And another thing… NMB Vice Mayor Barbara Kramer’s statement on why you MUST vote out the despicable Michael Joseph!

North Miami Beach Vice Mayor Barbara Kramer

More than two years ago, then candidate Michael Joseph’s wannabe campaign surrogate, best friend, best man at his wedding and godfather to his son, Hector Roos, tried to publicly humiliate me by sending vicious emails under the alias, “Ike Runner,” to our city clerk, city attorney, candidates running for NMB office, my colleagues, our residents, and all local news media, and claiming that I am not a bona fide resident of the city.

He did this in response to the fact that I recently moved from the home I raised my family in into a nearby townhouse, both of which are inside the city limits. His concern is that I had resided outside the city during the time I sold my home and relocated. For weeks he badgered the clerk and the attorney continuously demanding proof of my residence. It was common knowledge among my neighbors and friends that I changed residences on the same day. In fact, I immediately also changed my driver’s license and voter registration, and brought all necessary documentation to city hall as any responsible public servant would do – unlike the completely irresponsible Michael Joseph who can’t even turn in his campaign treasurer’s reports on time!

At the time I had no idea who was sending these emails. I was so grateful that so many people publicly defended me, including blogger Stephanie Kienzle and mayoral candidate Robert Dempster, against this relentless attack. Michael’s surrogate also publicized personal information about me in an attempt to humiliate me. During early voting for the 2018 election an individual in possession of a series of earlier emails from Hector Roos, came forward with irrefutable proof that Roos was, in fact, “Ike Runner.”

This evil attack on me and my character was Michael Joseph’s revenge for not appointing him to a vacant commission seat, which Hector Ross pestered me for days on end to do. Instead, I chose to appoint Ingrid Forbes, which apparently enraged Michael. Soon afterward, the vicious “Ike Runner” email attack began.

Not realizing the connection between Michael and Ike Runner, when the next vacancy occurred, I did choose Michael in the first round. In the second round, I chose Evan Piper, and in retrospect, that was the best decision I could have made.

I can only imagine how angry at myself I would have been if I had been instrumental in Michael Joseph being appointed as a commissioner only to find out that he and Hector were behind those vicious attack emails against me.

If that weren’t bad enough, during the 2018 campaign, Michael told Robert Dempster that I was endorsing him. He set me up after inviting me to a Miami-Dade Democrats meeting at which Mr. Dempster was expecting me to have my picture taken with him for his announcement of my endorsement. Imagine how embarrassed I was, and how upset Mr. Dempster was, when he learned that I had no intention of doing so. I ran from that meeting in tears, worrying that Mr. Dempster must have thought I was a horrible person for breaking a promise that I never made – and it was all Michael Joseph’s fault!

The list of despicable things that Michael Joseph has done to me and to others goes on and on. As you can see, this race is very personal for me. It should also be personal for every voter in North Miami Beach. If Michael Joseph can do these things to me, he will most certainly do it to you as well.

I am just so grateful that a candidate of faith and humility, respectfulness and honesty has taken it upon himself to challenge the deceitful, manipulative Michael “Mike” Joseph.

Vote for Antonio Ortega in the Group 7 Seat by punching #159 on November 3, 2020.

Let’s bring real honesty, civility and grace back to our government.

Vice Mayor Barbara Kramer
City of North Miami Beach

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5 thoughts on “And another thing… NMB Vice Mayor Barbara Kramer’s statement on why you MUST vote out the despicable Michael Joseph!

  1. Barbara, as I read this it occurred to me that this man is not just your run-of-the-mill disappointed candidate but he sounds like he has major mental issues. There’s no other way to explain these kind of orchestrated, obsessed attacks against you. It’s simply not normal. I have known you for years. You are one of the most honest, hard working and ethical people I’ve ever met. You did not deserve this. It’s sad because we are dealing with a similar situation with a male candidate in Sunny Isles Beach who is publishing vile attacks on two female opponents. The attacks against one of them were fabricated and deliberately surfaced once she registered to run against him. It’s beyond me why anyone would think people like these guys are elected official material. Who would vote for someone like that? I hope and pray all goes well for NMB in the end. You’ve been through a lot.

  2. Wow! I don’t know that it gets much skeezier than this. This is exactly why so many Barbara Kramers, decent people, don’t get involved in local politics. I have great respect for Ms. Kramer for standing up to this and continuing to fight the right fight.

    1. Most politicians are too “polite” to call out their colleagues when they behave badly. Or, as in Michael’s case, commit ethical and/or criminal violations. Barbara hates government corruption as much as I do, and she has no problem telling the truth. That’s one of the reasons she’s so damn awesome. Barbara don’t give AF! I love it!!!

    2. Thank you Kevin. And I have the utmost respect for you and all you do!
      We all need to contribute to make sure good government prevails.

  3. Thank you so much Jeanette!
    It’s a real shame what is occurring in our cities. If things weren’t bad enough, now we’re being preyed upon by partisan politics which has no room in our local elections. Unfortunately citizens don’t even realize how orchestrated the endorsements are. No one bothers to seek the truth, they see red, they vote the slate, they see blue, they vote the slate without question. We know for a fact, some endorsements are even paid for.

    You are an awesome person and were a terrific elected official in SIB. You always helped me with the initiative, Socks on a String for Homeless Awareness Day. Those were the days my friend

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