Flash! Flash! Flash! NMB Temporary Vice Mayor Paule Villard is Beyond Stupid!

North Miami Beach Temporary Vice Mayor Paule Villard is not just your average, run of the mill village idiot.  The woman is painfully stupid!

While Anthony DeFillipo is out of the country on official City business, the power hungry, but Dumb AF Paule actually believes she’s the “Acting Mayor.”

She posted on Facebook yesterday this little gem:

Dreadful grammar aside, Paule Villard es más que estúpida!

As an elected official for a municipality, maybe she should have consulted her City’s Municode before Flash! Flash! Flashing! to the world that she has no idea what’s she’s talking about.

Article II, Sec. 2-23 clearly states:

“The ViceMayor shall, at the request of the Mayor, or upon determination by the Commission in the absence or disability of the Mayor, act in such absence or disability and shall exercise the powers of the Mayor when so acting. In addition the ViceMayor shall, at the request of the Mayor, represent the Mayor and the City in connection with any affair or function at which the City is to be represented. He shall perform such other duties as the Commission may by motion, resolution or ordinance prescribe.”

Not only did the Mayor NOT request her to “represent [him] or the City in connection with any affair or function,” but nowhere in the City Charter or Code of Ordinances is the phrase “Acting Mayor” even mentioned.

Hey, Paule!

Then again, considering the fact that she can’t string a coherent sentence together on the dais, it’s quite probable she can’t read, either.

Paule Villard is nothing but a con artist and a grifter, who acts like she’s the Queen of NMB.

For twenty years, she pretended to be a police officer at the City of Miami while hiding out in Little Haiti and shopping while on the clock.

According to her employee file, in her position as a Miami Police Department Community Affairs Unit PAL Officer, Paule Villard received her annual Employee Evaluation on January 23, 2013 for service during the period of December 26, 2011 to December 25, 2012.  In five of 62 categories, Villard received a rating of “Needs Improvement (NI),” and “Satisfactory (S)” in all the rest except for “Grooming and dress,” for which she received an “Above Average (AA)” rating.

Villard’s supervisor noted that Villard received the NI ratings in the following categories:

  1. Leave and Attendance:  “Officer Villard failed to notify her immediate supervisor that she would be out of the office for two months due to a personal injury.”
  2. Supervise activities/events:  “Officer Villard must supervise all PAL activities/events.  She cannot exclude herself because she is not familiar with the sport.”
  3. Situational awareness:  “Officer Villard must remain alert and aware of her surroundings while on duty.”
  4. Generate and submit monthly PAL reports:  “Officer Villard must submit monthly reports as required without being told to do so.”
  5. Accepts supervision and direction:  “Officer Villard failed to follow directives from the Unit Commander.”

For each of the above infractions, Paule Villard received “counseling.”

Mall Cop Paule’s constant screw-ups did not go unnoticed by actual City of Miami Police Officers, who regularly bitch slapped her on the Miami Police Department’s LEO Affairs page.  Here’s our personal favorite:

Ironically, the moron who played “cop” for twenty years will have her moment of glory playing “mayor” tomorrow at a suspiciously timed emergency Commission meeting called by her personal house boy, City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey.

According to a Herald Article 07-02-21 just posted, North Miami Beach condo ordered to close, evacuate after inspection said structurally unsafe, “The city of North Miami Beach has ordered that Crestview Towers Condominium be immediately closed and evacuated Friday evening after a building inspection report found it to have unsafe structural and electrical conditions, city officials announced Friday night.  The city said the building’s residents are being evacuated in an ‘abundance of caution.'”

Apparently, the condominium association received “a recertification report from January in which an engineer concluded that the building was structurally and electrically unsafe.”

And yet, the association allegedly waited more than six months to submit it to the City?

Duke Sorey claims he received the six-month old report right now.

While the Mayor just happens to be out of town.

And while Paule Villard just happens to be the Temporary Vice Mayor?

So of course, he just had to spring into action and order the 156-unit condominium to be immediately closed and toss all those residents out on the street.

On a Friday night.

At the start of a long holiday weekend.

Just so Paule can pretend to be the Mayor of North Miami Beach.

Elections really do have consequences.

Thanks to the embarrassingly stupid Paule Villard and the exceedingly corrupt Duke Sorey, the City of North Miami Beach is truly the laughing stock of Miami-Dade County.

Unfortunately, there’s no coming back from this disaster.


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3 thoughts on “Flash! Flash! Flash! NMB Temporary Vice Mayor Paule Villard is Beyond Stupid!

  1. Where does one begin with this? She’s an ass Clown of epic proportions, leading NMB as the laughing stock of Miami-Dade County.

    You say it so well Ms. Kienzle, graphics and all.

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