Jay Chernoff For North Miami Beach Commissioner!

Message from North Miami Beach Commissioner Barbara Kramer

Dear Friends, Neighbors and Residents of North Miami Beach,

Happy Independence Day! On a day that typically fills us with joy and pride to be an American, today I will ask you to find that same joy, pride and civicism by involving yourself in your local government.

It is with great pleasure that I am writing to you with some very EXCITING NEWS!  Jay Chernoff has filed to run for Commissioner in North Miami Beach.

As a former Councilman, Jay’s record of serving with honor and integrity is legendary.  Because he, like many of you, are disenchanted with the direction our City is going in, Jay has decided to step up to the plate in the hopes of bringing accountability and transparency back to North Miami Beach.

Needless to say, we are facing challenging times thanks to disingenuous public “servants” who are spending your tax dollars on self-promotional events that tend to exclude the majority of our residents for the benefit of their own friends and family.

These duplicitous commissioners are grossly mismanaging your tax dollars by not only using our police officers as their own personal chauffeurs, but also by excessively traveling around the country without much, if any, public benefit to the residents of our City.

One of these unethical commissioners is now running for re-election, and Jay intends to unseat her in November.  Paule Villard has been surreptitiously campaigning by spending our tax dollars on self-promotional items, such as campaign-like coffee cups, tote bags, pens, and more, imprinted with her face and name.  She has also used our tax dollars to purchase not one, but two, campaign-like tents with her face and name emblazoned all over them, which she sets up at every event.  This is an egregious abuse of public funds.


Considering that Paule has the Manager’s blessing to purchase all these campaign-like items, it will take hard work and a lot of money to overcome the odds against anyone who runs against her.

But with your help and support, we can get Jay elected so we can begin to restore fiscal responsibility, transparency, and accountability to our great City.

Please let Jay know that he can count on you to rally for the cause! 


Barbara Kramer

Maximum Contribution: $ 1,000.00 per person or business entity.

Any and ALL contributions are greatly appreciated

Campaign Checks should be made out to: Jay Chernoff Campaign Account

Please mail contributions to: 19001 NE 20th Court North Miami Beach, FL 33179

Jay can pick up a check at your convenience as well and he can be reached at 786-586-5902


Political advertisement paid for and approved by Jay Chernoff non-partisan for North Miami Beach City Commission, Group 2

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14 thoughts on “Jay Chernoff For North Miami Beach Commissioner!

  1. Isn’t it great to want to vote for someone else rather then have to vote for someone else? I’d vote for anyone that ran against Villard, but thankfully Jay isn’t just anyone.

    1. You bet! He has a record he can be proud to stand on. He will bring much needed transparency to NMB. It’s just a shame you won’t be there to share the dais with him. 🙁

  2. Hi Steph, your Blogs are great. I read them all, residents need to spread the news and tell their friends and neighbors and remind them why the city is deteriorating with broken sidewalks, pot holes in our streets, trash every where, delict cars on properties, poor Code Compliance, unqualified employees, self serving Commissioners, and City Manager etc. This election is very important; we need two seats replaced, one will not do it. Our Emergency Funds have gone from 30,000,000 to 15,000,000 in one year. That is alarming!!!! We need to talk to everyone we know. These wonderful Haitian People did not risk their lives coming to this country to see it turn into the place they left. It’s not fair to them or any of us. We must do better.
    I Love NMB.

    1. Hi, Harry! Yes, it’s so great that Jay decided to run. Please get the word out and do whatever you can to help him WIN! NMB has a chance to recover if we can get rid of Paule (for starters) and make sure Barbara’s seat is filled by a good candidate.

      Miss you guys!


  3. I live in Eastern Shores and am a proponent of recycling. But recently the Recycle bin on NE 35 Avenue has been changed and we now only have 1 Recycle bin, which is usually full of debris. I would like to have another bin there for our proper recycle items of bottles, aluminum cans and newspapers! I don’t have the luxury of an empty bin to place these items. I thought Recyling was a “must” in NMB? Please see that we are able to continue recycling in our community!

      1. No, because I find it impossible to find any Dept in charge. I used to write to FixIt, but found that imposdible as well! Totally frustrated!

        1. I forwarded your comment to Commissioner Fortuna Smukler in the hope that she can help you.

          I’m not surprised you are having problems getting city employees to do their jobs. Everything has gone to seed in the last two years because of the four Criminal Commissioners now running your city into the ground. The problem children are Michael Joseph, McKenzie Fleurimond, Paule Villard, and Daniela Jean. They are controlling the City Manager, who is doing absolutely nothing for the benefit of the residents. All he cares about is collecting his $300K-plus salary, and making sure his four benefactors are happy so he can keep his job.

          If you read this blog, it means that you know I am telling the truth, which I prove every single time with hyperlinks to each and every public document that I uncover, especially the ones the city is trying to hide from NMB residents.

          The only chance to take your city back from the clutches of corruption is to get rid of Paule Villard and break the four-criminal vote on t he dais. She’s in a runoff election on November 22 against Jay Chernoff. If Jay wins, I promise all the horrible things you are going through will be fixed, literally within a couple of weeks.

          In the meantime, please contact Fortuna Smukler. If you don’t have her number, please email me at stephanie.kienzle@gmail.com and I’ll be happy to give it to you.

  4. Is anything being done about the septic tanks in the community. I’m fed up with the problems I’m having with mine. This is not the stone ages.

    1. It’s ridiculous in this day and age that anyone still has a septic tank. I lived there for 25 years and it was the biggest pain ever. Instead of spending hundreds of thousands of your tax dollars on parties and travel, hiring friends & family, and campaigning, the first priority should be to get everyone on sewer service.

      But, NO! Paule and her criminal co-conspirators are too busy lining their pockets and trying to turn NMB into a dumpster.

      VOTE HER OUT!!!!

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