North Miami Beach Commissioner Michael Joseph and his puppet candidate Daniela Jean pose a clear and present danger to everyone!

Yesterday on Facebook, I posted a Miami New Times article about the sentencing of Frantz Pierre, which I also wrote about yesterday in BREAKING: Ex-NMB Commissioner/Current Convicted Felon Frantz Pierre gets House Arrest, then Probation.

NMB Resident Trish Miller added a comment on my Facebook post, and I responded.


What you don’t see here is a comment that I added about Michael Joseph, which read:

I know, right?  Compared to Michael Joseph, Frantz Pierre was a sweetheart.  He may have been a pathological liar, but at least Frantz had some redeeming qualities.  He could at least act like a civil human being.  Michael, on the other hand is rude, angry and obnoxious all the time.

Anyone who knows Michael Joseph, or has watched him in action on any of the city’s meeting videos, also knows that he is indeed rude, angry and obnoxious.

Apparently, that’s news to Michael Joseph, because he must have reported my comment to Facebook for “harassment or bullying.”


Facebook, in turn, “restricted” my account for 24 hours.

Normal people who run for office and/or manage to get elected are fully aware that public service comes with public criticism.

But Michael Joseph, as many already know, is anything but normal.

He’s a liar, a manipulator, petty, paranoid, and bat-shit crazy.

As citizens of this great nation, each and every one of us have a First Amendment right to criticize our government and our elected officials.

In his September 1, 2020 column, Protect the right to criticize the government, John W. Whitehead quoted Justice William O. Douglas:

Since when have we Americans been expected to bow submissively to authority and speak with awe and reverence to those who represent us? The constitutional theory is that we the people are the sovereigns, the state and federal officials only our agents. We who have the final word can speak softly or angrily. We can seek to challenge and annoy, as we need not stay docile and quiet.”

I will take it one step further and by asking, “Since when is it considered ‘harassment and bullying’ to say that a politician is rude, angry and obnoxious?  Especially when it’s absolutely true!”

Politicians especially, who have been known to commission and/or approve of the most vile and slanderous campaign mailers against their opponents, as Michael did in his recent election against Antonio Ortega, are complete hypocrites when they complain about any criticism directed toward them.

And yet, that’s in essence what Michael Joseph did by reporting my relatively benign, and absolutely truthful, comment about him to Facebook.

The even bigger danger to North Miami Beach residents is what will happen if Michael Joseph’s puppet candidate, Daniela Jean gets elected next Tuesday.  The two of them, along with their comrades, McKenzie Fleurimond and Paule Villard, will step up their authoritarian divisiveness against anyone who dares whisper a grievance against them.

Worse, they won’t stop at reporting your posts or comments to Facebook.

Like the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, they represent a clear and present danger to the residents of North Miami Beach and beyond.

In his column, Mr. Whitehead reminds the reader, “The First Amendment was intended to protect the citizenry from the government’s tendency to censor, silence and control what people say and think. Having lost our tolerance for free speech in its most provocative, irritating and offensive forms, the American people have become easy prey for a police state where only government speech is allowed. You see, the powers-that-be understand that if the government can control speech, it controls thought and, in turn, it can control the minds of the citizenry.”

By reporting me to Facebook, Michael Joseph attempted to control my free speech for the “crime” of hurting his feelings.

I can live without Facebook for 24 hours.

But just imagine what he and his comrades will do to you if you dare criticize any of them from the podium during commission meetings should they gain the majority of power on the dais.

Will they order the police chief to escort you out of City Hall?

Have you banned from commission meetings altogether?

There is only one way to stop this utter madness from these tyrants, and that is to prevent Daniela Jean from getting her foot in the door.


North Miami Beach residents deserve better.


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