That’s what campaign donations are for, Hillary!

My hard driveThe Miami Herald posted an article today regarding Hillary Clinton’s campaign stop at Broward College in Davie, Florida.

The article noted, “William Cachinero, an assistant special agent in charge of the Miami field office for the Secret Service, said that the Secret Service asked Davie police if they could supplement security. Clinton already gets Secret Service protection since she is a former First Lady but the Secret Service wanted extra protection for her public campaign organizational meeting at Broward College in Friday afternoon.”

Mr. Cachinero also stated, “Davie has had a lot of visits this year with the Dalai Lama, the Vice President was here last month so it eats up their overtime quickly.  We understand a small town like that they don’t have money to pay overtime and they don’t want to hurt their constituents by diverting assets away from normal patrol to cover this type of event.”

A spokesperson from Davie, Anita Reid, confirmed that “the Davie police and fire departments have participated in the planning meetings regarding Clinton’s visit,” and stated that, “The Town of Davie will absorb our cost related to assisting the Secret Service.  The Town has contingency funding available for unscheduled events.”

As a resident and taxpayer of the Town of Davie, I object to having to pay out one dime of our resources for Hillary Clinton’s drive by.

I am not a Clinton supporter, as most of you know.  But, I would have the same objection for any other candidate running for office, including any Republican.

ALL political candidates should pay their own way!

Mrs. Clinton is not an elected official, but a candidate running for political office.  She should be footing the bill for all expenses related to her campaign, including security.

As such, I wrote a letter to the Mayor, my Commissioner and the Town Administrator this morning letting them know how I feel.

I wrote:

Dear Mayor Paul, Commissioner Caletka and City Manager Lemack,

As a taxpaying resident of the Town of Davie, I am writing to voice my objection at your spending any additional money for Secret Service costs for Hillary Clinton’s visit to Broward College today.

She is NOT an elected or government official, and has no right to demand that our tax dollars pay for her security. She should dip into her own campaign funds to pay for her campaign stops!

Thank you for considering my opinion.

Stephanie Kienzle

Oh, boy.  I was so good until now.

I promised myself I would not get involved in Davie politics.  I figured I already have enough “enemies” in North Miami and North Miami Beach.  I really tried to be incognito here and not make waves in my new home town.

I should have known better.

Stephanie Kienzle
“Spreading the Wealth”

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4 thoughts on “That’s what campaign donations are for, Hillary!

  1. Why would a city have to pay her way? That is tax payer money. She is a candidate and needs to pay her own way. She is used to being a free loader so just expects it. Remember how POOR she said she was. What BS.

  2. Your are right on so what if you made enemies in North Miami Beach you have also made friends. Who does she think she is. Clinton has received numerous donations from countries like Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and other countries who are known human rights violators.
    She has a billion dollars in her war chest better known as the Clinton Foundation that took millions of dollars to help people in Haiti yet there is know record of her doing anything for the people of Haiti. The fact that she is in your neighborhood looking for donations means and does not want to pay for anything means she thinks she is above the average person and she is supposed to be the champion of the middle class. Wow, how much more money do you need. She is a very selfish and avaricious person.

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