Thin-skinned North Miami Mayor Philippe Bien-Aime get his ass handed to him by Laura Hill on Facebook. And it’s a beautiful thing!

North Miami Mayor Philippe Bien-Aime is infamous for ignoring his crumbling City, while gouging taxpayers for hundreds of thousands of dollars to live like a king.

As long as he gets to drive around the City, the County, and beyond in his City-leased 2020 GMC Yukon SLE, at a taxpayer cost of $917.95 per month, and gas it up at the City’s pumps, he couldn’t care less about the residents who finance his extravagant lifestyle.

As King Philippe parties hard on City dime, oblivious to all the problems he personally caused, as well as the multi-million budget deficit created by former-Deputy/Interim City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey, you’d think the last thing he would have time for is to troll me on Facebook.

Yesterday, however, I seem to have struck a nerve in his callous soul.  For the first time ever, Philippe responded to my comment with a feeble attempt at what he thought was an insult.

It all started after I posted this delightful article by Tom Lauder of on Facebook.

As is typical on Facebook, folks started posting comments, starting with North Miami resident Jim Garrett.

Next thing you know, Laura Hill was on a roll tearing into him. That was all the impetus Laura Hill needed.

Pop some corn and watch the show.

Laura followed up her scathing comments with photos of the derelict buildings and subhuman living conditions in the City over which King Philippe reigns.

And she wasn’t done yet.

We’d like to believe that King Philippe got the message, but sadly we know this is not the case.  As Laura Hill so aptly said, Mayor Philippe Bien-Aime only cares about one person, and that’s himself.

He certainly didn’t care about his son before throwing him under the bus.

As for his “concern” that I take care of my cats first, he needn’t have worried.  I take better care of my cats than he does his own children.

And, unlike his kids, my cats will never be homeless because, unlike Philippe, I pay my mortgage.

Barring a miracle, Philippe’s foreclosure will be final on September 14, 2021, at which time he and his kids will be thrown into the street.

Stay tuned.


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10 thoughts on “Thin-skinned North Miami Mayor Philippe Bien-Aime get his ass handed to him by Laura Hill on Facebook. And it’s a beautiful thing!

  1. Typical politician from another poorly run country. Piss and moan about where they came from but yet corruptly run North Miami the way of Haiti. Hats off to the State Attorneys office for not following up on complaints out in the public veiw. Two fold to the Ethics committee who said I was biased towards Pierre who was protected by the police delartment.

    1. The State Attorney’s Office is useless. The Ethics Commission sometimes gets it right, but a couple of the Commission members are clueless. I saw that first hand at a hearing when one of them asked to hear from a witness whose testimony was already transcribed and included in the investigative report. He never even bothered to read the report! It’s like all he did was show up for the hearing without reviewing the case. I was stunned! Why is he even taking up space if he’s not interested in doing his job?

  2. Love how you are on point with you’re reporting… Sorry but votes say nothing if those who put you there, see nothing but corruption and lies. Sadly, he and God know who else don’t care nothing about residents. I to have sent emails directly to him, no response….
    Hope the foreclosure comes sooner. Popcorn, candy, my favorite drink will be there. Your cats are fine….

  3. Will he lose his position as Mayor when his house is foreclosed on and he no longer has a residence in the City. What about Mary Estime-Irvin? The City needs new leadership, but not all the registered voters go to the polls. Same with NMB, as the corruption has spread northward. Every registered voter needs to vote when the election season comes. You can see what happens when they don’t, as a voter minority becomes a majority and corrupt people get elected.

    1. I suppose if he’s living in his car, which is leased in the name of the City of North Miami, that could be considered his “residence.”

      You are so right about the electorate. Far too many voters are apathetic and don’t think that city elections are important, when in fact, they are THE most important elections of all! These corruptocrats know this and that’s why they concentrate on getting their supporters to the polls, even the ones who don’t actually live in the city. They have become experts at voter fraud because that’s where they put all their energies. Once elected, they focus on enriching themselves and their Friends & Family members at taxpayer expense. This is the North Miami playbook, and the new NMB criminals are following it to a tee.

      In fact, they are getting so comfortable at getting away with their crimes, they don’t even try to hide them anymore. They get away with everything because the State Attorney doesn’t give a shit, and the Ethics Commission is a divided body with half of the members asleep at the wheel.

      Either way, we will continue to expose them. Even if there are no consequences for their criminal actions, there will be a permanent record of them on the internet for posterity.

    1. Not just mayors. Councilwoman Mary Estime-Irvin is about to get ousted from the house she’s been squatting in since 2018. Start popping the corn.

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