Oh, yes she did!

Oh yes she didShe most certainly did say that.

I’m still reeling after reading the racist rant posted on Facebook by the daughter of North Miami Beach council candidate Jean D. Berrouet.  I guess this only proves that I’m not completely unshockable.

In yet another twist of irony, proving once again that truth really is stranger than fiction, yesterday Miami-Dade County Firefighter Brian Beckmann had his rank of Captain restored by an arbitrator after he was demoted and “placed on administrative leave on May of 2012 after using his personal Facebook page to lash out,” according to a WSVN report.  Apparently, Mr. Beckmann’s opinion about the prosecutor and “urban youth” was deemed racist by someone in the Department, even though his comment had absolutely NOTHING to do with race, but everything to do with “Family Values.”

You know, those same “Family Values” that North Miami Beach Faux Candidate Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson claims to espouse, despite the fact that she adamantly insists she abandoned her husband and four children in MIRAMAR, BROWARD COUNTY, to “live” in NMB so she can run for office here.

Those would be the same “Family Values” that have apparently been instilled in the daughter of Dargenson’s cousin, Jean D. Berrouet, who is also running for a seat on the council so that “the only blacks running” will win.

I’m just surprised that neither of them have trotted out a campaign slogan that says, “Vote for Me BECAUSE I’m Black!”

Since I’m apparently confused about what’s racist and what’s not racist, maybe you can help me out here.

Let’s compare Mr. Beckmann’s post, which got him in so much trouble and nearly derailed his career for his “racism,” to the post by Sarabi Nieves, the daughter of NMB candidate Jean D. Berrouet, for which I’m assuming there will be no consequences.  You be the judge.

Here’s Brian Beckmann’s post:

Beckmann post

Here’s Sarabi Nieves’ post:

Vote for only black people
Not racist?

Let’s see.  Mr. Beckmann tears the prosecutor in the Trayvon Martin case a new one for “pre-passing judgement on George Zimmerman.”  He also had the audacity to blame irresponsible parents for the criminal actions of their “urban youths,” putting responsibility squarely where it belongs – on “Family Values.”  Yet, he was called a RACIST, and he lost his rank and was placed on administrative leave.

Sarabi Nieves, on the other hand, is urging voters to “vote for the only blacks running” so that the council won’t “be only white people.”  Aside from the fact that this is patently untrue, since last time I checked current councilman Frantz Pierre was still black, it’s also patently RACIST.  Yet, as far as I can see, there have been no consequences.  North Miami city clerk, “The Hon. Michael A. Etienne, Esquire,” has not removed the offensive and RACIST post from his Facebook page.  So, I’m guessing it’s all good.

I’ve never been one to dance around the truth, especially about racism.  I’m not about to start now.  Setting aside the FACT that she is not qualified to run because SHE DOESN’T LIVE HERE, do we have any doubt what kind of “Family Values” Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson hopes to bring to the table should she actually become a council person?  I don’t know about you, but the RACIST comment posted by her cousin on Facebook kinda gives me a clue.

Then again, who knows?  I could be entirely wrong about that.  If I were to rush to judgement and claim that Yvie is a racist just because her cousin obviously doesn’t like “white people,” I’d be no better than the schmucks who accused Captain Brian Beckmann of racism when he never once said a damn thing about “black people” at all.

Yes, folks, truth is definitely stranger than fiction.  I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried.

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

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4 thoughts on “Oh, yes she did!

  1. What happens to be so distressing about this line of thought is the following… who cares about the color of the skin or the religion or the gender of a candidate , we should be caring about their credentials, their knowledge, their involvement, their platform and their concern for the City of North Miami Beach and its residents. Since when do we root for “our kind” or only vote for “our kind”? How messed up is that? This is troubling and not at all want we want in our community. I want a smart, informed, neutral, and dedicated public servant and if they happen to be green, blue, black or white I could care less.

  2. What’s the matter? You don’t like green? It’s not easy being green, ya know! You MUST be a racist!


  3. When all is said and done this entire sorry episode leads back to just one rancid pile of barnyard scatology and that’s little old Pee-Air. We should all be trying to fit this little ass clown with an orange jump suit or better yet since he likes to travel so much on our dime let’s reserve a room for him at the Bates Motel the next time he gets the travel urge.

    Ultimately we have the uninformed voters of NMB to thank for this travesty. They’re the ones who voted this little tyrant into office enabling him to run amok terrorizing the city’s employees whenever he doesn’t get his way. This clown has had at least five IAD investigations directed at him, and where my little old grandmother used to say where there’s smoke there’s fire. What we have here folks is an irrelevant little piss ant who thinks he’s found his ant hill to piss off of. You voters have two choices either carry a big umbrella or get rid of him.

  4. There is no way anyone is shocked at her post. This girl may be the only honest one in the group. As for Pee Wee, if he cared so much about NMB he’d pick his candidates from the residents. The fact that he doesn’t, proves he can’t. He has no clout here, only recruits. Yes, the blame lies squarely in bed with the NMB residents who bemoan the state of the city while harvesting Farmville crops instead of voting or worse yet, voting for a ridiculous poser they know has the IQ of an earthworm out of some sense of misplaced guilt and then wondering why they city is barely holding on.

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