Frantzie Watch: The Weasel’s gone, but the heat’s still on!

In case you haven’t heard by now, former North Miami Beach Commissioner Frantz Pierre, who was “re-elected” by absentee ballot fraud, not only lost his frivolous lawsuit against City Attorney Jose Smith and former Deputy City Manager Mac Serda, but he was also finally ejected from the dais for not doing his job.

And, yeah, we’ll miss him like we miss an abscessed tooth after a root canal.

On the evening of Monday, February 5, 2018, the Mayor and Commission held a special meeting for the purpose of discussing “The Process of Filling a Vacant Commission Seat Under the City Charter (Mayor and Commission).”

As predicted, Frantzie’s former colleague/fellow absentee ballot fraudster, Phyllis Smith, wasted no time defending the Weasel’s “honor.”

And in the next breath, she nominated her crony, William Dean, Esq., to take his place.

Alrighty then.

Phyllis then read a letter from Ben Keuhne, who objected to his client’s removal and replacement.

Frantzie’s high powered (and high-priced) lawyer, who has no reasonable expectation of being paid for his services, wrote, “Even as he slowly recovers from a serious medical condition, he has attended to his duties and responsibilities as an elected public official. He continues to serve the interests of the public and his constituents.”

Um, no.

Not only has Frantzie not physically attended meetings for over 120 days, as required by Section 2.5 of the City Charter, but he has absolutely never  served the interests of the public or his constituents.  The only interest Frantz has ever served is his bank account – at the expense of the taxpaying public.

And also at the expense of his faithful brethren at the Haitian Evangelical Baptist Church by stealing $2,500.00 from its coffers.

But, we digress.

Mr. Keuhne also wrote, “Commissioner Pierre intends to seek enforcement of his status as an elected official in good standing, and disputes the ability of the Commission to declare a vacancy or act to fill the seat to which he was elected and still occupies by the affirmative vote of the citizens of North Miami Beach.”

Again … um, no.

Frantz Pierre was never legitimately re-elected since his seat was first bought for him in 2007.  In fact, he’s manipulated every single election since that time.

In 2009, he “beat” his challenger, former Councilman Kenneth A. DeFillipo, by a scarce 15 votes due to his engineering of illegal ballot stuffing at the Allen Park precinct just as the polls were closing.

That was also the year there were nine registered “voters” living in his home, including one Marie Eleazard, who voted by absentee ballot … from her home in Pembroke Pines!

She would also be the same Marie Eleazard who not only helped Frantzie “win” re-election in 2011 by casting an absentee ballot while she was fraudulently registered to vote at La Maison de Pierre, but who also stole $10,000.00 from the North Miami Beach Police Department’s Law Enforcement Trust Fund through a now defunct “non-profit” corporation, Center for Family Empowerment, Inc.

Although Frantzie’s seat was not in the running during the 2013 election, in an attempt to gain a majority on the dais, he installed two of his cronies into the race, including a carpetbagger from Miramar.  Despite his theft of multiple absentee ballots, which was caught on video by undercover public corruption officers, neither of his candidates won.

In 2015, he “won” his seat back against his challenger, Ketley Joachim, by 92 “votes.”  Although Ms. Joachim handily won at the polls in early voting and election day voting, she lost the absentee ballot tally by 122 votes.

So, no, Mr. Keuhne, your client is not an “elected official in good standing,” nor has he ever received “the affirmative vote of the citizens of North Miami Beach.”

By the way, Mr. Keuhne, has Frantzie paid your fees yet?  You might not want to hold your breath waiting for the check.

You also might want to reconsider your claim that your client is slowly recovering from a “serious medical condition.”

Um, no.  Again.

If Frantzie had undergone “quadruple bypass major heart surgery,” as his other lawyer alleged  in his frivolous Federal discrimination lawsuit, why did he have an internist instead of his cardiac surgeon, submit a Medical Letter to the U.S. District Court?

Sorry, Mr. Keuhne.  We have it on good authority that Frantzie isn’t as physically ill as he’s pretending to be.

But, more on that in a moment.

It is truly unfathomable how Frantz Pierre has been able to occupy his seat on the dais for so long.  That he’s still not in prison is one of life’s greatest mysteries.

Fortunately for North Miami Beach residents, Mr. Keuhne’s demand that his client keep his seat on the dais was ignored.

Just for Shitz & Giggles, though (and because we really, really  love telling it), let’s recap all of the criminal activities perpetrated by this Napoleon-like thug since he made his first appearance at City Hall.

In addition to stealing money from the church, Frantz Pierre has:

Frantzie is also the subject of an investigation being conducted by the Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust for “exploitation of [his now-former] official position.”  (If you really wanna laugh out loud, read his sworn deposition, chock-full of Frantzie lies, to the Ethics Commission on August 8, 2017.)

