More on Dargenson

moronAs my readers know, they are free to post comments on any of my columns, but it’s up to me or the Webmaster to approve them for publication.  Being a real defender of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, unless someone is a threat to me or another person, I let pretty much any comment fly.  I fear no controversy, but I will always defend the truth.

The comments my blogs elicit are sometimes serious, sometimes informative, and sometimes just plain hilarious.  Most of my readers post thoughts that are enlightening, entertaining, thought provoking or just plain provocative.  Sometimes, they are argumentative, but that’s okay, too.  I never back down from an intelligent argument or debate.  “Intelligent” being the operative word.

Every once in a while, however, I get a comment that is so ridiculous, so childish or so outrageously stupid that I wonder if it was written by an adult or an overgrown child pretending to be one.  Today I received such a comment, and I just HAD to share it with my readers who might enjoy a hearty laugh.

The scary thing, though, is that this was most likely written by a typical North Miami Beach Faux Candidate Yvenoline Dargenson supporter.  “qwi” writes:

Ydiot Dargenson Supporter

My first inclination, as you might imagine, was to correct “qwi’s” spelling and grammar, but that task seemed too daunting since “qwi” spelled more words wrong than right.  For goodness’ sake, this person didn’t even know how to spell its own name!  Also “qwi” couldn’t figure out that proper names and the beginnings of sentences are supposed to be capitalized, but had no problem capitalizing everything else.  The red pencil is useless when confronted with such a pathetic essay.

My second thought was that it was sent by one of Dargenson’s own children, who are desperately in need of a mother.  But that’s only if you believe the story that her kids live in MIRAMAR and she lives in North Miami Beach.  Clearly, this is a lie, so I figured it wasn’t one of her spawn.

So, I did a search of the IP Address and, lo and behold, it turns out that the typical Dargenson supporter is most likely a homeless drug addict, because the IP Address is registered at the Miami Rescue Mission.

IP address of Ydiot

Gee, maybe she’ll buy him an Absentee Ballot so he can cast an illegal vote for the illegal candidate.

I hear there’s a lot of that going around again.

But nothing beats this little bon mot discovered by one of my readers.  Seems that L’il Mizz Lying Bitch claims to be an expert in, of all things, Identity Theft.  So much so, that she writes a weekly column about Social Security in the Sun-Sentinel.

Dargenson Identity Theft

Of course, Yveno-LIAR would be an expert in Identity Theft!  Is it possible she’s stolen the identity of some unsuspecting North Miami Beach resident and is now pretending to live here?

I hear there’s a lot of that going around, too.

Folks, it all boils down to one thing.  Do you want a proven LIAR who lives in MIRAMAR, BROWARD COUNTY, sitting on the council legislating policy on your behalf, or do you want an ACTUAL RESIDENT of North Miami Beach representing your interests?

Don’t let non-resident homeless drug addicts STEAL your votes and give sell them to the LIAR!



Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”.

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2 thoughts on “More on Dargenson

  1. I know you are probably already on it, but it would be interesting to get a list of employees at the Miami Rescue Mission and establish a connection to the candidate, and while you are at it get them fired for using their email to send such fowl comments. I am sure this charitable organizations would not like its email being used for such things. Didn’t a NMB officer get in trouble for a similar thing?

    1. Actually, I hadn’t even thought about it. I was busy last night at the Highland Village candidate forum, which, of course, neither Yvie nor her cousin Berrouet could be bothered to attend. Besides, the Webmaster did his own search of the email address and found the person who probably sent it. If the search is accurate, it’s a 35 year old female homosapien who lives in Hollywood, and who obviously never graduated from high school. This illiterate crack ho isn’t worth wasting my time pursuing.

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