Republicans” in it. She blames Republicans for world hunger, climate change, lightning strikes and sunamis among other things. It really is shame Tim Conova wasn’t elected by his constituents. We now have to put up with four more years of hearing how Republicans are responsible for illegal immigration, oil spills, Weiner’s marital troubles, and anything else she can think of. She’s such a douche bag.

  4. I wonder where you will fall in the Daphne/Brutus race now. You have been critical of Brutus. Can you put those aside to get rid of daffy daphne for good?

    He’s got a good shot at taking her out.

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