With all the hot water Frantz Pierre has gotten himself into, you’d think he’d do his best to lay low and stay out of trouble.  But, no, he just can’t help himself.  Once a con artist, always a con artist.

Here’s the latest in Frantzie News.

On December 6, 2016, the Mayor and Commission passed Resolution R2016-105, in which they voted to donate “surplus and obsolete equipment that is no longer needed” to ASAP Haiti Relief, Incorporated, an alleged  non-profit organization “representing several Mayors of cities in Haiti.”

Yeah, we hear you giggling.

This organization was formed on October 21, 2016, less than two months before the Resolution was passed.

Sources have told us that this organization was brought to the Mayor and Commission by none other than Frantz Pierre, who also voted for the Resolution.  We’re told that Frantzie tried to slip this legislation in under the Consent Agenda in the hopes no one would notice.  After it was moved to Legislation, per the Meeting Minutes, it passed 7-0.  We’re also told this “surplus and obsolete equipment” was in the form of city trucks.

Although ASAP Haiti Relief, Incorporated filed for 501(3)(c) status with the IRS, making it eligible to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions, is has never filed the required Form 990-N.  In addition, this company was administratively dissolved on May 1, 2017 for not filing it’s 2017 Annual Report.

Fast forward to February 5, 2018, the day of the special meeting to replace the Weasel.

Imagine the surprise on the folks over at the Public Works Department when Frantzie showed up that morning with two cronies in tow, a man and a woman.  According to my sources, Frantz asked to see “his” trucks  so that he can arrange for a tow truck to pick them up later in the day.  Frantzie then took pictures of the trucks in question, then left and never came back.

Yes, you read that correctly!

Mind you, this is the same Frantz Pierre who was too sick to show up to Commission meetings for over 120 days!  He was also too sick to attend the meeting that night to defend himself, but had no problem showing up at Public Works to remove city vehicles!

Memo to Ben Keuhne:  We told you so!

In yet another bizarre twist, the alleged  non-profit, ASAP Haiti Relief, Incorporated was hurriedly reinstated on February 15, 2018 – just ten days after Frantzie tried to grab them for himself.

Does anyone actually believe that these trucks were ever going to be shipped to Haiti in the first place?

If so, we have lots of bridges in Brooklyn to sell you.

We have no clue what’s going to happen next, but you can bet we’re on top of this story.

In the meantime, the Mayor and Commission are tasked with finding a replacement Commissioner, and we have plenty to say about that as well.

Stay tuned.


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13 thoughts on “Frantzie Watch: The Weasel’s gone, but the heat’s still on!

  1. Replace him with Michael Joseph the Haitian community in my block is very angry they want Michael. So does that Latino community he is the most qualified for the job.

    1. He’s not the only qualified candidate. We have our own opinion on this matter. Stay tuned for the next blog.

          1. I have seen Michael Joseph fight for our community. You know what I’m talking about. He’s got street cred. Ketley and Michael do things differently. Michael is an attorney and stands on his own. Ketley is a hard worker but doesn’t think about how the city can be better. She goes with the flow.

          2. I will repeat here the comment I wrote on my subsequent blog post:

            “You don’t need a be a lawyer to be qualified to represent the citizens. This isn’t about about law degrees or having one’s name on the roster of multiple boards. It’s about the amount of time and effort one exerts to help improve the lives of the people who live in the city one represents. Ketley works tirelessly, day after day, and her own expense I might add, to do advocate for the residents of NMB.

            Ironically, she also spent countless hours, days and weeks, running all over NMB to help Michael collect evidence of the absentee ballot fraud committed by Phyllis (and Frantz). I know this because I did, too, along with others who were outraged that he “lost” to her.

            Maybe he forgot what she did for him. I didn’t.”

            I don’t think I need to say more, if you get my drift.

  2. I wonder how far Ben will take this case. Will he take it to the courts to rule on the constitutionality of the removal from office provision in the City Charter?

    This could get interesting.

    1. Since the Weasel can’t afford to pay him, I seriously doubt it’s going anywhere. I also know the City is prepared to fight back.

  3. Ketly Joachim is the most involved and best
    Qualified!!! NMB supports Ketly Joachim.
    Ketly Joachim es la más involucrara y más calificada
    Todos respaldamos a Ketly Joachim

  4. Steph, who is this Raffy troll who only shows up when its election time tooting the horn for Michael Joseph. While Mike may be a great candidate, I would be reluctant to vote for him in an election because of the Raffy troll who seems to be glued to his ass. I don’t like voting for someone because of their color or their ethnicity as apparently Raffy Troll does.

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