The Rise and Fall of Michael Etienne

MICHAEL A ETIENNEI know this is hard to believe, but as cynical as I am, I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt.  Until they screw me over, of course.  Then watch out.

Despite my initial misgivings about North Miami City Clerk Michael A. Etienne, Esquire, once I met him in person and got to know him a bit, I took a liking to him.  He seemed like a very nice, intelligent and personable young man.  I even chastised myself for pre-judging him based on rumor and innuendo.  And so I befriended him.

And NOT JUST ON FACEBOOK, YVENOLINE DARGENSON!  There really is life beyond Facebook!

I would have gone happily on my merry way believing that Michael Etienne was a good person who simply had the misfortune of being an elected official in the City of North Miami under the current regime.  That’s exactly how I feel about Councilman Scott Galvin, who is the Lone Ranger of the Council.  Scott is surrounded by corruption, yet somehow rises above it, and remains untarnished by the dirty dealings of his colleagues.  I had hopes that Michael was one of the few good guys in North Miami.

Unfortunately, I was wrong.

My first clue was when I obtained his mailer endorsing NMB councilman Frantz Pierre’s puppet candidates, along with the likes of Andre Pierre and the other members of the Circle of Corruption.

I then came to find out that Michael Etienne and L’il Frantzie P are actually related!  Cousins, I think.  (If you’re not related to Frantzie please hold up your hand.)

But, the last straw was the racist comment posted on Michael’s Facebook page by the daughter of NMB candidate Jean D. Berrouet.  Sarabi Nieves posted her rant on April 17, 2013, which I only saw this morning for the first time.  It is now eight days later, and the comment is still on Michael’s page.

In this age of instant electronic gratification in the form of cell phones, texting, email, Facebook, Twitter and other social media, one wonders why The Hon. Michael A. Etienne, Esquire hasn’t removed it from his page by now.  Is it even remotely possible he hasn’t heard about it?  If so, that’s an even sadder commentary because it proves that, like Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson, he’s not even remotely plugged into the community.

Of course, it’s understandable that Yvie has no clue what’s going on in North Miami Beach since SHE DOESN’T EVEN LIVE HERE.

But, Michael Etienne?  There’s no excuse.  None whatsoever.

Oy vey, Michael.  I really, really liked you.  In my book, you coulda been a contender.  Now, you have only proved what your detractors have been saying about you.

Fool me once, shame on me.

Fool me twice…never gonna happen.

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

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7 thoughts on “The Rise and Fall of Michael Etienne

  1. The level of stupidity of posting that comment on Facebook is indicative of what this entire crew — all of them — is about. If votes are based upon a color scheme of the council, and not based upon competent candidates (regardless of color), then they get what they deserve and North Miami will never ever stand a chance of moving forward but rather will continue to remain in the world of victimology it has created.

  2. I cannot believe this anymore. Does anyone have no shame, let alone in political office? He’s the clerk of North Miami, he sends out a flyer endorsing two candidates in North Miami Beach, he has the cojones to title himself on that flyer “City Clerk”. I wonder if voters that received this flyer realize that he is not the clerk for the City of North Miami Beach. If voter’s do not realize that clerks in their city do not endorse candidates, a voter may find the title “City Clerk” on a flyer to be important and may find these two candidates being endorsed are important and the ones to vote for. OH MY! OH MY!

    1. Obviously he’s trying to trick the voters. He really should have minded his own business and not gotten involved to this degree but it’s too late…he’s now been outed as the creep that he is.

  3. We can all repeat to each other a thousand times how ignorant these people are, but the sad truth is that these ignorant people and their followers vote, and even though we seem to be very good at bitching and complaining, we are apparently not very good at voting. And so the ignorant people get into office and we apparently rather move to another city than get out the vote. But the way things are going, pretty soon there will be nowhere for us to move to. So let’s try to put our vote where our mouth is and really make a difference by staying in the city we love.

    1. He never has fooled me. I’ve always known he’s a snake in the grass who would sell his own mother to get what he wanted. He’s just like his cousin, NMB councilcritter Frantz Pierre.

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