The Daily Dargenson: No news is, well, no news

Nothing to see hereWhen it comes to the media, I truly believe they are living in an alternate universe.  I’m hard pressed to figure out what our local news affiliates deem worthy of reporting and what they decide is not news.

Last March, for example, I reported an incident about North Miami Beach Senior High School students rioting inside a local Walgreens in response to the Trayvon Martin incident.  I handed the story to WSVN Channel 7 and practically begged them to run it, but they sat on it for four days while Channels 4, 6 and 10 picked it up.  When asked why WSVN didn’t air the story, I was told that covering the riot might “overshadow” the reason for the “peaceful protest.”

In other words, Channel 7 approved of the “protest” itself (oh, really?), but reporting the ensuing riot might have skewed the predetermined narrative that Trayvon Martin’s untimely death was due to RACISM.  WSVN decided not only to play judge, prosecutor and jury in an open investigation, but also deemed that the reporting of any negative behavior by “Travyon supporters” would somehow taint that narrative.

As such, according to Channel 7, the rioting and looting of a Walgreens store was not news.

This week, the most embarrassing political candidate in the history of North Miami is making national headlines, while the twisted story of an alleged fraud running for office in North Miami Beach is, well, not news.

Local reporters climbed all over each other to report the “breaking news” about North Miami mayoral hopeful Anna L. Pierre, who claims she was endorsed by Jesus and lost because of the Devil.  Not only was this barely a human interest story, except for its sheer lunacy, but it’s the stuff that The National Enquirer and the Weekly World News is made of.  Right up there with two headed babies and alien abductions.

And yet, because the Miami Herald and local news stations handed a microphone to this obviously delusional woman by giving her ink and air time, Anna L. Pierre has become an internet sensation.  She’s been given world recognition by national news outlets such as Now MSN  and even the Huffington Post, among a ton of others.  Anna L. Pierre is now “famous.”  Of course, she achieved her “fame” kind of like the way Paris Hilton did when her private sex tape was released, or when Britney Spears had a very public meltdown and in a frenzy shaved her own head in a hair salon.  On camera.  Anna L. Pierre’s nutty behavior, however bizarre, is perfect for the tabloids, but it’s not the type of serious news one expects serious media to report.

Meanwhile, right next door to North Miami, we here in North Miami Beach are also in the midst of a controversial election between a sitting councilwoman, who is an actual resident of the city and whose reputation is impeccable, and a challenger whose residency is being questioned in the courts and whose character is debatable in the court of public opinion.

Councilwoman Beth E. Spiegel was forced to file a lawsuit in the Circuit Court of Miami-Dade County when this blogger discovered evidence that Spiegel’s opponent Yvenoline Dargenson may not live in North Miami Beach, but in MIRAMAR, Broward County, Florida.  Sergeant Richard Silberman of the North Miami Beach Police Department came to a similar conclusion once his investigation of the residency of ALL THE CANDIDATES was complete.  During the court hearing on May 3, 2013, the judge advised Dargenson that the case would continue after the May 7, 2013 election in the event there was a runoff and that Dargenson was still in the race.

On Wednesday, May 8, 2013, during a status hearing, the judge ordered Dargenson to comply with the Plaintiff’s Subpoena Deuces Tecum by Friday, May 10, 2013 and that she sit for a deposition on Monday, May 13, 2013.

Obviously not taking Court Orders seriously, Dargenson decided she didn’t need to comply and did not produce the documentation requested.  Her defiance led to the filing of an Emergency Motion, asking for an Order of Contempt and compelling Dargenson to comply with the Subpoena Deuces Tecum.  The hearing on this Emergency Motion took place yesterday.  The details of this hearing are not a matter of public record just yet, but I am assured that the case is still very much pending.  I will report any news as soon as it’s available

What I would like to know, however, is why isn’t the press even remotely concerned with this story?  (Speaking of residency, or lack thereof, why aren’t they also concerned with the residency of mayoral candidate Lucie Tondreau in North Miami, who is also rumored to live outside the city?)  Isn’t this story sexy enough?  Aren’t the players crazy enough?  Are the soundbites for the 5:00 news not outrageous enough?  What does it take to get the media interested in a possibly fraudulent election?

Oh well, their loss.  Guess it’s up to the bloggers to do the job the media won’t do.  So here we go.

What we already know so far are the following facts:

1.  Yvenoline Dargenson is the owner of a home in MIRAMAR, which she purchased with Frannix Jean-Mary in 2000, whom she married the following year.

2.  They claim a homestead exemption on their home.

3.  Her marriage license states they both lived in MIRAMAR in 2001.

4.  She has publicly admitted that her children live in MIRAMAR with her husband.

5.  She claims she lives in North Miami Beach with her parents.

6.  Her drivers license lists her parents’ home address as her address.

7.  She has been registered to vote in Miami-Dade County at her parents’ address since 2000.

8.  Her husband Frannix Jean-Mary has been registered to vote in Miami-Dade County since 2000.

9.  Neither of them voted in any municipal election in any city in Miami-Dade County until the 2011 North Miami Beach city council election.

