Once again North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard breaks the law. And this time she has a new accomplice!

It’s campaign season in North Miami Beach, and while most of the candidates are following all the rules, as expected Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard has no regard for any of them.

Chapter XXIV, Article XIII, Sec. 24-147.2 of the City Charter clearly states as follows:

(D) Political Signs.

(1) Temporary signs advertising a candidate for public office, or a political campaign, measure or issue scheduled for an election are only permitted subject to the following requirements:

(a) Standards.

1. Residential Zoning Districts. Temporary political signs shall not exceed six hundred sixteen (616) square inches per sign on any residential property. Furthermore, signs shall only be displayed with the consent of the owner or tenant. No more than one (1) sign per candidate per residential property shall be allowed, unless the property is on a corner, then the property may have up to two (2) signs per candidate. Double-sided signs shall be considered as one (1) sign. No sign shall exceed three (3) feet from the ground. The maximum height to the top of the sign, including posts, other sign membranes or appendages shall not be more than three (3) feet above the ground in residential areas.

2. Nonresidential Districts. Temporary political signs displayed in any nonresidential area shall not exceed sixteen (16) square feet per sign. A candidate for public office may display signs of a size not to exceed sixteen (16) square feet per sign on nonresidential private property with the consent of the owner or tenant. No more than one (1) sign per candidate per nonresidential private property shall be allowed, unless the property is on a corner. Corner properties may have up to two (2) signs per candidate. No more than twenty-five (25) signs of any size exceeding six hundred sixteen (616) square inches per sign per candidate shall be allowed in nonresidential areas citywide, including signs placed on nonresidential private property, bus benches, bus shelters or street furniture. Double-sided signs shall be considered as one (1) sign. No sign shall exceed six (6) feet from the ground. The maximum height to the top of the sign, including posts, other sign membranes or appendages shall not be more than six (6) feet above the ground in commercial areas.

The key phrase here is with the consent of the owner or tenant.

Despite that exceedingly clear directive, we are hearing from many North Miami Beach residents and business owners that Paule’s signs are magically appearing on their lawns and on their places of business, and they never gave her permission to do so.

Worse, Paule’s new sidekick, Mark St. Vil is also running for office, and his signs have been planted next to hers in places neither of them are welcome.

We all know that Paule Villard is dumber than dirt and cannot read or understand basic English.

Mark St. Vil, however, is an actual lawyer, who has no excuse not to comprehend and comply with a City Charter.

Nevertheless, both of them have violated the Charter by planting their signs on the properties of residents and business owners without the consent of the owner or tenant.

For example, we know for a fact that the owners of these properties are supporting Paule’s challenger, Jay Chernoff, as well as Phyllis Smith and/or Fortuna Smukler, as evidenced by the signs already placed on their properties.

We’re told that neither of these property owners gave permission to either Paule Villard or Mark St. Vil to place their campaign signs on their respective properties.

The owners were advised to remove the offending signs and dispose of them along with their other household garbage.

By the same token, if anyone places any unsolicited campaign signage on your property, please call Code Enforcement, take a picture for posterity, and place the offending material in the garbage where they belong.

The moral of this story is that a Mall Cop and her Lawyer Friend, who should understand how laws work, are deliberately violating the Charter because they believe they are above the law.

Do you want the criminals who constantly break the law running North Miami Beach?

If not, you have a perfect opportunity to bust the organized crime ring now controlling your City and put a stop to the rampant corruption.

On November 8, 2022, please cast your vote for Jay Chernoff, Phyllis Smith, and Fortuna Smukler!

Please vote responsibly.


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4 thoughts on “Once again North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard breaks the law. And this time she has a new accomplice!

  1. Should we be surprised? Yes and no. Villard was a cop, she should know what laws mean. St. Vil is an attorney, he too should know what laws are for. Because violating the city’s ordinances will not go anywhere, here you’ve got two lawless candidates sticking their middle finger up at the property owners where the stuck their signs. How special.
    And of course no one should be surprised. This is the ilk we’re stuck with with Villard and now a candidate running for office.
    Vote for Chernoff, Smith and Smukler as you say.
    Thank you.

    1. This is literally THE most important municipal election in the history of North Miami Beach. Right now, there is complete lawlessness and overwhelming corruption. NMB residents have a chance to break that cycle and sent the corruptocrats back to their irrelevant corners.


  2. Please, all voters of North Miami Beach, it’s your quality of life at stake. Vote for Jay Chernoff, Phyllis Smith and Fortuna Smith.

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