Is Phyllis Smith lying again? Well, her lips ARE moving. So, yeah. She’s lying.

Your pants are on fireLast week North Miami Beach Faux Councilwoman Phyllis Smith wasted everyone’s valuable time at a specially called meeting … to complain that there are too many specially called meetings.

Yeah, she’s that clueless.

After she rudely kept the Mayor, Council, staff, residents and visitors waiting for nearly 15 minutes until she finally strutted in, Phyllis then feigned indignation that she was oh-so-put upon for being summoned to yet another special meeting.

As soon as she sat down, the meeting was immediately called to order.  Under normal circumstances, the one resolution on the table should have taken no more than two minutes to pass.  But Phyllis is no normal person.  She just can’t resist putting in her nonsensical two cents, even though she never has anything productive to add to any discussion.

This time was no different.

Phyllis started her rant by announcing, “I apologize to everyone.  I don’t even know how we have a special meeting.  Why is it that we have a special meeting for this?”

Phyllis then deliberately acted as though it was such an imposition for her to attend the meeting, and whined, “I had no choice but to come back.”

After all, she’s “jamming in a lot of things in a very short amount of time.”

That’s right, folks.  Phyllis Smith is just so important!

She has people to see, places to go!

Photos to bomb, doggie bags to fill!

Phyllis then poured on the diva as she sneered, “if I couldn’t get back here, you would have had no choice but to wait.”

Anyone who isn’t familiar with Phyllis Smith’s oddball behavior and boorish grandstanding might have assumed by her attitude that this meeting had been called at the very last minute, without any notice whatsoever.

Nothing could be further from the truth.  But, as usual, Phyllis just flat out lied!

Contrary to her insinuation that there are too many special council meetings, this was only the second one called this entire year.

In fact, the only other  special meeting was called because she broke quorum when she walked out of a regular meeting last month.

Yet, you never hear Phyllis complain about the more than a dozen “workshops” that the Mayor and Council are forced to attend because she  demands at least one for every single issue that comes down the pike.

The only reason Phyllis threw a temper tantrum last week was because Mayor Vallejo called the special meeting.  Her hissy fit and obviously staged walk out was clearly – and very personally – directed at him.

Because, as hard as it is to believe, she hates George Vallejo even more than she loves hearing herself talk.

But the real kicker is that this particular “special” meeting was purposely called to immediately follow a Community Redevelopment Advisory (CRA) Board meeting that was already scheduled for that same night so that the Mayor and Council would NOT be inconvenienced.

Despite her little performance for the benefit of the audience, Phyllis knew very well that she was expected to attend both meetings!

In fact, per an email from City Clerk Pamela Latimore dated August 15, 2016 – TEN DAYS IN ADVANCE – the Mayor and Council were well aware that their presence was already expected at City Hall on the evening of August 25, 2016.

Pamela Latimore Email 08-15-16As you can clearly see, Ms. Latimore’s email specifically stated that the “Special Council Meeting to hear a time sensitive item was scheduled for 7:00 p.m. or immediately following the CRA meeting, whichever came first.

Phyllis was advised about this special meeting TEN DAYS IN ADVANCE.

Phyllis also knew very well why this meeting was called.

Yet, she had the absolute gall to mendaciously ask, “Why is it that we have a special meeting for this?”

She also was well aware that it would immediately follow the CRA meeting.

In fact, I’m told that immediately after the CRA meeting ended, City Manager Ana Garcia made a point to remind the Mayor and Council to stick around for the 7:00 p.m. council meeting.

Phyllis, however, calculatingly left City Hall just so she could complain about coming back and to show disrespect for the Mayor.

Instead of simply doing the job she was elected (albeit fraudulently) to do, and voting on an important piece of legislation, Phyllis Smith deliberately took the opportunity to bloviate, grandstand and, of course, lie.


Paragraph (1) of the Florida Statute 112.51, Municipal officers; suspension; removal from office– states:  “By executive order stating the grounds for the suspension and filed with the Secretary of State, the Governor may suspend from office any elected or appointed municipal official for malfeasance, misfeasance, neglect of duty, habitual drunkenness, incompetence, or permanent inability to perform official duties.”

By vacating her seat on the dais and breaking quorum for two recent city council meetings in which critical, time sensitive legislation needed to be voted on, Phyllis Smith has willfully and maliciously neglected her duty as an elected official.

In addition, as I’ve already pointed out in far too many instances over the years, Phyllis Smith has proven beyond all reasonable doubt that she is completely incompetent.

She really does need to be removed from office.

Now all someone needs to do is contact the Governor and give him all the proof he needs to take action.

Just saying.


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4 thoughts on “Is Phyllis Smith lying again? Well, her lips ARE moving. So, yeah. She’s lying.

  1. That was ridiculous, I watched it after you posted the last blog regarding the childish fit. How are these people representing us?

    1. Hell if I know. Even without the absentee ballots that she fraudulently received, plenty of NMB citizens still voted for her, if you can believe that. I wonder how many of them even have a clue what she’s really like. She plastered her signs all over the city just to get her name out there. I guarantee most of the people who did vote for her only did so because the remembered her name. Unfortunately, that’s exactly how so many corruptocrats get elected – they rely on the ignorance of voters who don’t bother to do their homework about the candidates.

  2. At the request of Councilwoman Barbara Kramer, the City Attorney has drafted an amendment to the City Code to make leaving the dais to avoid a vote punishable by fines and sanctions from the Commision on Ethics and Public Trust. Prior to this upcoming ordinance, the Ethics commission was powerless to do anything ebcause the City of North Miami Beach had no ordinance aginst it. that will all change at next Tuesday nights Council meeting.

    Ten bucks says Phyllis Smith won’t show up for the meeting as she already knows there will be a long line of residents getting 3 minutes to tell the Council and the residents what they think of her.

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