Frantzie Watch: Enough is finally ENOUGH!

politiciansWhile no one has seen fit to Baker Act North Miami Beach Councilcritter Frantz Pierre just yet, you’ll be happy to know that he’s not getting away with his insane lies and false accusations against the Mayor, his colleagues or city employees any longer.

Of course, nothing will stop him from lying to the world at large and to anyone who listens to Haitian radio.

Because that’s what pathological liars do.  They lie.

When a sociopath like Frantz Pierre cheats his way into office, he can pull the wool over the eyes of uninformed citizens who naively believe that if a politician says it, it must be true.

Long time Frantzie Watchers, however, already know that his warped sense of reality is just a figment of his delusional imagination.

Luckily for the residents of North Miami Beach, there are five other City Council members who live in the real world, and who are not amused by Frantzie’s antics.

L’il Frantzie P constantly hurls false accusations against public officials and employees whenever it suits him.

As such, Councilwoman Marlen Martell is sponsoring a Resolution to censure and denounce the Spork Weasel for “inferring that the City’s procurement process in relation to [the sanitation bid] was tainted, for the false and unfounded statements inferring that certain City personnel related to the City’s subject procurement process (including the Mayor as well as members of the City Administration) were misusing their official positions, and for Councilman Pierre’s related violations of decorum.”

In other words, Frantzie is about to be bitch slapped for making shit up about the Mayor and others in order to derail the privatization of the sanitation department.

OMIGOD!  It’s déjà vu  all over again!

Chicken crossing roadThree years ago, when the first Request For Proposal (RFP) was issued and finalized, he accused the now-former Public Works Director Shari Kamali of conspiring with the then-winning bidder, Waste Pro.

According to an Internal Affairs Investigation conducted by Sgt. Richard Silberman on July 2, 2012, Frantzie publicly stated at the May 15, 2012 council meeting, “I can put on record that, I got at least two credible witnesses that can tell me, that the original vice-president of the winning bid company, has extensive conversation with Ms. Shari Kamali.”

As Sgt. Silberman also reported, Frantzie reiterated his ridiculous and false allegations from the dais at two subsequent council meetings.

At the June 5, 2012 meeting he insisted, “Once again, when the time is right, the Council and the City will know the truth. I got irrefutable evidence that there were discussions, there were contact between Ms. Kamali and the individual.  I got credible witnesses and I stand by it.”  Frantz also exclaimed, “I got more information that I will disclose at a later date.  I got information that will blow your mind.”

And finally, at the June 15, 2012 meeting, when one of his colleagues and the former city manager demanded his “irrefutable evidence,” Frantz stated, “I got at least two credible witnesses who can tell me that the regional Vice-President of the winning bid company has extensive conversation with Miss Shari Kamali.”

When asked to produce his “irrefutable evidence” and “two credible witnesses,” FRANTZ PRODUCED NOTHING!


Not only did Frantz Pierre NOT blow ANYONE’S mind, HE MADE UP THE ENTIRE FREAKING STORY!

pants on fireThat Internal Affairs Investigation literally went nowhere.  After publicly humiliating Ms. Kamali, and attempting to destroy her reputation and have her fired, on June 29, 2012 Frantz Pee-Aire told Sgt. Silberman that he “NO LONGER WISHED TO PURSUE THIS MATTER!”

At the time, I told Ms. Kamali that if I were her, I would have sued the crap out of Frantz Pierre, AND the City of North Miami Beach for not putting a stop to his behavior.  But she just wanted the entire distasteful incident to die a quiet death.

In the final analysis, Sgt. Silberman found ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE that Ms. Kamali committed any wrongdoing whatsoever.  He closed his investigation by noting, “Due to Councilman Pierre’s decision to not provide a formal allegation and not bring forth any claimed evidence or witnesses, this investigation cannot proceed further.”

In essence, everyone knew that Frantzie was full of crap, but no one did a damn freaking thing about it.

Former City Manager Lyndon Bonner merely asked Sgt. Silberman to investigate the incident in order to determine if there was any basis to Frantzie’s bogus allegations.  As we all know, there was absolutely no truth to any of them!

That particular Internal Affairs Investigation was only one of FIVE that were conducted on Frantz Pierre between May of 2009 and July of 2012.

The first investigation took place during a time period beginning May 31, 2009 through September 27, 2009.  Frantz was CAUGHT ON CAMERA bringing unknown individuals into City Hall, using the City Manager’s office without authorization, and stealing city water, at all hours of the night when the building was closed.  Despite the fact that Sgt. Silberman confirmed that Frantzie committed all these infractions, there were no consequences!

Three of the other investigations arose when he made accusations of wrongdoing against city employees, all of which turned out to be FALSE.

Another investigation was initiated when Frantz was suspected of tampering with the water meter at the North Miami Beach home of one of those city employees.

At the end of the day, however, an Internal Affairs division of a Police Department has no jurisdiction over any person not employed by that department.  Since it could not be proven that Frantz committed an actual crime (as opposed to his moral and ethical violations), the Internal Affairs Investigations were basically a waste of time and money.

I’m not sure why any previous City Manager or City Attorney never reported Frantz to the State Attorney’s Office or even the Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust.  In retrospect, had anyone demanded investigations by either one of those agencies, the Frantzie Problem might have been resolved years ago.

