Calling All Whistleblowers!

It took three months longer than it should have, but Arthur “Duke” Sorey, the villainous tyrant who mismanaged the City of North Miami Beach, is finally gone.

Unfortunately, his treacherous legacy of corruption has left its mark on everyone he encountered.

The City’s residents paid a hefty price for naively trusting that Michael Joseph, McKenzie Fleurimond, Paule Villard, and Daniela Jean had their best interests in mind.  As it turns out, nothing could have been further from the truth.

Sure, the aspiring career politicians pretended they cared about serving the residents of North Miami Beach while on the campaign trail.  The faux concern ended the minute they achieved their four-vote majority with the election of Daniela in November 2020, and their true agenda to turn North Miami Beach into the mirror image of North Miami was finally realized.

With that devious agenda came the complete breakdown of integrity, transparency, and accountability, and the most corrupt administration in the history of North Miami Beach, bar none.

Almost immediately the four conspired to install Hans Ottinot, the most unscrupulous City “Attorney” in all of South Florida, for the sole purpose of protecting them from the consequences of their criminal activity.

Two months later, they voted in lockstep to select Arthur “Duke” Sorey as their personal City Manager — indisputably the most despicable, vulgar, and classless piece of human garbage on the face of the planet.

And then the four criminals proceeded to pick the pockets of every single stakeholder in the City of North Miami Beach for their own personal gain.

As much as residents and business owners despaired as they watched in hopelessness as their hard-earned tax dollars were being squandered on frivolous parties, food orgies, vacations, and the re-election campaign of the positively vile Paule Villard, no one suffered more than the powerless City employees, whose daily contact with the degenerate City Manager put them in a constant state of terror.  They were left with no choice but to shut up or resign.

For two long, insufferable years, the vast majority of you, the City’s loyal employees, lived with the daily, soul-crushing demoralization at the hands of a foul-mouthed tyrant and his band of marauders who feasted at the government trough with impunity.

You were assaulted by the daily barrage of F-bombs hurled at your face by the most unprofessional and uncouth City Manager to ever darken the doors of City Hall.

You were forced to take orders from the imbecilic Paule Villard under a thinly veiled threat of termination if you refused.

You were ordered to perform questionable acts in violation of Florida law, City Code, and established policies and procedures.

You were bullied, threatened, and publicly humiliated by Duke, because the only way he can feel good about himself is to belittle everyone else around him.

Yes, he’s that emotionally and intellectually defective.

Employees who could afford to leave did so as fast as humanly possible, while those of you with nowhere else to go spent your days in abject fear of the belligerent man-child whose unpredictable temper would erupt with no warning.

Duke Sorey takes perverse pleasure in demeaning anyone who crosses his path for the sheer sport of it.  He is a repugnant plague spewed from the depths of hell, infecting everything he touches.

His physical presence may be gone from City Hall, but the infinite pain and suffering he inflicted on your lives still lingers like a malodorous cloud.

The good news is that the revolting Arthur “Duke” Sorey can never hurt you again.

The even better news is that for all the agony, distress, and misery he put you through, you can now return the favor.

Thanks to the New Majority on the dais, the Mayor and Commission have appointed Michael A. Pizzi, Jr., Esq. as Special Council “to investigate misspending and misuse of City funds during the past several years,” according to a May 19, 2023 Memorandum, and attached letter from Mr. Pizzi, which was sent to all employees from Interim City Manager Mark Antonio and Incoming City Manager Mario Diaz.

As part of Mr. Pizzi’s investigation, your phenomenal new management team wants you to know that:

Any City of North Miami Beach employee with any information relating to misspending of taxpayer money, theft of taxpayer money or any other wrongful conduct is encouraged to come forward with any information that may be pertinent to the special counsel’s investigation.

Florida Statue 112.3187 protects any City employee from any form of retaliation for coming forward and reporting wrongful conduct.

Of course, now that the Duke Sorey problem has been eliminated, retaliation of any sort is a thing of the past.

We here at VotersOpinion have done everything in our power to expose the lawlessness and corruption that has taken place since four Criminal Commissioners hired the abominable Duke Sorey.  We have filed countless complaints with various agencies in an attempt to hold the perpetrators accountable for their actions.  However, because we are not on the inside experiencing the malfeasance firsthand, there is a limit to our resources.

But you who have been personally affected by the heinous misconduct of your former boss are a much more valuable asset to Mr. Pizzi’s investigation.

If you’re still unsure of whether or not you want to step up and blow the whistle, please remember that you are no longer alone.

You have brand new management team on your side and on the side of good governance.

You have Michael Pizzi, who vigorously represents public employees against corrupt management.  He has successfully litigated many whistleblower lawsuits on behalf of his wronged clients, such as former Finance Director Charmaine Parchment in 2018, and former grant administrator Delia Kennedy in 2021, against the City of Opa-locka, among others still pending.

And you have yours truly, who will always stand up to corrupt public officials and will fight relentlessly on your behalf.

We will leave you with this encouraging quote from the Whistleblower Justice Network:

You are at the beginning of a very important journey that could be life changing, for you and for so many others.

First, take a breath.  You are one of the few, one of the brave. 

You can do this.  


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4 thoughts on “Calling All Whistleblowers!

  1. This sounds so familiar, just change 4 to 3…
    “Almost immediately the four conspired to install Hans Ottinot, the most unscrupulous City “Attorney” in all of South Florida, for the sole purpose of protecting them from the consequences of their criminal activity.” Now we have him. And with the majority of 3 in lockstep, not sure what we can do.

    1. The only hope I can offer you, however slim, is that The Florida Bar is investigating what appears to be a serious complaint against him. And, no, I am not the complainant for once! Fingers crossed that a disbarment is in his future, which would be a boon for Tamarac.

      I strongly suggest that you study The Florida Bar’s Rules Ethics & Professionalism, and if you witness Hans violating any of them, immediately file a complaint. The more valid (and I stress, valid) complaints filed against him, the better the chances of getting him disbarred.

      The only other thing you can do is find quality candidates who are willing to run against the unethical commissioners, and then campaign like hell to fix your government. The residents of NMB rose up and did just that. This should be a lesson for every single citizen of every single city who are sick and tired of public corruption. It’s hard work, but it can be done.

    1. There’s lots of stories out there. Google it. I’ll just spectate for a while watching NMB implode while enjoying life in Davie, where there doesn’t seem to be any public corruption. I’ll let you know if I find any.

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