Phyllis Smith’s Hurricane Party!

Lyin’ Daphne Campbell isn’t the only local politician who’s never gonna let a good crisis go to waste.

The aftermath of Hurricane Irma afforded practically every elected official in South Florida a great excuse to jump start their future political campaigns.

As expected, North Miami Beach Faux “commissioner” Phyllis Smith was front and center whenever – and wherever – the cameras were rolling.

At the September 18, 2017 Commission meeting (beginning at hour 2:11:37), Phyllis yammered on and on, and wasted everyone’s time in order to congratulate herself for driving around NMB campaigning in her gas-guzzling Mercedes Benz Van with the Montana license plate on the bumper.

Then again, considering that Phyllis has been known to bloviate for hours on end at any given meeting, the fact that she actually shut up in less than 10 minutes was nothing short of a miracle.

The hurricane related death toll in the Hollywood, Florida nursing home has now risen to ten, as reported last week in the Sun Sentinel.  According to the article, “Since the first eight victims died Sept. 13, Hollywood police and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement have launched a criminal investigation into how the nursing home cared for patients; the state has shut down the facility; and legislators have vowed to better protect nursing home patients — the same promise they have made in the past.”

On September 19, 2017, Congresswoman Frederica Wilson hosted a Town Hall meeting in the North Miami Beach council chambers to announce the establishment of “a task force to better regulate senior facilities, in the wake of eight deaths in Hollywood,” according to the Miami Herald.  The goal of this task force is to “combine efforts to enact national, state and local policies to ensure the safety of those in assisted living facilities in the wake of a disaster.”

Furthermore, “Wilson said she wants to amend the Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to make hospitals and nursing homes a top priority in disaster response. She also will work to require that the Federal Emergency Management Agency prioritize critical care facilities to be up and running again quickly after disaster.”

As Rep. Wilson very well knows, the Stafford Act had already been amended in August of 2016, and the federal government had already enacted the legislation to do the job her task force is proposing.

According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, “On September 8, 2016 the Federal Register posted the final rule Emergency Preparedness Requirements for Medicare and Medicaid Participating Providers and Suppliers. The regulation goes into effect on November 16, 2016. Health care providers and suppliers affected by this rule must comply and implement all regulations one year after the effective date, on November 16, 2017.”

This amendment includes mandatory generators for nursing homes.  Rep. Frederica Wilson had to have been aware of this legislation since she probably voted on it last year.

The federal government’s got this, but, hey, why quibble over minutiae when a photo op is involved?

Phyllis Smith, of course, just couldn’t resist the chance for a photo op.

And, free food, of course.

Which was, no doubt, provided at Rep. Wilson’s Town Hall.

Speaking of food…

County Commissioner Sally Heyman was MIA for days after the hurricane.

On Wednesday, September 13, 2017, North Miami Beach Commissioner Tony DeFillipo was livid that “ponds of sh*t” were in the streets backing up from county sewers adjacent to the city, and Sally was nowhere to be found.

Little did Tony know, that very afternoon Sally was having a Hurricane Lunch Party at Duffy’s with her BFF Phyllis, while their constituents in North Miami Beach were sweltering in the post-hurricane heat and scrambling around town for gas and ice.

Isn’t that  special?

Rumor has it that Sally has been grooming Phyllis to run for her Commission seat when she’s termed out.

In the meantime, the two of them have been seen partying around town for a couple of years on the joint photo op campaign trail.

Corrupt career politicians like Faux “commissioner” Phyllis Smith have no shame whatsoever.

For one thing, she wasn’t even legitimately elected, having “won” her seat back by absentee ballot fraud.

If that weren’t bad enough, everyone knows that Phyllis Smith is a pathological liar who couldn’t pass a lie detector test to save her own pathetic life.

In addition, let’s not forget the thousands of dollars she’s ripped off from Florida taxpayers by fraudulently registering her vast fleet of monster vehicles in Montana instead of Florida.

But, wait!  There’s more!

Phyllis had the audacity to take an eight day vacation to Monaco – that’s Monaco, THE COUNTRY! – in March, claiming the trip on her Form 9 as a $7,000.00 “gift.”

She then had the sheer chutzpah to bill North Miami Beach taxpayers the sum of $544.00 for the privilege.

But why should she care?  It’s not her  money.


Hurricane Irma left so much tragedy in her wake as she savagely tore through the State of Florida from the keys to the State Capital, killing more than 75 people in Florida alone.  She left more than 6 million homes and businesses without power, and cost the state millions of dollars in lost revenue and over $16 billion in insured losses.

But, according to Phyllis Smith and her fellow corruptocrats, it’s PARTY TIME!

Well, party on, Phyllis.

Party on!


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3 thoughts on “Phyllis Smith’s Hurricane Party!

    1. Well, well, well. Look who crawled out from under his rock. Derps like you just can’t stand staying in the shadows.

      But, since you’re here…

      F.Y.I. Smith has a whole fleet of gas guzzling Hummers, too.

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      Image and video hosting by TinyPic

      But go ahead and defend her. You always stick up for corruptocrats and dirty cops, anyway. Why should Phyllis be any different in your eyes?

  1. We need a special place in Hell or ring of hell for people like Phyllis Smith, Daphne Campbell, Sally Heyman, and nursing home operator from Hollywood who are benefiting off the taxpayers dime. We have several hurricane food festivals taking place during and after Hurricane Irma in exclusive places away from the public. If you want to hold accountable these public officials and nursing home operator , then you must vote against Phyllis, Daphnes, and Sallies of the world. By the way, do we need to put Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s face on the back of milk cartons as she has been missing in action for past three weeks. Finally, channel 6 should put in a weekly local political affairs show on Sunday mornings with bloggers like you, Red Broward, and Political Coradito … and others …to expose political scandals and give sunshine to the process!

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