FrantzPierreJailThe very fact that a Censure Resolution has FINALLY been proposed, which also provides for a formal complaint to the Ethics Commission, we can all rest assured that this  City Manager and this  City Attorney are not about to put up with Frantzie’s bullshit for even one minute more.


Frantzie is also FINALLY being investigated for his well known, but officially alleged,  criminal acts of absentee ballot fraud, which is how he got himself “re-elected” the last three times.

He can’t run for office again in four years, but, hopefully the investigation will result in his arrest before he’s able to pull the same tricks in the 2017 election.

It’s common knowledge that Frantzie aims to stack the City Council in two years with his fellow partners in crime, Paule Villard, Pradel Vilme and McKenzie Fleurimond.

Frantzie and co-conspirators

(Note to McKenzie: I told you I was watching you.  Behave yourself!)

After all the crap that Frantz Pierre has pulled since he’s been occupying a seat on the dais, let’s keep our fingers crossed that his latest missteps will land his scrawny ass in the hoosegow where he belongs.

Until now, Frantzie could do and say whatever he wanted with impunity.

Until now, he could continue to lie about anything and everything, falsely making accusations of wrongdoing without proof.

Until now, no one has called him out on his bullshit.

Yes, he will continue to cry wolf on Haitian radio that he’s being “bullied by those awful white people.”

But that crap won’t fly at City Hall any longer!

In the days before political correctness all but destroyed chivalry, one’s reputation was worth more than gold.  A real man guarded his honor and defended his good name, even if it meant getting his knuckles blooded in the process.  Smarmy dirtbags like Frantz frequently had their asses kicked until they learned to behave.  Being asked to “take it outside” was the only thing weasels like him truly understood.

I have no idea how the Mayor maintained his cool after Frantzie publicly – and falsely – accused him of wrongdoing.  That he was able to remain civil is truly a sign of self-control and, obviously, good breeding.

Luckily for Frantz, I’m not George.  If he had done that to me on the dais, all bets would be off.  Hell, I’d love to drop kick that little cretin right now just on General Principle alone.

Which is obviously why he avoids me like the plague.

In any event, instead of asking an obnoxious buffoon like Frantzie to simply step outside for a man to man chat, the best anyone can do now is pass Resolutions of Censure, file complaints with the Ethics Commission, provide evidence to the State Attorney’s Office, and then hope for the best.

While a good, old fashioned ass whooping would be a heck of a lot more effective, this will have to do for now.

Most people learn their lessons from public shaming.  But, considering that sociopaths have a complete lack of remorse, shame or guilt, even a censuring by his colleagues on the dais won’t put an end to his abhorrent behavior.

Frantz Pierre is a true menace to society.  The only solution to the Frantzie Problem is a very long stint in prison.

Where he will get his ass kicked on a daily basis.

And that  would be justice truly served!

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

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4 thoughts on “Frantzie Watch: Enough is finally ENOUGH!

  1. Steph, you forgot to mention the fact that he admitted at the Washington Park Candidate Forum that he has 8 registered voters living in his 3 bedroom 2 bath home, in addition to his five minor children. He is either aiding and abetting voter fraud or is violating the City’s single-family residence zoning by having 13 people living in his home.

  2. One thing for sure, Pierre the Coward will be a no-show at the next Council meeting. He doesn’t have the balls to take it like a man.

  3. As a clinical psychiatrist, I have observed Franz Pierre on numerous occasions. Although it would be unethical to diagnose his condition without a personal consultation, I can offer an opinion based upon my clinical observations and a possible diagnosis of his behavior. .

    His character traits put him somewhere in the Asperger’s spectrum, possibly with extreme pathological demand avoidance (PDA) syndrome which he probably developed in his childhood.

    He typically exhibits obsessive behavior with a lack of boundaries. He lacks an understanding of his colleagues and suffers from excessive mood swings, often switching violently as if he were a Doctor Jekyll and M. Hyde personality. He has real problems in controlling his temper which can take the form of prolonged tantrums along with violent outbursts. Examples of these were his interactions with other city employees.

    For those afflicted with PDA Syndrome, they do not have the ability to see the bigger picture and have a desire to dominate perceived subordinates. While they may understand the rules of human behavior, they feel these rules do not apply to them. His ability to avoid making decisions can include distraction, refusal, excuses, arguments and delay along with suggestions of ridiculous alternatives or in a severe manifestation such as what he appears to have, a complete withdrawal into fantasy.

    If he is goaded into complying with normal ethical standards, such as complying with a city code or ordinance, he can become verbally or physically aggressive with severe behavioral outbursts.

    These traits excessively impair his ability to conform to normal behavior which may explain the allegations of him threatening employees, disgracing their reputations, and committing other heinous acts

    Unless he is removed either by a recall vote, by the governor for criminal activity, or term expiration, the city council and the public will continue to be subject to his excessive-compulsive behavior.

  4. If it’s true that Franz Pierre is committing voter fraud or violating a city zoning ordinance, then why isn’t the elections department or the city’s code enforcement board pursuing this?

    Al Capone was a bad guy who did a lot of bad things, but what ultimately got him convicted was something as simple as income tax evasion. Same thing with this dirt-bag, if he isn’t prosecuted for his abuse of city employees, his theft of cases of water, or him libelous statements, go after him on the elections fraud and/or code issues.

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