10.  Her husband’s employment and corporate records all reflect that he lives in MIRAMAR, Broward County, Florida.

11.  She claims that her marriage is her personal business, and that she does not want to bring her personal life into the election.

12.  She attempted to avoid service of process with the subject lawsuit for one week until the process server finally caught up with her at her place of work.

13.  She lied that she wasn’t served, but she clearly was since she showed up at court on May 3, 2013.

14.  She has now disobeyed a Court Order by not complying with a Subpoena Deuces Tecum.  I assume there will be consequences.

Those are the facts.  She cannot deny them.  She’ll probably try, but public records are not only accessible, like screen shots, they are forever.

I’ve been in this business of investigative blogging for about two and a half years, and I’ve gotten pretty darned good at digging dirt.  My instincts tend to be right on the money almost every single time and my research yields tons of information that others want to keep hidden.  I’ve become more and more credible with each column published.  By now, my credibility factor is pretty damn high.

Years of experience in dealing with people, and especially political animals, have also made my bullshit meter more and more accurate.

bullshit meter

By now, I can practically smell a fraud.  And if something doesn’t pass the Gadfly’s Smell Test, it’s definitely blog-worthy.

On top of that, my sources are constantly feeding me information that I find very interesting, most of which turn out to be valid and of use.  I can pretty much tell when a lead will turn into a story.

When it comes to Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson, I smell bullshit.  From the time she first appeared on the scene in March, seemingly out of nowhere, and with overwhelming, albeit circumstantial, evidence pointing to her living in MIRAMAR, to her avoiding being served with a lawsuit and her deliberate defiance of complying with court orders, everything about her screams LIAR!

Unlike the media, of course, who appear to have absolutely no interest in reporting fraud and corruption, especially when it comes to local elections, I am out to expose the real wrongdoers.  The media only seem to care about who Jesus endorses and when the Devil “steals” votes.

The media also apparently don’t listen to Haitian radio, where I hear that Dargenson has been <GASP> playing the race card.

Oh, I am so shocked.  Can you tell?

A source told me that on Monday morning Dargenson was claiming that everyone in North Miami Beach, including “people at City Hall and THE POLICE DEPARTMENT,” are all RACIST BECAUSE SHE’S BLACK!

Never mind that the NMBPD was tasked to check the residency and backgrounds of all the candidates, she claims they singled her out BECAUSE she was black and/or Haitian.

Oh puh-LEEZE!  Give me a break!

The race card didn’t work for Kelvin Baker, and it’s not going to work for you, Yve baby!

Listen up, girlfriend.  I know you read this blog, even though you claim you don’t … as you’re quoting me.  So for the record, understand this:

I don’t dislike you because you’re black.

I don’t dislike you because you’re Haitian.

In fact, I don’t dislike you at all.  I don’t even know you.


Which is pretty much the same way I feel about the EX-mayor of North Miami Beach, Myron Rosner.

I don’t dislike him because of his race.

I don’t dislike him because of his nationality.


I do, however, despise him because I know him.  Trust me, he’s a schmuck.

Being white and Canadian, Myron is decidedly not black and not Haitian.  But he’s just as much a fraud as I’m convinced that Yvenoline Dargenson is.

They may be guilty of different offenses, but neither of them can pass the Gadfly’s Smell Test.

And I definitely know bullshit when I smell it.

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

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5 thoughts on “The Daily Dargenson: No news is, well, no news

  1. Meanwhile do share why her jackass husband votes in Miami-Dade County when he lives in Broward County. I gotta problem with that!

  2. Imagine the revolution in this city, let alone in our country, if everyone gave a sh*t. Why is it okay to put up with this and why isn’t the media presenting this story. It’s disgusting and all corruption starts somewhere. If we stop it in its infancy maybe it will never get all of us.

  3. Of all the stupid things she’s done, the dumbest was accusing people at City Hall and the Police Department of racism. If she were to win (God forbid!) why in the world would she want to start off on the wrong foot with people she has to work with and rely on for the next four years? Obviously she’s clueless as to how politics works. She just set herself up to fail. And no one tolerates phony race card BS anymore. We’ve all had our fill of that and enough is enough. Get a life.

    1. That’s funny because I was thinking the same thing. People who still play the race card misjudge those of us who are sick of people using their race as an excuse for everything. I’ve written extensively about this topic, which of course, led to my being accused of, you guessed it, racism. Reminds me of a photograph I once saw of someone carrying a sign at a tea party rally that said, “It doesn’t matter what this sign says, you’ll call it racism.” Oh, and yes, I already know that the “tea party” is full of “racists” because they disagree with Obama’s policies, which is code for “they don’t like him because he’s black.”

      After a while, you just gotta make fun of the Race Card People because they are so ridiculously transparent, not to mention stupid. I mean, doesn’t everyone want to vote for and/or hire someone who calls you a racist? ROFLMAO!

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