NMPD: The fox guarding the henhouse

Taking advantage of the fact that North Miami Police Chief Gary Eugene has been on medical leave for the past couple of weeks, “Acting Chief” Larry Juriga rushed through the Internal Affairs investigation of Commander Emile Hollant regarding last year’s shooting by Officer Jonathan Aledda.

In a sneaky move, Juriga had closed out the investigation in Eugene’s absence, and is now attempting to have Commander Hollant fired.

The Miami New Times nailed it in its just published North Miami’s Acting Chief Tries to Fire Cop He was Accused of Framing in Kinsey Shooting.

Reporter Jerry Ianelli wrote:

Among [Chief Eugene’s] most surprising accusations in the under-oath interview: That his assistant chief, Larry Juriga, had tried to frame a police commander named Emile Hollant by claiming Hollant had given false statements to investigators. When Eugene actually reviewed the evidence, he told FDLE, he realized that Hollant hadn’t given any false statements at all and that Juriga was actually the one who had lied.

Internal Affairs investigators at the department have spent months trying to sort out the mess, which already led to manslaughter charges against the officer who pulled the trigger, Jonathan Aledda.

But in a bizarre twist, Chief Eugene has been out of work on pre-approved medical leave for the last two weeks to undergo surgery. And while he was out, Juriga was put in charge of the department — and in just those two weeks, managed to close an IA probe into Hollant’s conduct and then moved to fire the commander.

Considering the chief’s accusations that Juriga tried to frame Hollant, it’s curious that the department would allow the assistant chief to dispose of the investigation and then move to axe Hollant from the force. In a close-out memorandum issued last August, State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle’s office said Hollant had not lied to investigators — the Internal Affairs finding today directly contradicts the State Attorney’s Office.

Despite the fact that the SAO cleared Commander Hollant – not once, but TWICE, Juriga was bound and determined to perpetuate the lies he and his crony, Commander Angel Rivera, created when they tried to protect Aledda from the consequences of his own stupidity.

As we predicted two months ago, the bogus Internal Affairs investigation of Hollant was nothing more than a desperate witch hunt engineered by Team Juriga, a/k/a the “Illuminati,” who are hell-bent on bringing down the Haitian Chief of Police and his only Haitian appointee, Commander Emile Hollant.

Despite the State Attorney’s findings, despite the sworn affidavit issued by the FDLE, and most importantly, despite the sworn testimony of Chief Gary Eugene that Hollant was set up by Larry Juriga, city officials have allowed the fox to guard the henhouse.

In fact, a former city official advised VotersOpinion early this morning that an advance copy of the IA panel findings was already leaked to the media.  Sure enough, the Miami Herald quickly posted an article on the heels of the Miami New Times’ exposé.

But unlike Jerry Ianelli’s truthful reporting, the version “leaked” by Team Juriga to the Herald is nothing but CYA spin.

Hollant’s attorney, Michael Joseph told the New Times that “Juriga is ‘continuing to double down’ on a falsehood already called out by the chief.”

“They’re doubling down on a lie,” Hollant’s lawyer, Michael Joseph, tells New Times. “It’s pretty obvious they’re hiding something.”

Ya think?

Ever since the unjustified shooting of an unarmed black man, and the “Illuminati’s” desperate efforts to cover up the truth, the North Miami Police Department has earned the reputation of being the most corrupt law enforcement agency in South Florida.

Two lawsuits have already been filed against the City of North Miami as a result of the Aledda shooting.

Start popping the corn because the next one is coming down the pike.

And we can’t wait for the NMPD’s dirty laundry to be hung out to dry.


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9 thoughts on “NMPD: The fox guarding the henhouse

    1. And if you read the actual notice of INTENT to terminate, you will note that Commander Hollant has a right to a pre-determination hearing before any decision to terminate is final.

      But, sensational headlines sell stories, especially when the truth is boring.

  1. Oh, there are “lies, lies, lies,” alright. And they will be exposed!

    You and the rest of the “Illuminati” should be careful what you wish for.

    Just saying.

  2. WHY Don’t you READ the FACTS before you write your blogs- like what the Miami Herald wrote the facts…LIES LIES LIES was told by Mr Hollant..

    1. I read the facts, my dear. There are some facts the city doesn’t want the public to know.

      Wait for it…

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